Good morning Beni-lee I said. Stroking her on the head. She heard Danyel go to the toilet. Making her jump off my bed to go to see her. Good morning Beni. I heard Danyel say. I got out of bed and went downstairs.
Good morning Grandpa George. I said. As he watched the morning news. I sat down at the kitchen table to eat my breakfast. Have, you got butterflies in your belly. Grandpa asked. Yes. I replied. As I ate my breakfast.
Finishing breakfast. I got dressed and to get my school stuff packed. I went to Danyel in her bedroom. Knocking on her door. Yes. Come in. She called. I slowly entered her room. I saw about twenty photos of Beni-lee. That made me laugh.
What, do you want magic boy. She asked. I wondered if you saw anything of the lad from number ten. I asked. I'm meeting him today. We are going for a romantic meal. But he thinks a romantic meal is a table with a rose on.
I then left her room saying I will see her in the summer. That she replied with. Bye magic boy. Have a good time with your magic friends. I went to say goodbye to Granny Peggy and Grandpa Goerge. I put Beni-lee's lead on her. And went to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola in the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
JOEY. Nicola said. As she kissed me. that Megan followed. All right, mate. Jack said. Are, you ready for another year of magic and tasks ahead. Megan asked. Yes. Three of us replied
Megan remaindered us that we still had to find the Hallaug creature. That lives underground of Rich Lambs. We caught a taxi to take us to Fox Tale Street. That the magic stores are located.
Arriving at Fox Tale Street. We got out of the taxi with Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. We made the way to the old busy magical street of Fox Tale. Can, we go to The Magic Well Ale Inn. Jack asked. It sounds like your turning into an alcoholic. Megen said. Rolling her eyes.
Seeing Fred and Mick Thomas. Hanging out in the shadows. They look like they are up to no good. Nicola said. As they were acting unusual. They always act unusually. Jack said. Megan took out the invisibility paint of her beg. And told us to cover ourselves with it.
Covering ourselves with the invisibility paint. We followed them to a dark damp alleyway. That had rats covering the floor. And water running down the walls. That Beni-lee tried to catch.
An old man appeared from the darkness. And handling a grey silk bag to Fred. The old man vanishes into the dark. Fred and Mick returned to Fox Tale Street. To disappear in the clouds of people.
Wondering what Fred and Mick were up to. Nicola said she's taking lessons in broomsticks this team. And she needs to go to Misses Stick Brooms to buy a broom. Arriving at Misses Stick Brooms. Jack began to mess. Putting the broomsticks between his legs and asking what did it looked like. OH, MY GOD JACK. STOP IT NOW. Megan said. Going red.
Leaving Misses Stick Brooms. Jack asked if we wanted to go to The Magic Well Ale Inn to have lunch before we got the Twitcher Luxury Express. That everyone agreed to. Arriving at The Magic Well Ale Inn. Jack ordered dragon beer meet pie. Megan ordered a screaming jacket potato. That the butter screams when you are eating it. Nicola and I ordered the witches' brew that was gravy and had mince, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and peppers.
finishing eating. We made the way to Dina Alley to catch the Twitcher Luxury Express. Arriving at Dina Alley train station. To see the golden Twitcher waiting there that had steam coming from it. We heard all aboard. we went to find an empty carriage. And settled down. Ready for the journey ahead.
Beni-lee, Jackb and Twitchy lay next to each other and fall asleep. Jack said he's going to order loads of food with the takeover minds spell. That Megan called him a greedy young person. I'm a growing lad Jack replied.
Welcome onboard the Twitcher Luxury Express this afternoon. I am the driver that's going to take you to Rich Lambs today. The estimated journey time is one hour and twenty-six minutes.
Megan reminded us that we had to find the Hallaug creature. That lives underground of Rich Lambs.
As the Twitcher Luxury Express pulled away from Dina Alley station. Jack turned Spell Radio on. Welcome to a new year at Rich Lambs. This, year Rich Lambs is going to be a little different. MR Jayman asked me to tell you that the school has got a special item hidden inside it. And the one that finds it will receive a special prize. I hope it's a lifetime of food. Jack said.
Have you put any of your body parts in knots lately, Megen asked Jack. No, there was only that once. It hurt when I went to the toilet. I got a nickname. Do, you want to hear what it was. Go on. Megan replied. Jack and the willy-stalk.
Oh, god Jack. What, are you like. Megan said. Laughing. I think that's why I am always hungry. Why, would that make you hungry. Megan asked. I'm going to ask Professor Testicle if I'm always hungry because I put my Pythonidae in a not. More like Tiny Tim. Megan muttered.
The Twitcher Luxury Express brakes come to a screeching stop. Whats, happening now. Jack whispered. It looks like the train has broken down. Megan whispered. That is just great. Where shuck on this train until they fix it. That could take hours. Jack said.
As we sat in our carriage. I heard a woman's whisper saying. Zooiem is inside Hanuits. And he's on his way to Rich Lambs. Oh my god. Jack said. As the Twitcher Luxury Express started to move again. The train driver came over the PA system to announce. Hello, I'm sorry for the interruption. Hopefully, there won't be any more the rest of the journey. And there won't be any more hold-ups until we reach Roch Lambs.
Twenty minutes later the Twitcher Luxury Express pulled in the station. Welcome to Rich Lambs. Your home for the next year. I hope you have a good and safe year ahead and I hope you travel with us again soon. We then got our stuff together and I put Beni-lee lead on her. And we made the way to the two stone lions on each side of Rich Lambs' entrance.
Welcome home. Jack said. As we entered the hallway to see the giant canteen doors. We went to put Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy in our room. Arriving back at the canteen. We found a seat for the welcome speech.
I wonder if MR Sort Willie has got any melt in your mouth chocolate crips. I've been dreaming of them all of the Christmas holiday. I've had mum look in the shops for them. Jack said.
Noticing the candles viciously flickering. Followed by a beam of light and a big explosion. MR Jayman suddenly appeared. peering over his spectacles. I made you jump again. MR Jayman said. Giving a little chuckle. As he peered out at the students.
Welcome to a new year at Rich Lambs. This is going to be your home for the next year. You will eat, sleep, and face your hardest challenges beyond your imaginations. MR Jayman announces that there was going to be a special event taking place in a couple of weeks. Called the magical beasts.
The magical beasts. is an event that holds challenges that are the darkness and the scariest challenges ever created. These challenges are not for the vent hearted. However, the student that puts their name forward will have to take part no matter what.
MR Jayman went to introduce the teachers. Jack seemed to talk about what time is he going to fill his belly with dirty chocolate beans that chocolate sauce poured out when you bite them.
MR Jayman went to say the Yamie The Quiet Forest is forbidden to all first-year students. Any first years that get caught will be expelled. MR Jayman finishing the welcome speech by saying that if a student needs help. All that they have to do is ask. He stood back and vanished in a blue flame. Prefects Tom and George. Took control to guide the first-year students to their right dormitories.
Arriving in the State House Hold Dormitory. To see that Beni-lee had broke in the self-filling fridge and ate over filthy dirty chocolate beans that chocolate sauce pours out. I then took her for a walk. That she had ten wees and four curly poos.
Arriving back. Megan announces that our first lesson was magic cooking the next day. She and Nicola said they are going to bed. Nicola came and kissed me. followed by Megan. Megan went to kiss Jack. And both girls left with Twitchy.
Jack and I got our pyjamas on. And give Ben-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight Joey. Goodnight Jack mate.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. YES. COMING NOW. Jack replied. As he went to let her in. Magic cooking is the first lesson. Megan announced. Making Jack's eyes light up. Megan left. Telling us that she will see us in the canteen for breakfast.
I then got out of bed and gave Beni-lee her breakfast. I and Jack got dressed. And went to meet Megan and Nicola. Morning, Joey. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them.
Finishing breakfast. We went to the magic cooking classroom. Arriving at magic cooking. We smelled that the big pot was cooking magic brownies that have chocolate chips that pop when eating them.
It smells lovely. Jack said. As we sat down. Welcome magic cooking. Miss Burncoo announced. As she appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we are going to learn how to cook magic hash browns. That crumble when you are eating them.
Miss Burncoo asked if we studied how to cook magic hash browns. That crumble when you are eating them. That half of the class said they have. The other half said their pet had eaten it.
Miss Burncoo asked us to take our wands out. And point it at the plate in front of us. And give our wand a flick. And say. Hashy-bro. We pointed our wand at the empty plate. And said. Hashy-bro. To see two magic hash browns appear on the plate in front of me.
Jack cast seventy magic hash browns. Making Megan roll her eyes. Call him a guzzler. Miss Burncoo announce that it was the end of the lesson. And can, we please study how to cool magic hash browns.
Leaving magic cooking. Megan asked if we wanted to search for the Hallaug creature. That lives underground of Rich Lambs. That We will start searching after lunch. Jack said. As he was rubbing his belly. Finishing dinner. We set off to find the Hallaug creature.
Where, do we start searching. Jack asked. We have to go to the library to look for information on unknown creatures of Rich Lambs. Megan said. Arriving at the library. To see thousands of books. We can't ask Madelyn The Librarian if there any books on unknown creatures of Rich Lambs. She would think we gone mad. Jack said.
It will be under the hidden section. The hidden section. What's that. Jack asked. It is a section of the library that is hidden in the library because it holds some of the most secret information about Rich Lambs. Megan replied.
Searching for the hidden section. We were about to give up. And then a book flew off the bookshelf. That had a dark brown clover. And had the wards writing in bold gold letters. THE UNKNOWN CREATURES OF RICH LAMBS.
I carefully placed the book on the table. And slowly opened it. As I opened it. A woman's whispered. The Hallaug creature follows every move you make. It can be found in the quiet parts of Rich Lambs.
Where's, that. Megan said. The Yamie. The Quiet Forest. I replied. We have to go after school later. Jack said. Yes, it's been a while since we been the Yamie. Megan said. Nicola reminded us it was magic music the next lesson.
I wonder what Professor Musicala will be teaching today. Jack said. Shell we go to the tuck shop before we go to magic music. Jack said. Yes, but don't say anything rude. Megen told Jack. Calm down sweetheart I won't. Jack replied.
Arriving at the tuck shop. MR Sort Willie welcomed us into his tuck shop. Today melt in your mouth chocolate crips on offer. Six packets for three shells. Can, I have Twelve, please. Jack asked.
Yes, of course. MR Sort Willie replied. As we left Jack shouted. BYE MR SORT WILLIE I HOPE IT'S STILL HANGING FINE. Oh, my god Jack. You've said it again. Megan said. What. I just saying that I hope it's still hanging fine. Why, do you want to know that anyway. Megan asked.
We went to the Magic Music laboratory. To see the two giant speakers on each side of the front of the laboratory. We sat down on a bongo seat. To wait for Professor Musicala to appear.
As we sat there. The sound of monks chanting through the two giant speakers. Do, you think Professor Musicala has lost his mind. Jack asked. He's always been a little strange. I replied.
Welcome to Magic Music. Professor Musicala announces. As he appeared at the front of the laboratory. Today we're going to learn about the formats of audio. And how to use them to protect you.
To begin with, let’s first categorize the different audio formats under three categories: ‘Audio Uncompressed Audio Formats’, ‘Audio Formats with Lossy Compression’, and ‘Audio Formats with Lossless Compression. Now then, let’s dive in and understand what compression is the differences between each of the three categories, and some of the audio formats that fall under each category.
Generally speaking, audio compression, be it lossy or lossless, is the process of compressing or shrinking down the size of an audio file and evening out the span between the loudest and softest parts of an audio recording to average out the audio and make it easier for ordinary people to comprehend. The process usually involves some loss of data (with lossy compression) and quality in exchange for smaller file size. However, oftentimes, the changes made during compression are not easily discernible and one can barely find out the difference between the compressed and the original file.
There are a hand full of spells. Professor Musicala asked us to take out our wonds. And give it a flick. And say. Format-force. With taking out my wind. And gave it a little flick. Saying. Format-force.To see a dome of audio formats appear around me.
Professor Musicala asked Fred to cast the recordtwist spell. A twister came out of Fred's wind. That I cast the Format-force spell. Cursing both spells to connect. Creating a big explosion.
Wow, that was loud. Professor Musicala said. The Professor announced that it was the end of the lesson. Please study how to use formats of audio to protect yourself. Leaving the magic music laboratory. We went to collect Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy from our room. And then went to the Yamie The Quiet Forest.
Arriving at the Yamie. We were met by the giants. Hello, friends. The boss of the giant said. Hi, we're trying to find a creature called Hallaug. That meant to live underground of Rich Lambs.
The Hallaug is a creature that takes no prisoners. And the prison that tries to get past it. Will be silenced. The Hallaug meant to be guarding the unknown cloke. If you want to try to get past the Hallaug. All you have to do is feed it dead Palmate newts. But be sure you have plenty. Because the Hallaug has a big appetite. And if can eat over one hundred dead Palmate newts in two minutes.
Great here's another task that might get us killed. Jack said. Act like a man Jack. And not like a baby. Megan said. A BABY. I JUST DON'T WANT TO DIE YOUNG. Jack shouted. Making the animals hide.
We left the Yamie. To let the animals come back out. See the time coming to nine o'clock. We went to our rooms. Jack filled his belly with dirty chocolate beans that chocolate sauce pours out.
You're going to be sick. Megan said. I'm not. I've trained my stomach to hold a loud of food at once. Jack said. Honestly Jack. How many, stupid things have you done in your life. Megan said. Rolling her eyes. The stupidest is when I tried a not in my One-Eye Pete.
I then took Beni-lee for a walk. That she four poos and ten wees. Arriving back to our room. And seeing the time coming to nine-thirty. Both girls said that they were going to bed. Megan came and kissed me. Followed by Nicola. While Megan kissed Jack. Both girls gave Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. Then left saying we had wands And Spells, mind control and producing tomorrow.
We got our pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink. And got in bed. I wonder if we are learning about what people do when they're in love in the producing lesson tomorrow. Jack said. Goodnight Joey mate. Goodnight Jack. I replied.
Are, you awake. Megan called. Yes, coming now. Jack replied. As he went to let her in. Morning. Wands and spells are the fact lesson of the day. Megan announced. Yes, we haven't got amnesia. Jack replied.
Megan left telling us that she would see us in the canteen in five minutes. I got out of bed. And give Beni-lee breakfast. And got myself dressed. We then met Megan and Nicola in the canteen.
Morning. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes that crumble on the spoon when you are eating them. Finishing breakfast. We went to wands and spells. Arriving in the classroom. We took a seat in wait for Miss Ritchbum to appear.
Have, you studded the glass wall spell. Megan asked. I've been busy worrying about finding the Hallaug creature. Jack said. Welcome to wands and spells Miss Ritchbum said. As she appeared at the front of the classroom.
Today we're going to learn about the roetter curse. The roetter curse is a curse created by a wizard called Silas Ellefson. That you've all heard of. The curse was created to create the most devastating things known by the wizard.
The curve shows no mercy. The Enchanted Of Mystery wishers me not to tell you this. But I say wong. Miss Ritchbum asked us to take out our wand. And give it a little flick. Saying. Go-blaster. But don't point your wand at anyone. I don't want to have any deaths on our hands.
Miss Ritchbum took out a creature with eight stick legs, a hairy abdomen, six black eyes and two chelicerae. And most of been four foot tall. The creature ran towards us. That I jumped from my seat to perform the forcefield spell. That made the creature run out the window.
Miss Ritchbum announce that was the end of the lesson. We made the way to mind control. It's producing after lunch. Megan said. Wow, your a bit forward. Jack said. I mean the lesson. Megan replied. Shaking her head.
Arriving at the mind control classroom. To see brains in water in glass jars. We took a seat to wait for MR Longfeet to appear. Welcome to mind control. MR Longfeet announced. As he appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to learn how to move items with our mind. MR Longfeet said. As he peered over the classroom.
MR Longfeet announced In the unimaginably weird world of subatomic particles such as electrons (carriers of electric current), individual particles exist in many places at the same time. I know, that seems impossible, but experiment after experiment over the last 100 years have proven it to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt.
In fact, right now you’re using a computer, which is basically a whole bunch of electronic parts called transistors. Each transistor would not function unless electrons existed in multiple places at once, a bizarre phenomenon called Quantum Superposition.
So what, does Quantum Superposition have to do with telekinesis, or mind over matter. Well, particles like electrons don’t always live in any particular place, but in a sort of smear of many places, most very close to each other, some very far away. Another way of putting it is that some tiny packets of matter are slightly everywhere, but precisely nowhere. This means that many electrons in the room you’re sitting in right now as those in your computer exist in the computer and inside your brain.
And what happens inside your brain every time you think. Electric currents flow and electromagnetic fields are created that exert influence on electrons, including those that occupy spaces inside and outside your head.
He didn't shut up for an hour. Jack whispered. Cursing Megan to roll her eyes. You are rude Jack. Megan whispered. I should take over your mind and make you do embarrassing stuff. But I think you've already have done all the embarrassing stuff so far. Megan said.
MR Longfeet announced it was the end of class. And, can we please study how to move items with our mind. Leaving mind control. We went to lunch. We still have to find the Hallaug creature. That lives underground of Rich Lambs. And compare ourselves for the special event. Called the magical beasts. Megan said. As she ate her spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate.
Finishing lunch. We made the way to the producing classroom. We took a seat to wait for Professor Testicle to appear. I hope we're doing something fun in witchcraft later. Jack said. As we waited for Professor Testicle to appear.
Welcome to producing. Professor Testicle announced. As he appeared at the front of the classroom. Professor Testicle asked if we had studied how do camel spiders reproduce. That everyone said yes. Jack said everyone was looking at him funny. Because he was looking at camel spiders mating.
Today we're going to learn about how snail reproduce. Professor Testicle went to say. The age of adulthood maturity is variable from 6 weeks to 5 years, depending on the species of snail. The breeding process of snails has some unique features when compared to other land animals.
Reproduction of land snails is carried out under odd circumstances. First, most of these gastropod molluscs are hermaphrodites so that a single snail may have male and female reproductive organs. Second, on most occasions, two individuals copulate rather than self-fertilize. And third, they have the habit of shooting some structures called “love darts” just before mating.
The Professor curried on to say They don’t make sounds to lure each other like many types of animals do because snails don’t have the ability to hear. So they expel some chemicals to attract others ready to mate and use touching as a way of courting. Once the mating is over, they go in separate directions. Even though snails are hermaphrodites, they mate traditionally, they do not fertilize themselves. However, after the mating, both snails can deliver a set of eggs, increasing the chances of survival.
When fertilization occurs, eggs develop. Laying the eggs happens in the following days, but the time varies according to the species. As they are promiscuous animals, they can store sperm from previous couples for a long time, even years.
After the mating process, both snails will produce around 100 eggs, but some species can have up to 400. These eggs are tiny, and they will be dropped into moist soil and covered. It can take up to four weeks for them to hatch. Before laying their eggs, some snails build a nest in a hole, between vegetation or on the ground. If it is in the soil, the animal digs with the aid of its ventral foot until obtaining a hole with a depth of 2 to 4 inches. Once the snail has the proper place, it puts the 100 small and round eggs, often white, surrounded by a viscous layer that serves as protection. They usually have a diameter between 3 and 6 millimetres.
Even with so many eggs produced, only a fraction of these snails reach maturity. Many of the eggs are washed away by rain or water or eaten by predators, despite the outer protective layer and is resistant to cold and heat. Even humans take them, which are known as white caviar or snail caviar, consumed in some regions of the world.
Wow, that's bloody amazing. Jack said. Professor Testicle announced that was the end of the lesson. And, could we please study how do octopus produce. Leaving producing. We went to our room. I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had six long poos. And twenty wees.
Arriving back. Nicola said We had to try to find the Hallaug creature tomorrow. Both girls came to give me and Jack a kiss. They went and give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. They left our room with Twitchy. Saying they will see us tomorrow.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight Joey. Jack said. Goodnight Jack mate. I replied.
ARE. YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, coming now. I replied. As I went to let her in. Morning, We have a big day today. Megan said. As she sat on Jack's bed. Where going to try to find the Hallaug creature today. Megan announced.
Megan left saying she would see us in the canteen for breakfast. I and Jack give Beni-lee and Jacob their breakfast. And then got ready. We went to meet Megan and Nicola in the canteen.
Good morning Joey. Nicola said. As she ate her magic hash browns. That crumble when you are eating them. Finishing eating. We began to search for the Hallaug creature. Where do you think it's going to be. Megan said.
It's going to be somewhere hidden. And it's won't be too easy to find. Megan said. The secret room. I replied. We made the way to the secret room. Arriving at the secret room. To see the giant mirror.
As we looked in the mirror. We saw an old man. That had a long grey breed. Shoulder length grey hair. And half-moon spectacles. The man spoke in a deep voice. THE HALLAUG CREATURE IS WRAPPED UP IN THE UNKNOWN CLOKE. THE ENTRANCE TO FIND IT. IS BEHIND THIS MIRROR.
The mirror began to open. To reveal a huge creature with four giant fat legs. A giant head. WOOW, LOOK AT HIS. JACK STOP. Megan said. Stopping him before he could say anything else.
How, are we going to get the cloke and take it to the Yamie. The Quiet Forest. Jack said. We feed it dead Palmate newts. Megan replied. We saw a tank that had dead Palmate newts in. We began to beckon the Hallaug creature to the Yamie.
Slowly grabbing the unknown cloke. That was wrapped around the Hallaug creature. We made the way to the Yamie. Arriving at the Yamie. A woman's voice saying. This part of the task is completed. The next task will be revealed soon.
Seeing the time coming to midday. We went for lunch. That I got magic dumplings that have warm gravy inside. We then made the way back to our Dormitory. Do. you want to go to Wood Burn village this afternoon. Megan asked. That everyone said yes. We can look for something to wear for the magical beasts' event. Nicola said.
Finishing lunch. We want to collect Beni-lee from our room. And made our way to Wood Burn village. Were going to see women's underwear. Jack said. Megan told him to stop being a prev.
Arriving at Wood Burn Village. We saw a store. That sold cakes. Let's go in there. Jack said. Pulling Megan by her arm. Look at these cakes. Jack said. We entered the cake store. I will have the biggest cake you sell, please. Jack said. Yes, young man. The storekeeper replied.
Leaving the cake store. Both girls saw a store called. Woman Fashion. Let's go in. The girls said. Oh my god. Jack said. As sat there watching the girls try different clothes on. Oh my god. You've tried nearly every dress on in the store. Jack said. We have to get shoes now. Then get you and Joey's clothes. Megan said.
Finishing watching both girls try hundreds of dresses on. We want this. They said. That is the first dress you tried on. Jack said. We girls can't rush when it's something to do with clothes. Megan said.
We then went to pay for the dresses. That added up to two hundred shells. TWO HUNDRED SHELLS. Jack shouted. That is robbery. It's not robbery Jack. Megan replied. It is. Jack muttered.
Leaving the store. We went to get some food from Happy Joe's. We had to sit outside because they wouldn't let Beni-lee in the restaurant. Jack happy because they sold hot chocolate melt cake with ice cream. He ordered four. Megan was looking at him like she wanted to kill him.
Seeing the time coming to eight o'clock. We began to make the way back to Rich Lambs. As we were getting close to the two stone lions. A woman's voice whispered. The next item that you have to find is called a Flying Horse.
And that's it. She hasn't given any information about where to find it. Or what it looks like. We have to go to the library again to look for information on flying horses. Imagine asking Madelyn. The Librarian where about in the library would we find that. She would definitely think we have gone mad. Jack said.
Arriving back to our room. Both girls said they were going to bed. That Megan came to give a kiss. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to gave Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. Then left with Twitchy.
Jack and I put out pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink. And got in bed. Goodnight Joey mate. Goodnight Jack. I replied.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, COMING NOW. jack replied. As he got out of bed to let her in. Morning, it's magical beats today. Megan announced. As she sat on Jack's unmade bed.
Great, here's another chance to get drunk. Jack said. Last time you got drunk. You vomited in a plant pot. Megan said. Rolling her eye. I was awake all that night vomiting. Jack said.
Megan left saying she will see us in the canteen in five minutes for breakfast. We give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. Then got dressed. Then met Megan and Nicola in the canteen.
Morning. Nicola said. As she ate her magic fried eggs. That the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds. Finding breakfast. We went to a conference room. Called. Rich Ball. As we entered the conference room. We saw long white drapes. Covering the walls. A mirrored ball. And a giant stage. That had four giant speakers on each side.
Welcome to the magical beasts. Today we're going to forget about school work. And have a bit of fun. MR Jayman announced. We needed to partner up with someone. Thank god we're together Meg. Jack said.
We stepped on the dance floor. Megan told Jack to take her waste. Oh, my god. People will see. Jack said. Going red. A giant Cello started to play Swing Jazz. Jack said that the music was something that his Grammar would like. And she's been dead for five years. And she was seventy-nine when she died.
Has we were dancing. Giant creatures few around the room. That reminded me of a movie I've seen. Wow, This is bloody amazing. Jack said. As the day continued. Jack began to drink. Megan kept her eye on him. Look at him getting drunk. He will be sorry later.
It was coming to midday. MR Jayman announced that there was going to be a break for lunch. And the magical beasts will continue after lunch. We went to the canteen. I can't wait for this afternoon. Jack shouted all over the canteen.
Oh my god. Somebody, please help me. Megan cried out. Finding lunch. We returned to the Rich Ball conference room. To see it had totally changed. Are, we in the same room. Nicola asked.
Welcome back to the magical beasts. I hope you've had a nice lunch. And ready for the second part of this magical beasts event. The next part is going to be a competition for the best magical beast you can find.
I've seen a magical beast. that's gotta big. JACK STOP. Megan shouted. What, I was going to say big nose. Jack replied. We all choose a magical beast. And then MR Jayman chooses the best one.
In third place is Mick Thomas. Fred Pichard's Friend. In second place is. Paul Skinner. A Student That Keeps himself to himself. In first place is Joey Parker. And would, MR Parker wants to come forward to resolve his award.
I then walked up to MR Jayman. That he gave me an item. That was a big round gold colin. Use it well. MR Jayman said. As handed it to me. Seeing the time coming to eight o'clock. We went to our room. That I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had six poos and twenty wees.
Arriving back to our room. Megan announced it was the beginning of the school's summer holidays tomorrow. And we have to find the Flying Horse what we return to school in September.
Both girls said they were going to bed. Megan come and kissed me. Followed by Nicola. Megan went to give Jack a kiss. Then both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. They then left with Twitchy. Saying goodnight.
Jack and I got our pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight Joey. Jack said. Goodnight mate. I replied.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, coming now. I replied. As I got out of bed to let her in. Morning, it's the beginning of the summer holidays today. So we have to get breakfast on the Twitcher Luxury Express. Megan announced.
We have to be on the Twitcher Luxury Express in ten minutes. So get dressed. Megan left saying she would meet us in 2 minutes outside. I and Jack gave Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got dressed. We went to meet both girls.
Morning Joey. Nicola said. As she gave me a kiss. We then made the way to the train platform. Seeing the Twitcher Luxury Express waiting to take us. We went to find an empty carriage. And settled down. Ready for the journey to Dina Alley.
As the Twitcher Luxury Express pulled away from Rich Lambs. We ordered breakfast. I ordered magic fried eggs that the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds, Finishing breakfast. We played wizards Monopoly for the rest of the journey.
Welcome to Dina Alley. I hope you had a good journey. And you will travel with us again soon. The driver announced over the PA system. Welcome to Dina Alley train station. I hope you had a good journey with us. And I hope to see you travelling again soon. We then got Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. And got off the Twitcher Luxury Express To catch a taxi cab.
Do, you want to meet in a couple of weeks to do something. Nicola asked. That everyone agreed to. The taxi cab came to Nicola's house. That she came to kiss me. She left saying goodbye to Jack, Megan, Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. The taxi took us to Megan's house. That she came to kiss me. And then went to kiss Jack. She then gave Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And then left the taxi with Twitchy.
The taxi took us to Jack's house. That he went to give Beni-lee a stoke. And left with Jacob. Saying that he will see me soon. The taxi took me home to Number 8 Sea Drive Line.
I then got Beni-lee. And got out of the taxi. As we were walking to my house. I heard Danyel shout. OUR MAGIC BOY IS HOME. That made Beni-lee jump from my arms and run to her.
I then went inside to see Granny Peggy and Grandpa George. Welcome home, Joey. They said. I said that I was going to unpack. Before tea. As I was unpacking. I heard a woman's whisper say. You have twenty-two more tasks to complete.
Did, you say something, magic boy. Danyel called. No. It was the man on the radio I replied.
Kyle Cloete...