22ND OF JULY 2021
Good morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke. She heard Danyel going to the toilet. Making her jump off my bed to see her. Morning Beni. Danyel said. As Beni-lee jumped on her bed.
I got out of bed. And went downstairs. Morning, Joey. Grandpa George said. Has he drank his coffee. Morning. I replied. As I sat down. Granny Peggy appeared from the kitchen holding a bowl of rice crispies. Here you go, Joey. She said. Placing the bowl in front of me.
It's that time of year. Granny Peggy said. Yes, if only you knew that goes on at Rich Lambs. I was thinking. Finishing breakfast. I got dressed and packed my school stuff. I then went to say goodbye to Granny Peggy, Grandpa George and Danyel. I put Beni-lee on her lead. And went to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola at the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
Alright, Joey. Jack said. JOEY. Megan said. Has she come to kiss me. Hello, Luv. Nicola said. As she kissed me. Are, you all set for a new year ahead. Megan said. I can't wait to get dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce poured out when you bite them. Jack said.
We flagged a taxi to take us to Fox Tale Street. That the magic stores are located. Arriving at Fox Tale Street. The seven of us got out of the taxi. That Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy wasn't very pleased with. Because they had to wake up.
As we entered Fox Tale Street. We agreed to have a bit of lunch before we start to shop. We went to Big Sausage Cafe. That I ordered spaghetti bolognese that the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. Jack ordered ten magic sausage rolls. That warmed up whiles you are eating them. six magic sausages. That roll around the plate. And the dairy collection that made from chocolate toffee fugue and explosion candy.
Finishing eating. We made the way out into Fox Tale Street. To see thousands of wizards and witches. Oh, my god. Jack said. As we pushed ourselves through the busy street.
Let's go in here. Megan said. Pointing at Ministry Of Disappointing. Welcome to Ministry Of Disappointing. The storekeeper announced. As we entered the store. Today we have offers on invisibility paint and time-tracers.
What the bloody hell is a time-tracer. Jack asked. A time-tracer is a device that can trace time to a certain time that a wizard or wich wants to go. Can, we have one please. I asked. Yes, young man. Everything else. The storekeeper asked. Can, I buy six pots of invisibility paint as well, please. Megan asked.
Leaving Ministry Of Disappointing. We went to The Magic Well Ale Inn. To see Professor Seed. Sitting by himself. Hello, Prof. Are you by yourself. Jack asked. Yes. It's Jack isn't, it. Professor Seed asked. Yes, the famous Jack Slices. The record holder of the most hotdogs that someone can eat in five minutes. I managed to eat two hundred seventy-nine. Two hundred seventy-nine. Oh my goodness. Professor Seed said. Laughing. Miss Burncoo. The Professor of magical cooking would be very impressed with you. Nicola said. Laughing.
Finishing eating. Jack fed letters to Jacob. That he produced little chocolate balls. Oh my god. Jack said. As he began to clean the little chocolate balls up. Seeing the time coming to four o'clock. We flagged a taxi to make the way to Dina Alley.
Arriving at Dina Alley. The seven of us got out of the taxi. And made the short journey to the train station. Arriving on the To see the golden Twitcher waiting there that had steam coming from it. We heard all aboard. we went to find an empty carriage. And settled down. Ready for the journey ahead.
Welcome onboard the Twitcher Luxury Express this afternoon. I am the driver that's going to take you to Rich Lambs today. The estimated journey time is one hour and twenty-six minutes.
Don't forget you can listen to Spell Radio and order snacks with the takeover minds spell. As the Twitcher Luxury Express pulled out of Dina Alley. The first-year student's families were there to wave them off.
Do, you think it feels like it's been a long time since we been to Rick Lambs. Nicola asked. No, I was glad not to get wake up by a bossy prison every morning. Jack said. Looking towards Megan.
The driver came on the PA system to announce that the entertainment today would be a quiz on unusual creatures. Starting with question one. Which, is the name of the creature from deep east Afghanistan that can be reborn straight after death. That is a Recaill. Jack said.
Question two. Which is the name of the creature that begins with the letter z. It's Zaoo. Nicola announced. They are meant to be the most dangerous on the earth. Megan said. I think a sea slug is the most dangerous creature in the world. And why, is that. Megan asked. They swim inside of the boy's private parts. Oh, well they have to find yours first. Megan said. Laughing.
Question three. How many, legs have a Recaill. A creature from deep east Afghanistan. Is, it two, three, or eight. It's eight. I answered. Nine if counting it's. JACK STOP. Megan shouted. Before he could say anything else.
The driver announced that was the end of the quiz. And he's going to count the scores. And reveal them. I bet I haven't come first. Jack said. It's not about winning. Megan said. Rolling her eyes. Yes, it is. I want to wipe the smug face expression off Fred Pichard's face.
The driver came back over the PA system to say. In third place, it's Selly Victor. Jack's ex-girlfriend. Good, I'm happy she came third. Jack said. In second place is. Gerrell Walsh. And in the first place is. Joey Parker. That's okay. That's better than Fred winning. Jack said.
Seeing Rich Lambs getting close. We got our school robes on. Welcome to Rich Lambs. Your home for the next year. I hope you have a good and safe year ahead and I hope you travel with us again soon. We then got our stuff together and I put Beni-lee lead on her. And we made the way to the two stone lions on each side of Rich Lambs' entrance.
Welcome home. Jack said. As we entered the hallway We took Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy to our room. And then went to the canteen for the welcome speech to begin. Jack said he wonders if there's going to be any new teachers. Hopefully nice ones. If you know what he means. As he gave me a little wink.
Noticing the candles started to viciously flicker. That was followed by a beam of light. And a big explosion. That MR Jayman appeared peering over his spectacles. I made you jump again. MR Jayman said. Giving a little chuckle.
Welcome to a new year at Rich Lambs. This is going to be your home for the next year. You will eat, sleep, and face your hardest challenges beyond your imaginations. MR Jayman went to say the Yamie The Quiet Forest is forbidden to all first-year students. Any first-year students that get caught in there. Will be expelled.
He went to announced that there's going to be a special event taking place called. The hidden items. This event takes items that are the property of ourselves. That's been hidden inside Rich Lambs grounds. But it won't only be the case of finding your property. There will be obstacles trying to stop you in your tracks. You will feel happy one second. And then down and said the next.
MR Jayman introduced the Professor that was in charge of the hidden items. Professor Oscar Cook. The Professor was a thin chap. That had dark sort hair. Bushy eyebrows. A pointy nose, And big dark green eyes. And a chin that looked like a prison's bum.
MR Jayman finished his speech by saying. I hope that everyone has a good and safe year ahead. And then he stepped back and disappeared in a blue flame. Prefects Tom and George. Took control to guide the first-year students to their right dormitories. That the first-year students were getting mixed up and to the wrong bathrooms. That made the girls scream.
Arriving in the State House Hold Dormitory. To see the little heated swimming pool. Had been extended. I said that I was going to take Beni-lee for a walk before bed. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. That she had ten wees and four long poos.
Arriving back in our room. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. Telling us that was wands and spells is the first lesson tomorrow.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE' YOU AWAKE. Megan called. YES. COMING NOW. Jack called. As he got out of bed to let her in. Morning lads. Are, you ready for wands and spells for the first lesson. Megan asked.
Wands and spells. I wonder there's a spell to stop people from waking you up each morning. Got yourselves out of bed and dressed. And meet me in the canteen in five minutes for breakfast. She left saying. Your little maggot is showing again Jack.
I then got out of bed and give Beni-lee breakfast. Jack and I got ready. And went to meet both girls in the canteen. Morning. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them.
Finishing breakfast We made the way to wands and spells. We found a seat to wait for Miss Ritchbum to appear. Welcome to Wands and spells. Miss Ritchbum announced. As she appeared at the front of the classroom.
Today we're going to learn about the rebound spell. Miss Ritchbum went to say. The rebound sell is a spell that can be used to bounce back any spells. She asked us to take our wands. And give it a little flick. With saying. Tela-bound. Whiles a boggart will appear out of this chest.
Miss pointed her wand at the chest. That a boggart shaped like a clown. Paul Skinner. A student that keeps himself to himself. Steps forward to cast the rebound sell. That made the clown turn into a dancing donkey.
Then Megan steps up. That the boggart changes to an angry woof. Megan cast the rebound sell. Turning the woof into a two-week-old labrador puppy. That made all the girls say aww.
Next, I stepped up. That the boggart changes to a butterfly. That had a face of a spider. I hate spiders. Jack whispered. I then cast the rebound sell. That turned the spider into a woman's whisper. That said. The Flying Horse has been relocated to the place where it's quiet. And you have until seven o'clock this evening to find it.
That is the end of the lesson. Please make your way to lunch. Miss Ritchbum said. With worry in her voice. Leaving wands and spells. We went to the canteen. That I got spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. It's magic cooking next lesson. Megan reminded us. We need to also go to the Yamie. The Quiet Forest. After school as finished today. Megan said. That everyone agreed to. Finishing lunch. We made the way to the magic cooking classroom.
Arriving in the magic cooking classroom. To smell the giant pot cooking. Magic brownies that have chocolate chips that pop when eating them. We found a seat. To wait for Miss Burncoo to appear.
Welcome to magic cooking. Miss Burncoo announces. As she appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to learn how to cook magic potatoes. That produced hot melted butter when eating them.
Miis took out her wand. And pointed it at the plate in front of her. And said. Potato-melt. I pointed my wand at the plate. And announced magic potatoes. Potato-melt. To see a magic potato. That had hot melted butter.
I think I'm in love with a teacher. Jack said. Behave yourself. She's old enough to be your great great great grandmother. Megan said. The old girls know how to cook. Jack said. You are a granny lover. Megan said. Laughing. Yeah. That means you are a granny. Jack said. Just be quiet. Megan said. Folding her arms.
Young love. It brings back memories. Miss Burncoo said. Giving a little chuckle. Miss announced that there was going to be an event taking place this Thursday evening called. The choc-fest. How amazing will that will be. Jack said.
Miss Burncoo announced that was the end of the lesson. And could, we please study how to cook magic potatoes. That produced hot melted butter when eating them.
Leaving magic cooking. Jack got magic dumplings that have warm gravy inside. You are greedy. Megan said. Shaking her head. Shell we start to find find the Flying Horse. Megan asked. That everyone agreed to.
Where do you think it will be. Jack asked. It's going to be somewhere that can't be easily found. I said. The Remembering Cave. Nicola replied. We have to go. Megan said. Olivia Lambert calls it the love place. Because. JACK STOP TALKING NOW. Megan said.
We made the way to the Remembering Cave. To see Fred. What, are you doing snooping around here. I asked. Nothing. Nothing. He replied. As he slipped into the darkness. Nothing my. JACK AGAIN STOP. Megan shouted. You are like my mum and then my girlfriend. Jack said. Trust me. If I was your mother. You wouldn't eat as much as you do.
We saw writing on the wall that read. The Flying Horse can be found in the Yamie. The Quiet Forest. It looks like we're going to the Yamie. Jack said.
We went to collect Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy from our room. And made the way to the Yamie. Hello, friends. The head of the giants said. As we arrived. Hello, you wouldn't know where we can find a Flying Horse. I asked.
The giant began to tell us. A Flying Horse is a mammal mixed with a reptile. How the bloody hell did that happen, Jack said. Well, Jack. When two people fall in love. ALRIGHT, I KNOW ABOUT THAT. Jack shouted.
I'm sorry that I haven't asked your name eleven years ago when we first met. My name is Zeno Tudor. I am twenty thousand years old. And I have Two hundred children. That they live in Tasmania and England.
You've got around. Jack said. laughing. I can't take you anywhere. Unless you saying something embarrassing. Megan said. Rolling her eyes. Zeno then continued to tell us about the Flying Horse.
A Flying Horse is the only object that Zooiem is afraid of. A Flying Horse gives out a sixth sense that Zooiem can't bear. And he won't go in a hundred miles near it. Wow, he's not that tough. Jack said.
Seeing the time coming to nine o'clock. We told Zeno Tudor that we have to go. That he said. Just remember that Zooiem can be stopped. We made the way to our room. To see that someone had been through our staff.
Oh my god. They have seen my wide fronts. Jack said. Nobody knows your password to get in your room. Megan said. Unless it wasn't a living human. Don't say that. I won't be able to sleep tonight. Jack said.
Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. Telling us that was magic music is the first lesson tomorrow.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, here now. Jack called. As he got out of bed to let her in. Morning, magic music is our first lesson, followed by producing. Megan announces. As she plonks herself on Jack's bed.
I've been studying how to use formats of audio to protect yourself. Megan said. Haven't, you got a life. Jack said. That she gave him a dirty look. Megan left. Saying she will meet us in the canteen for breakfast.
I got out of bed and give Beni-lee breakfast. We got ready. And we went to meet the girls in the canteen. Good morning lads. Nicola said. As she ate her magic toffee pops. That toffee pours out when you eat them.
Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the magic music laboratory. Arriving at the laboratory. To see the two giant speakers on both sides of the front of the laboratory. We found a bongo seat to wait for Professor Musicala to appear.
Welcome to magic music. Professor Musicala announced. As he appeared at the front. Today we are going to learn about streaming media. And how to use magic with it. Professor Musicala began to say that. Streaming media is multimedia that is delivered and consumed continuously from a source, with little or no intermediate storage in network elements. Streaming refers to the delivery method of content, rather than the content itself.
Livestreaming is the real-time delivery of content during production, much as live television broadcasts content via television channels. Livestreaming requires a form of source media (e.g. a video camera, an audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content.
And the stream can be used to sending messages through the Live stream. Professor took out a device. That looked like an explosive item. And placed it on the desk. This is called an X-message transmitter. That sends thoughts and audio to other people. Like your own personal radio station. That you can receive and stream audio.
The Professor asked us to take out our wands. And point it at the X-message transmitter. And say. La-Trans. And think of the prison that you want to send your message to. Then it's up to the other people to read it and reply.
Jack sent Megan a message. That she told him there's no chance. Then she sent a reply. That made her bounce out of the magic music laboratory. Professor Musicala announced that was the end of magic music. Could, we please study. How to send messages through magic.
Leaving the magic music laboratory. We met Megan in the Socialshack. That she ignored Jack. I and Nicola were sitting in silence. Seeing the time coming to midday. We went to lunch. It's producing next. Nicola said. That Megan whispered. No chance.
Finishing lunch. We went to producing. Arriving in class. We saw a small black box. Wonder what's inside that. Nicola said. As we took a seat. To wait for Professor Testicle to appear.
Have, you studied how do octopuses produce. Megan said. Waiting for everyone to say they haven't. And getting a shock when everyone said they had. Welcome to producing. Professor Testicle announced. As appeared at the front of the classroom.
Today we're going to be learning how When a virgin queen flies to a site where thousands of male honey bees may be waiting, she mates with several males in flight. A male drone will mount the queen and insert his end phallus, climaxing semen. After the climax, a male honey bee pulls away from the queen, though his end phallus is ripped from his body, remaining attached to the newly fertilized queen.
The professor went to say. The next male honey bee to mate with the queen will remove the previous end phallus and eventually lose its own after ejaculation. Male honey bees are only able to mate seven to 10 times during a mating flight, and after mating, a drone dies quickly, as his abdomen rips open when his end phallus is removed. Even drones that survive the mating flight are climaxed from their nests, as they have served their sole purpose by mating.
Virgin queens mate early in their lives and only attend one mating flight. After several mattings during this flight, a queen stores up to 100 million semen within her oviducts. However, only five to six million are stored within the queen's spermatheca. The queen uses only a few of this semen at a time to fertilize eggs throughout her life. If a queen runs out of semen her lifetime, new generations of queens will mate and produce their own colonies. Honey bee queens control the sex of their offspring: as eggs pass through the ovary into the oviduct, a queen can determine whether a particular egg is fertilized or not. Unfertilized eggs become drone honey bees, while fertilized eggs develop into female workers and queens. Female workers do not mate, but they can lay infertile eggs, which in turn become male honey bees.
Queens lay their eggs in structural oval-shaped cells, which stick to the nest ceiling. Worker honey bees fill these cells with royal jelly to prevent larvae from falling. Soon-to-be workers are fed royal jelly during the first two days, while future queens are given royal jelly throughout the entire larval period. The development of each member of a colony differs depending on caste: male honey bees need twenty-four days for proper growth from eggs to adult, while workers need twenty-one days and queens require only sixteen.
He didn't shut up for filthy minutes. Jack said. Are, you talking to me yet. Jack asked Megan. I will only start speaking to you again if you apologize. I'm sorry for sending that message to you in magic music. Jack said. Apology accepted. Megan said.
Professor Testicle announced that was the end of the producing lesson. And could, we study how wasps produce. Leaving producing. We went to our room. Jack and Megan said they were going in the hot tub.
Nicola and I took Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy for a walk. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. Megan said that the first lesson tomorrow was witchcraft. Followed by mind control. Both girls said that they were going to bed. Megan came and kissed me. Followed by Nicola. While Megan kissed Jack. Both girls gave Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. Then left saying goodnight.
We got our pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink. And got in bed. Goodnight Joey. Jack said. Goodnight Jack mate. I replied.
Are, you awake. Megan called. Yes. Coming now. Jack replied. As he got out of bed to let her in. Morning. It's witchcraft our first lesson. And then we have to find the items that are our property. That's been hidden inside Rich Lambs grounds. But it won't only be the case of finding your property. There will be obstacles trying to stop you in your tracks. You will feel happy one second. And then down and said the next. Called the choc-fest. That makes me hungry just hearing that. Jack said.
She left telling us that she will see us in the canteen for breakfast. I and Jack give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got ready. Then went to meet the two girls in the canteen. Morning Joey. Nicola said. Morning. I replied. As I sat down with my magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them.
Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the witchcraft den. Arriving in the den. To see the cobweb-covered walls. And the giant pot. With water bubbling in. We took a wooden stool. To wait for MR Markles to appear.
MR Markles' cat was asleep on his desk. Do, you think it's really asleep. Jack said. Welcome to witchcraft. MR Markles announced. As he appeared in the den. I will take it that you didn't have nightmares from our lesson.
Today we're going to be learning about witches. MR Markles went to say. In 1736 Parliament passed an Act repealing the laws against witchcraft but imposing fines or imprisonment on people who claimed to be able to use magical powers.
When it was introduced in the Commons the Bill caused much laughter among MPs. Its promoter was John Conduit whose wife was the niece of Sir Isaac Newton, a father of modern science, although keenly interested in the occult.
The Act was repealed in 1951 by the Fraudulent Mediums Act which in turn was repealed in 2008. In 1824 Parliament passed the Vagrancy Act under which fortune-telling, astrology and spiritualism became punishable offences.
Oh, my god. These teachers this year don't know when to shut up. Jack said. I wonder if he's got a crystal ball. Ask him. Megan said. Excuse me Si. Have, you got a crystal ball. Yes of course I have.
He then took out a crystal ball. That was the size of a medicine ball. And placed it on the desk. He began to hover his hands over it. Creating a golden glow to appear. We heard a woman's whispering. The Flying Horse will be in the Yamie. The Quiet Forest this Saturday night.
MR Markles then calls the end to the lesson. And tells us to return to our Dormitories. Arriving at State House Hold Dormitory. Megan announced it was the choc-fest that afternoon. I've been dreaming of this for weeks. Jack said.
We heard MR Jayman's voice saying that the choc-fest is getting held in the Gamsport complex. After lunch. So make sure you leave room to eat a lot of chocolate. Don't worry, I can eat a three-course meal. And still have room for pudding. Jack said.
Finishing lunch. That Jack ate more than usefully. We made the way to the Gamsport complex to see. A huge swimming pool filled with chocolate. We then sat down to wait for instructions on what to do.
Welcome to the Gamsport complex. MR Jayman announced. This is going to be a fun event. That you've got to complete tasks to win chocolate treats. The first task is. You've got to find a chocolate egg. That is inside the swimming of chocolate.
You've got to choose yourself or a friend to participate. That will be me. Jack said. I knew that you would be up for doing this. Megan said. Jack went to the starting line. Gendoff's cannon fired. And Jack jumped in the chocolate.
Fred Pichard was trying to pull Jack under. That Megan cast the takeover minds spell. And made him swim in the opposite direction. Making Speech House students wonder what was happening.
As Jack collecting ninety chocolate eggs. Putting State House in the first place. Jack said that it was easy. MR Jayman announced that the next was we have to find a chocolate rabbit in the Yamie. The Quiet Forest. We made the way there.
Arriving at the Yamie. choose yourself or a friend to participate. That I volunteered myself. I began to search for the chocolate rabbit. Shouldn't, we have a carrot to catch it. Jack said.
As we searching for the chocolate rabbit. Jack come across Howard Miracle. A Speech House student's diary. I can complete two tasks at once. He thought. Telling Howard to follow him. They continued to search for the chocolate rabbit.
There it is. Howard whispered. I then reached for my wand. And pointed it at the chocolate rabbit. And called. jazzydanco. Making the rabbit dance. I then got the chocolate rabbit. And told Howard to follow me.
Arriving out of the Yamie. The Quiet Forest. To see MR Jayman sitting waiting. He then stood on his feet. And announced that the winner of the task was me. Making everyone cheer.
MR Jayman announced that was the end of the choc-fest. And return to our dormitories. Arriving at our Dormitory. To see the time was coming to eight o'clock. I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had three long poos and twenty wees.
Arriving back. Megan said we must try to find the Flying Horse tomorrow. That everyone agreed to. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. Telling us that they will see us tomorrow.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, I'm here now. Jack replied. As he got out of bed to let her in. Morning, it's a big day for us. Magen announced. We have to search for the Flying Horse.
How, are we going to catch a horse that's flys. Jack asked. We can use the Catch spell. Megan replied. I come across it when I was in the library the other morning. When you both were still in bed.
How, do you cast this Catch spell. Jack asked. You just point your wond at the object that you want to catch. And say. Fedicatch. Megan left. Saying she will see us in the canteen for breakfast.
Jack and I give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And went to meet both girls in the canteen. Morning. Nicola said. As she ate her magic fried eggs that the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds.
Finishing breakfast. We began to search for the Flying Horse. Let's use the explore your secrets spell. To create a map. Megan said. I took out a place of paper. And pointed my wond at it. And cursed the explore your secrets spell. To see a map.
Seeing loads of footsteps moving around the map. We saw a pair of horse hoofs prints moving around the map. We began to follow the horse-hoofs prints tracks. As we followed the route. We come to a huge old wooden door.
Reaching for the rounded old rusty door handle. I slowly turned it. To the old wooden door slowly creaking open. To reveal a huge horse stable. Do, you think that the stable of the Flying Horse. Nicola asked. Probably. Nicola whispered. As we crept closer to the stable.
Reaching the stable. We peeked in to see a giant white horse. That had a set of huge white wings. Oh, my god. Jack said. As we stood there looking. Megan pulled out her wond. And ponied it at the Flying Horse. And cast the Catch spell.
The Flying horse got up on its feet. And slowly walked towards us. Now, what. Jack asked. We have to get it to the Yamie. The Quiet Forest. Megan said. I then began to guide the Flying Horse to the Yamie.
Arriving at the Yamie We heard a woman's whipper. This part of the task is complete. The next task will be revealed soon. We then made the way to our Dormitory. Seeing the time coming midday. We went to lunch.
Shell, go to Wood Burn Village this afternoon. That everyone agreed to. Finishing lunch. We collected Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy from our room. And made the way to Wood Burn Village.
Arriving at Wood Burn Village. Both girls wanted to go to Woman Fashion. Jack was complaining that we were in there. This is nice. Megan said. Holding a long blue silk dress. You've got a dress the same as that. Jack said. That dress has white strips down its side. Megan said.
Finishing in Woman Fashion. Jack saw a store called. Big sweet feast. That sold dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce pours out, melt in your mouth chocolate crips, dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce poured out when you bite them.
Leaving Big sweet feast. We came to a store. Called. Pets Essentials. That sold pet food, treats and toys. Beni-lee was smelling the pig's ears. That made Megan feel sick. That's disgusting. Megan said.
Leaving Pets Essentials. We saw loads of Prem-magic people gathering. What's happening there. Nicola said. It looks like there's been a bus crash. I replied. As we went over. We saw a couch upside down.
A man in his twenties. As been taken to hospital. Become he was hit by this couch. And it's cut him in two from the waste. Ho, my god. Jack said. As he ate his dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce pours out.
We heard a woman's whisper saying. The next part of the task is finding the spinning disc of Lady Myra Shaw. There's the next task. Jack said Seeing the was coming to seven o'clock. We began to make the way back to school.
Arriving back in our room. Megan announced that it was the start of the Christmas holidays tomorrow. So we were going to have to wait until the start of the school term to find the spinning disc of Lady Myra Shaw.
What, have you got anything planned for over holidays. Nicola asked. No, everyone replied. Seeing the time coming to nine o'clock. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. Telling us that they will see us tomorrow.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
Are, you awake. Megan called. Yes. Here now. I replied. As I got out of bed to let her in. Good morning It's the beginning of the Christmas holidays today. That means we have no time for breakfast. Megan said. She left saying she will meet us to get the Twitcher Luxury Express in 5 minutes.
I and Jack got out of bed. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got ready. And went to meet Megan and Nicola. Good morning Joey. Kissing me.
We made the way to the train platform. Finding an empty carriage. We settled down. into Dina Alley train station.
Welcome to Dina Alley train station. I hope you had a good journey with us. And I hope to see you travelling again soon. We then got Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. And got off the train. To catch a taxi cab.
Do, you want to meet next week and go to Santa's Wonderland. Megan asked. That everyone said yes. The taxi cab came to Nicola's house. That she came to kiss me. She left saying goodbye to Jack, Megan, Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. The taxi took us to Megan's house. That she came to kiss me. And then went to kiss Jack. She then gave Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And then left the taxi with Twitchy.
The taxi took us to Jack's house. That he went to give Beni-lee a stoke. And left with Jacob. Saying that he will see me next week. The taxi took me home to number 8 Sea Drive Line.
I then got Beni-lee. And got out of the taxi. As we were walking to my house. I heard Danyel shout. OUR MAGIC BOY IS HOME. That made Beni-lee jump from my arms and run to her.
I then went inside to see Granny Peggy and Grandpa George. Welcome home, Joey. They said. I said that I was going to unpack. Before tea.
GOOD MORNING BRITAIN. IT'S just after eight o'clock. On Saturday the twentieth of December. That means it's only four more nights of sleep until Farther Christmas comes with all our presents. And if you are going out today. Make sure that you wrap up warm. Because the temperature is going to be under minus four. The man on the radio announced waking me up.
Good morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke. I got out of bed. And went downstairs. To see the living room was like Father Christmas's grotto. Good morning Joey. Granny Peggy said. Has she come out of the kitchen holding two full English breakfasts. Good morning son. How, are you today. She Asked. I'm good thanks. I replied.
I'm going to Santa's Wonderland today with Jack, Megan and Nicola. And I bet you want someone to take care of Beni-lee for you. Granny Peggy said. With a grin on her face. Of course. She replied.
She's going to meet her new brother-in-law today. Danyel said. Looking at Beni-lee. Are, you still going out with him. I asked. Yes, We made up. she replied. I then got dressed. And then went to meet the others at the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
Joey. Nicola said. As she gave me a kiss. Alright, mate. Jack said. Hello, Jo. Megan said. We made the way to Santa's Wonderland. Arriving at the theme park. To feel the temperature drop to minus eight.
We entered Santa's Wonderland. To see the ground covered by snow. We then saw raindeers in a plan. IT'S RUDOLPH. Jack shouted. Jack. You will scar it. Megan said. We then heard bells. Oh my god, it's Father Christmas. Jack said. Running to look for him. Wow, I knew he was real. Jack said. As he stood looking at Father Christmas.
He gave me loads of chocolate for Christmas last year. Oh, yes, Jack. Farther Christmas said. You remember me. Jack said. As he sat on Farther Chirstmass's nee. Look at him. He's like a young kid. Megan said. Laughing.
Seeing the time coming to midday. We went to The Christmas caffeine. For lunch. Finishing lunch. We made the way to a street. That was decorated in Christmas decorations. As we walked down the street. We heard loud Christmas music.
I wonder what's happening. Nicola said. As we walked down the street. Farther Christmas's sleigh started to come down the street. He's back again. He's just amazing. Jack said.
After the parade had finished. We began to make the way out of Santa's Wonderland. How Christmasey was that. Jack said. Eating his chocolate Farther Christmas. We come to the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
Jack, Megan and Nicola said they were going home. They said goodbye and went home. I then made the way home. Arriving at my house. To see Beni-lee asleep on Granny Peggy's knee.
I then went upstairs. To hear a lad's voice coming from Danyel's bedroom. Is, that you magic boy. Danyel called. Yes. I replied. Come in. She said. As I entered her room. I saw a young lad in his teens. Hello, I'm Lee. He said. Shacking my hand.
I then went to my room to see a picture of the spinning disc of Lady Myra Shaw on my bed with a letter that read. The spinning disc of Lady Myra Shaw. Is hidden in a quiet place in Rich Lambs.
Kyle Cloete...