3rd of May 2020
Joey Parker And The Giants
Some people say that they don't believe in magic. But I think that's only because they are unable to do it themselves. I spend plenty of hours watching videos of people performing magic tricks. Wondering how they have done it.
My name is Joey Parker. I live with my Granny Peggy and Grandpa George and my older teenage sister Danyel. Our grandparents took us to live with them after both of our parents died in a plane crash coming home from Italy.
Danyel is a teenager that likes her own space. The type of person that only talks when she haves to. But I am completely different from that. I talk to anybody. That makes Granny Peggy nervous.
All of the children that live by me are in their friend groups. And when I asked if I could join. They tell me, no and there's no room for losers like me. So I just play on my own.
Granny Peggy likes us indoors before sunset. That's means in the winter we have to go in at 4 pm on the dot. With the sun starting to set. I then said to Danyel that we best be getting back. To her telling me that I'm a scary cat.
We arrived back home and spelt our tea cooking. Fish and smiley face chips with peas. I gobbled it down only just leaving the patent on the plate.
After I and Danyel argued over who's going to clean up the dishes. I lost of course. After I had finished cleaning up the dishes. I went to join the rest of them in the living room.
With it now coming up to 9 pm. Grammy Peggy told us to start getting ready to go to bed. Which we then went to brush our teeth and put our pyjamas on and got into bed and fall fast asleep.
Good morning Britain. It's just after 7 o'clock on Thursday the 8th of March. It's going to be sunny most of the day. So get your sunscreen on and get in the garden.
I then got out of bed and made myself downstairs to the kitchen where Granny Peggy and Grandpa George were. Good morning Granny Peggy said to me. Good morning Granny Peggy. Where's Grandpa George. I asked Granny Peggy. To her telling that he getting the mail.
When he returned from getting the mail. He was looking through them and reading out loud who they were to. Miss Parker. MR Parker. And one for an MR J Potter.
I've got a letter I've got a real letter. I said excitedly. Which woke up Danyel. What, is all the shouting about. Danyel asked. As she entered the kitchen.
I've got a letter look, look, yes well done. She said. Rolling her eyes and carrying on to make her breakfast. I then began to open my letter. Wondering about what it was going to say.
It read. Dear MR Joey Parker, you have been accepted to go to Rich Lambs school. You will need to bring a wand. A broomstick. And a pet of your own choice. Finishing with Yours truly, MR Jayman the headteacher of Ritch Lambs school.
I then went to get dressed in my checked shirt. And checked if my jeans were clean and ironed and I packed up. I then went out for my last walk around our little village.
Seeing the other kids hanging out with each other. I thought to try to see if they would let me hang out with them. I slowly walked up to them. And asked them what were they doing. To them calling me a no parents little freak and laughing.
I then made myself home to watch videos of people doing magic for the rest of the night. With finding that I've watched every magic video that is on the internet. I then checked the time to see that it was coming up to 5 o'clock. Everybody around the dinner table for tea. Granny Peggy called out.
Granny Peggy then said that this is going to be the last meal that we were going to have has a full family together for a while so let's enjoy it.
After we had eating it. I then ts clean the dishes again. After I had finished cleaning the dishes. I headed to my bedroom to watch more magic videos.
With checking the time and seeing that it was coming up to 9 pm. I then got my pyjamas on and got in bed. I couldn't fall asleep for a while with excitement.
Good morning Britain. It's just after 7 o'clock on Thursday the 9th of March. It's going to be overcast today. So make sure you take a jacket with you if you're heading off out.
I then jumped up out of bed. And ran downstairs. Morning Granny Peggy and Grandpa George. Good morning Joey. It's a big day for you today. Grandpa George said before taking a sip of his cup of tea.
With seeing it was coming up to 8 o'clock. I then made myself upstairs to go to get the train. When I was finished getting ready. I made myself downstairs. Wow, look at you. Granny Peggy said whiles she licks the corner of tissue to clean the toothpaste off my chin.
I then said I've got to go. And with giving Grampa George a little kiss. I then heard Danyel say so did you think you were leaving without saying goodbye to me. I then went over and hugged her and made myself out.
With making my way to Dina Alley train. I was met by a man. That looked like he was a giant. Hello, I'm Gendoff. The groundskeeper of Rich Lambs school.
I think you already got anything for school. To me answering with no. Gendoff said that I want to go to Wandy's Wand Store. There's no better place to go.
We walked across the cobbles over to Wandy's Wand Store. And Gendoff pushes the door open and telling me to go inside. I then stepped inside looking around the store. I press. Looking at all of the different types of wands. Big ones. Little ones. One's that looked like a tree branch. And one that looked like an old man's nose.
I then saw a wand that had a metal going around the handle. I then called the storekeeper. Coming now. A short rounded man came from the back of the store. And said hello, young man can I help you. I then went to tell him that I want to purchase a wand. To him telling me that I'm in the right place.
I then saw a wand that looked like a witches finger. I will have that one, please. I said to the man to him looking at me and replying with yes sir. I then collected my wand. That was in a bag that seemed to be made from velvet. I then left the store to see Gendoff holding what looked like a little English toy terrier puppy.
With putting the little puppy in my arms. And asking what am I going to call her. To me answering with Beni-lee. Gendoff then told me that my train will be leaving soon so we have to get there. We then made the journey to Dina Alley to catch my train.
With arriving at Dina Alley. Gendoff told me that my train leaves in 4 minutes and don't be late. As I was checking the platform that my train was on. I then looked up to find that Gendoff had disappeared. I made myself on the train with Beni-lee and found an empty carriage.
As I was sitting there playing with Beni-lee. A boy came outside of my carriage and popped his head in to ask if he can join me. I then said of course.
It's Jack by the way. Jack Slices. Hi Jack. I'm Joey Parker. Jack then looked at Beni-lee and said aww how cute can I hold it. To me saying yes.
Jack went over to the grate. And opened up Beni-lee's crate. Hello, girl aren't you just beautiful. He then took her out of the crate to have a play.
Has he was playing. The train trolley lady came with sweets and drinks. Jack jumped up and opened the carriage door what startled Beni-lee. Making her run out of the carriage.
Oh my god. Jack said. We popped our heads out looking if we could see where Beni-lee had gone. After seeing no sign of her. I then said to Jack that we had to try to find her. To him agreeing with me.
As we were passing the carriages looking for Beni-lee. We come to a carriage to find Beni-lee was jumping all over a girl licking her face. I quickly pulled Beni-lee off her saying sorry.
She laughed and asked our names. I'm Joey Parker and this is Jack Slices. She then went onto say that her name is Megan Style.
She then asked us she could join us. To me saying yes. She then came and set down next to Jack and started to ask us what lessons we were doing. To us saying that we didn't have a clue.
With hearing a driver saying over the pa system that we will be arriving soon. We then went to get ourselves dressed in our school robes.
As we were getting closer to Ritch Lambs. It looked like it had been built in the 15th century. As the train pulled into the station. The train driver came over the pa system and said. Welcome to Ritch Lambs. This is your home for the next year. Enjoy.
The train doors slowly dissolve. Which made everyone gasped and say wow. We all sept out onto the platform to be met by Gendoff. Who then told us to follow him.
Has we were reaching Ritch Lambs. I noticed two lions made of stone. Standing on each side of the school's entrance. Which the girl that was sitting behind me gasp.
Gendoff then told us to stay where we are as he walked up to the big iron doors. And with pulling out his wand and giving it a little flick. The doors slowly started opening by themselves to reveal a big hallway. Which had fire lightings hanging in mid-air.
As we were walking looking at all of the old paintings. We then came to a set of doors. Which also opened by themselves to what looked like a canteen.
As we headed into the canteen. We saw 4 long tables with tree stumps coming up from the floor. They had the names on there reading StateHouse Hold, Wilo Household, Speech HouseHold, new students.
We went and sat down. With Jack letting out a big burp. Which made everyone look and laugh. With him going the colour of beetroot. He then tried to hid behind Megan.
And then two teachers appeared from nowhere. Which made all of the first-year students jump. Welcome to Rich Lambs School. The home of magic. Said the teacher who had a long black beard. Who remained me of a black beard Father Christmas. My name is MR Jayman. The headteacher of Ritch Lambs school.
This is going to be your home now for a year. You'll eat, sleep, and face challenges beyond your imaginations. Which made the teachers look at each other like they knew something that we didn't.
MR Jayman went on to say that the students are going to be sorted into houses. And when he calls a student's name out. That student will come up so we can sort which house they are going to be in.
He began to read out names. Ben Jones. Selly Taylor. Megan Style. She got housed in State House Hold. Then MR Jayman called out Jack Slices. What also got housed in State House. MR Jayman went on to call my name out.
He looked at me and smiled and said that I was a hard student to housed. But with spending hours thinking. We decided to put you in State House. That made all of the students in State House cheered.
With going to sit back by Jack and Megan. MR Jayman got up from his golden tall backed chair. And went on to say that the Yamie The Quiet Forest is forbidden to all first-year students. Any first years that get caught will be expelled.
MR Jayman then introduced Miss Ritchbum who teacher's Wands And Spells. And then he introduced MR Markles who teacher's witchcraft. And MR Longfeet who teacher's mind control. And our groundskeeper Gendoff. And our Spell Radio Dj's George And Kelly. And not forgetting Rich Lambs took shopkeeper. MR Sort Willie. Which all of the students laughed at.
MR Jayman went on to say that any kissing in the social shack will be named and shamed. With giving a little chuckle. He then told us to run along to bed. Finishing with telling us that we gotta big day tomorrow so get some sleep. And then a blue flame appeared and then MR Jayman disappeared.
Tom and George are perfecting in Ritch Lambs. Where guiding the first students where to find all of their households. Tom is a tall boy with short dark black hair. And George is little and plump with strawberry blonde hair.
We then come to our dormitory. Which has a little fridge in. That's fills itself. A little radio. What can only be tuned in to Spell Radio, Seeing that all our stuff had been packed away for us. I then gave Beni-lee a drink of water and then got into bed. Beni-lee was crying to get on my bed with me. So I picked her up and place her on the bottom of the bed. What she only stayed there for about 5 seconds. Before she came and lay on my pillow.
With waking up to Beni-lee licking my face. With me having a stretch. I then got out of bed and quality went to get Beni-lee some breakfast. Which she gobbled down.
Morning Joey, I heard Jack waking up. Has Beni-lee dives on him licking his face all over. Good morning Beni-lee. Jack said. Has he tries to push Beni-lee off him.
We then heard a knock on the door. What I went and answered. To Megan barging in. Saying morning. You're still in bed I see. With rolling her eyes as she looked at Jack.
She then told us that wonds and spells started soon. So get ready. I and Jack looked at each other to say wow. We then got some breakfast and got dressed.
With arriving at wonds and spells. Miss Ritchbum. That had a soft voice. The type of voice that would send you asleep. Welcome to wonds and spells. She said she told us to pull out our wonds.
Miss Ritchbum then told us to wave our wonds up and down twice and say inlelihgt. Which made a ball of light come out from the end of my wond.
And then Miss Ritchbum said let's have a bit of fun. With pulling out a hamster. She then pointed her wond at it and said jazzydanco. The hamster started to dance. Doing the moonwalk and cartwheels.
While we were having fun. Miss Ritchbum said it was the end of the lesson. Please make sure that you study how to make a spider dance. I hate spiders. Said, Karl. A boy who was set behind us dressed very smartly.
With leaving wonds and spells. Jack mentioned that he has heard that there is meant to be giants living in the yamie forest. Which made Megan raise her eyebrows and shake her head and sighing.
With me agreeing to go. I then went to collect Beni-lee from our room. And headed to the yamie forest. As we were heading down to the yamie. I said to Jack and Megan. Imagine if we found something. What laid to Megan muttering the only thing that we're going to find is a cold.
With tracing through the yamie. We came across a giant hold in the ground. Which looked like that it hasn't been dug out by a human.
Then Beni-lee started to bark and look towards the dark bit of the forest. What made Jack say oh my god. As he pointed at something behind me. Making me turn to face a giant chubby man. That was dressed in old rags. And it had a head that was the size of the Easter Island Moai.
The giant turned to face us. And grabbed hold of us and lifting us. Making us feel like a rag-dole. The giant then dropped us from about 8 feet. Making us land hard on the ground.
With calling for Beni-lee. Which she jumped in my arms. We then made ourselves back to the State household dormitory. With arriving at our household. Beni-lee went and fall asleep on my pillow. Which made Megan say aww.
We then sat down to talk about the yamie forest. With us saying that we should go back after school is over tomorrow. What lad to Megan looking at me like I was mad. She then stood up and said that she was going to turn in for the night. Giving Beni-lee a little stroke on her head. She said good night and went to bed.
Jack and I then went and got our pajamas on and got into our beds. With then having to get back out to give Beni-lee a drink of water. I then got back in bed with Benj-lee and fall fast asleep.
The next morning I was woken up by Beni-lee blowing in my face. With opening my eyes to see Beni-lee's head about two hinches from mine. Turning side by side. I then gave Beni-lee a little stroke and with seeing that Jack had gone to get breakfast without me. I got out of bed and went and got myself dressed and made myself to the Socialshack. To see Jack and Megan sitting there eating breakfast.
Morning, Joey said Megan. Morning, I replied to Megan. With noticing that Jack had his mouth full of egg on toast. Megan gave him a look to kill.
After finishing our breakfast. It was time for our first lesson of the day which was mind control. With making our way to class. We were met with MR Longfeet.
MR Longfeet was a tall and slim chap. With grey hair. That only went around the back of his head. He also wears glasses that are the thick of 3 British pounds on top of each other.
Welcome. Today you will learn how to control the mind of others. He then asked if a student would like to assist to come and join Him at the front of the class. What laid to Paul Skinner putting his hand up.
Paul Skinner is a quite thin boy that keeps himself to himself.
Has he was waking up to the font. Fred Pichard a thin white-blond haired boy. Kicked his school bag where Paul was walking. Making fall over.
After he got himself back up. He then walked over to where MR Longfeet was standing. And apologized. MR Longfeet told him not to apologize.
He then told Paul to choose someone whom he wanted to take control of their mind. And say mindio. And then think of something that you wish them to do.
He then looked at Fred and said mindio. And then Fred got up from his seat and started belly dance. Which made the whole class laugh.
MR Longfeet then said that was the end of the lesson. And then told us to go to the library and do some research on mind control. We then went to pick up Beni-lee from our room. And then headed to the Yamie The Quiet Forest.
As we were making our way to the Yamie forest. Jack come out with. Do, you think that the giant will still be there. That lad to Megan rolling her eyes and saying honesty Jack.
As we got close to where the giant was. We heard similar to cavemen grunts. And with the giants coming into our eye site. Bemi-lee started to bark. That alerted the giants. Making one turn and look at us.
The giant that looked like the boss. Turn to face us. And started to make it's way over to us. That made Beni-lee go ape.
As the giant came closed. Megan threw a rock. That made the giants turn around and come towards us. Making Jack say his oh my god.
With reaching for my wond. I then pointed it at the giant and shouted. jazzydanco. That all of the giants started dancing. Making the ground rumble.
We then made a run to the getaway. Seeing Megan had hold of Beni-lee. We then got ourselves out of the Yamie forest and made ourselves back to our room.
As we were heading back. We bumped into Gendoff. He asked us why were we walking around the school at this hour. What lad to me saying that Beni-lee wanted to go for a walk before she goes to bed. Gendoff said very well. And then he told us to go to our households soon.
With heading to our household. Jack went to get a shower to wash the sweat off him. Megan kept telling him that he stunk. Seeing that it was getting late. Megan then made herself to her household.
I and Jack then got our pyjamas on and then got in our beds. To witness Beni-lee going round and round in a circle before she flopped herself down and fall asleep.
We suddenly woke to a knock on the door. That made Beni-lee bark. Making Jack jump and say oh my god. I then got out of bed and answered the door. To witness Megan bouncing into our room. Saying it's a big day for you. Whiles she was trying not to look at Jack's bare chest.
Ordering us to get up and get ready. She then turned around and bounced out of the door. With staying in bed for 5 minutes more. We then got up and ready. And with giving Beni-lee some breakfast. We made ourselves to the canteen to see that Megan had got two full English breakfasts with a glass of fresh orange juice for us. We then gobbled it down with saving a sausage for Ben-lee. We then made ourselves to the Gamsport Complex. To see that it's built-in a rounded shape. It most held an easy fifty thousand fans inside.
With Jack and Megan having to go and sit in the stand. I was met with an teacher called. MR Blackmadics. That had a pointy nose. He went onto tell us that this game is dangerous and that students that had played in the past have woken up in the school's hospital about two weeks later.
He then told us that the team that we are playing against is Speech House. That was a household of Fred Pichard. The boy who tripped Paul Skinner up in mind control the other day.
With making our way out onto the pitch. We got told to sit on our brooms on the opposite side facing each other. Fred Skinner was sitting on his broom looking at me grinning. Like he was planning something.
With MR Blackmadics blowing his whistle. The game began. Steve Roger a classroom swot. Was flying around making sure that everything was running to plan.
Has he was flying around. Fred kicked out and knocked Steve off his broom. Making him crash to the ground. Making the game be called off.
After getting a shower. I then went to meet Megan and jack. When I got there. Jack mentioned that he wanted to go back to the Yamie forest to see if the giants are there. What lad to Megan rolling her eyes at him.
With us having some tea. With Jack eating 5 pancakes. That Megan watched every mouth full he took. Shaking her head. We went to pick up Beni-lee from our room. And made ourselves to the Yamie forest.
With arriving at the forest. We witnessed that the giants had vanished. Making Megan say that she thinks they have gone. To Jack agreeing with her. Saying yeah your property right Megan.
We then began to make ourselves back to our household. As we were heading back. We felt a rumble under our feet. That made us look at each other with worry.
And before we had the chance to run. We then witness that the giant was standing in front of us. With Beni-lee barking thinking, she's a rottweiler. The giant looked at Beni-lee a likes to say shout up. The giant then spoke in a deep voice. Back again. To me answering with yes.
Megan and Jack were standing behind me. Jack was standing about ten meters away. I then found the courage to ask the giant why were they in the forest. To the giant telling us that many years ago there was a wizard. Called Zooiem that was the old headteacher of Ritch Lambs School. And he was shacked for using dark magic on students to get them to admit to things the likes of cheating.
There's a rumour that he has cursed the school. With the roetter curse. The type of curse that would make any wizard tell their darkest secrets. And us giants were shipped over from Tasmania to guard Ritch Lambs school. That made Jack oh my god.
With checking the time. And seeing it was coming up to nine o'clock. I then said to Megan and Jack that we should be getting back. To them agreeing.
With arriving back to our households. Megan went to say that the school holidays started tomorrow. We will have to wait until they have finished. To find who this Zooiem was.
Kyle Cloete...