Good morning Beni-lee, I said. Giving her a little stroke on her head. I heard Danyel going to the bathroom. Making Beni-lee jump off my bed and go and get her belly stroked.
Good morning Beni, I heard Danyel say. As I got out of bed. With passing Danyel's room. I peeked in to see Beni-lee lying on Danyel's belly looking in her face.
I made myself downstairs to see a full cooked English breakfast on the kitchen table. That had a glass of fresh orange juice. Which I et it all apart from one sausage. That I gave to Beni-lee because she was looking at my plate wishing for the sausage would roll off the plate on the floor.
seeing the time coming to 8 o'clock. I went to get ready for the journey to Fox Tale Street. Where the magic stores are located. I went to say goodbye to Granny Peggy and Grandpa George and Danyel. And I and Beni-lee made ourselves to Fox Tale Street.
Arriving at Fox Tale Street to see there was a new store. That sold items that make wizards and witches disappear. I made myself with Beni-lee up to the door and entered.
As we entered the store. I saw a giant mirror standing in the middle of the floor. That Beni-lee saw her own reflection and bark. That made the storekeeper come from the back to see what all the noise was over.
I apologized to the storekeeper. A thin tall chap. That had long jet black hair. He was dressed in long black robes. Welcome to Ministry Of Disappearinting. Today we have an offer on our invisibility paint. You only need to put a tiny bit on you and it will make you invisible to everyone.
Seeing the price of the paint was 5 shells in wizard money. I purchase two pots. I and Beni-lee left the store. To hear Jack telling Megan that he has had 20 meals a day whiles he's been on holiday. That led to Megan replied with you are awful greedy.
HELLO, JOEY MATEY. Jack said. JOEY said Megan as she hugged me. Jack had hold of a small box. I asked him what is inside. That led to me peeping inside the box and seeing a baby rabbit. That Beni-lee was looking at it like it was a new toy for her.
Seeing the time was coming to quarter to 3 we begin to head to Dina Alley to catch the train. With arriving at the station to see the train was waiting.
We found an empty carriage and sat down. Megan asked Jack what was he going to call his rabbit. To him replying with. Lily her name is. Megan told Jack that he might want to have a look between its legs and think of a different name. Jacob then.
The train driver came over the p a system to welcome us on board this evening and he is the driver that is going to take us to Rich Lambs school. He went to say that the trolley with the snacks and drinks on will come shortly. Making Jack's eyes light up.
As the train started to pull out of Dina Alley. A knock came on our carriage sliding door. That Jack got up and opened to see Nicola standing there.
Sorry everywhere else is full. Come in, I told her. Making room next to me. That Beni-lee wasn't very happy about it. And making herself lay by Megan.
Has the train left the station, We settled ourselves down. Jack saying wounder when would the snacks trolley will arrive. Cursing Megan to tell Nicola that she's sorry about the human pig. That made Nicola laugh. And say it's was okay. And she is used to her little brother.
After an hour. The train came to a sudden standstill. What's happening, Asked Jack. Megan replied, Maybe the train has broken down.
The train driver came over the P A system and announce that there is a Yamichrist on board with us. Please don't attempt to leave your carriage unless it is necessary.
As we were sitting there. We heard similar to wood being dragged in the train's corridor. Oh my god, said Jack. As a shadow appeared on the other side of the closed wooden window shutters.
Sitting there frozen to the seat. The carriage's door started to slowly open. To reveal a figure dressed in a black ripped hooded gown. As the figure came into the carriage. Everything seemed to go dark. That I can describe as the light has sucked from the universe.
I then heard a man's voice coming through the sound of the black-hooded gowned figure and point his wand at the hooded figure. And called out musautiofeld. That created a forcefield of the sound of high pitch streaming. That made the hooded figure quickly disappear into black smoke.
The man went to introduced himself as Professor Testicle. The Professor of producing. Jack looked at me and smiled. The Professor left by telling us that we should be arriving soon. And we should get into our robes.
Professor Testicle left the carriage. Welcome to Rich Lambs. This is your home for the next year. I hope you have a safe year. I hope to see you soon. The train driver announces.
And the doors on the train dissolved. I then got Beni-lee and made ourselves up to the stone lions on the entrance of Ritch Lambs.
I told Jack, Megan and Nicola that I was going to take Beni-lee to our room before the welcome speech begins. To them agreeing. Arriving back from putting Beni-lee in our room. The welcome speech began.
As we waiting for MR Jayman to start his speech. I notice a pretty girl looking over at Jack. Selly Victor was thin with quarter cast skin. And big dark eyes.
I looked at Megan to see if she had noticed her looking at Jack. To her smiling at me. The next moment the big bang took place. To MR Jayman appearing. Making the first-year students jump and laugh.
Welcome to a new year at Ritch Lambs. You will sleep, eat, and faced challenges beyond your imaginations. MR Jayman went to introduce Professor Testicle. The Professor of producing. That made the students laugh.
You and Jack want to take that class. Megan suggested. Giving a little laugh. Shut up, said Jack. Going red. MR Jayman went to say that the Yamie The Quiet Forest is forbidden to all first-year students. Any student that gets caught in there. Will be expelled.
He curried on to say that the household dormitories has been refurbished. And he hopes we like it. MR Jayman told us to finish our supper. And run along to bed. Finishing with. We have a big year ahead.
He then steps back and disappears into a blue flame. Making the first-year students jump. The school's prefects. Tom And George. Ordered the first-year students to follow them to their dormitories.
Jack wanted to watch the students get lost. And point the boys to the girl's rooms and the girls to the boy's rooms. And laugh when he hears the screams from the girls.
After all the students had gone to their dormitories. We made ourselves to the State House Hold. To see that it had a new on-sweet-bathroom with a bath that could fit ten students in.
Seeing the time coming to 9 o'clock. I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had about fifty wees and two poos. Arriving back to our household. That Jack went to check Jacob his rabbit had water.
Megan told us that she's going to bed. She came up to me and kissed me on the cheek. And went to Jack and kiss him. That made him say oh my god. She's just kissed me.
Megan then went to Beni-lee and gave her a stroke. She wished us goodnight and then went to bed. I and Jack got into our pyjamas. And I gave Beni-lee a drink of water and got in bed.
Goodnight Jack, goodnight Joey.
The next morning arrived. Good morning Beni-lee. I heard Jack say. As I was waking up. Morning Joey, morning Jack, I replied as I got out of bed to give Beni-lee her breakfast.
It's producing our first lesson. I said to Jack. Great, it's bad enough listening to Megan telling me how to tell that Jacob is a boy rabbit. Never mind having to sit through a whole lesson of it.
You might enjoy it. I said. Giving a little chuckle. We got ourselves ready. And went to get breakfast. Arriving in the canteen to see Megan was there eating her breakfast. That Jack muttered. She's down here again early like usually.
With getting our breakfast. We joined Megan. Morning, you two. She said between eating her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them.
I got magic fried eggs which the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds. Jack got two plates. One with magic profiteroles which expended on my plate. That Megan reminded him that's isn't breakfast. And a bowl of coco pops.
Finishing our breakfast. We made ourselves to the first lesson. That was producing. Arriving at the classroom. We sat ourselves down.
Professor Testicle appeared at the front of the classroom. And introduced himself. And Went on to say that we were going to learn about how Female Komodo dragons mate.
He went to say that Komodo dragons can have virgin births. This means that they don't need a male to fertilize an egg for it to hatch.
That Jack whispered. Thankgod were not Komodo dragons. Seeing Professor Testicle had a big hutch full of baby rabbits. That the girls kept picking them up.
Professor Testicle went to say that was the end of the lesson. Please suddenly how rats reproduce. I want a full page essay on it by the next lesson.
Leaving the producing lesson. Megan asked if I still got that crystal ball. Yes, I replied. Do you think we should get it and go to the Yamie The Quiet Forest to see we can find more information on Zooiem, Megan replied saying yes.
I went to collect the crystal ball and Beni-lee from our room. And headed down to the Yamie forest. Jack reminded us that first-year students are not allowed to go to the Yamie forest. That's okay we're fourth-year students, Megan replied.
Arriving at the Yamie. We found a tree that been cut out. Let's go in there out the way, said Megan. With squeezing in the tree. I then pulled out the crystal ball. And placed it in the middle of the ground.
What now, asked Jack. I don't know, Megan replied. With noticing a glow in the crystal ball. A soft woman's voice whispered the roetter curse continues to Rome the grounds looking for its next victim. Oh my god, said Jack. I've been worrying about learning about how Female Komodo dragons mate. And now some woman tells us that the curse is looking for its next victim.
Pull yourself together Jack said, Megan, are you a man or a mouse. I'll be a mouse if it means we can stop getting cured. Can we go back, Jack asked. Yes, replied Megan. Rolling her eyes.
Seeing the time coming to midday. Jack went to remind us that it's dinner time soon. And he wants to be the first in-line to get food. Megan rolled her eyes and whispered you greedy pig.
Arriving at the canteen to see Jack nearly pushing a first-year student over to get to the front of the line. We got some dinner. And went to sit down to eat it.
There's Nicola, Joey. Said, Megan. Are you okay, Nicola asked me. Yes, I'm good. How are you, I'm good. I replied. Do you mind if I join you, Nicola asked. Megan told her to take a seat.
Megan asked Jack if he's seen, Selly Victor lately. To him replying saying, NO NO WHY WOULD I SEE HER. GIRLS ARE TUBBLE. He said. With going red.
We have a free afternoon. If you want to go to Wood Burn village. Megan asked. Wood Burn is a small village not too far from Ritch Lambs. Yes, I replied. I asked Nicola if she wanted to come with us. Nicola said she would love to go.
The next moment in walks Selly Victor. Here's your chance to ask her, go on. Megan told Jack. Pulling him up from his seat. We watched him slowly creep over to Selly. Hi. I'm Jack Slices. He sounds similar to a movie character, Megan said. Making me laugh.
SHE SAID YES. Jack said. Has he skips back to his seat. Congratulations Jack. I will take it she said she said yes by the look on your face she said yes. Oh my god. She did. That I noticed the disappointed expression on Megan's face.
After finishing our dinner. We went to get ourselves dressed. And made the way to Wood Burn Village. Arriving at Wood Burn. Beni-lee was looking at the cakes in the bakery's window. That I bought her a puff pastry finger cake.
Jack bought himself 5 ring doughnuts. That he found it hard to give Selly one. We come to a store. That sold ladies clothes. Jack tried not to look at the woman's underwear.
Oh my god. If mum knew I was shopping in ladies clothes stores. She would have me going shopping with her every day. That made everyone laugh.
Leaving the store. We saw a cloud of people gathering. What's happening here, asked Jack. It looks like something serious has taken place.
As we got nearer to the people. We saw an old woman lying in a hole in the ground. Hearing a man crying saying, A man with no hair. Wearing long black clothing was here. And he said that every day from now people lives are about to end.
Zooiem, Jack whispered. As the man cowered away. We should head to school, I stressed to the others to stay closed. And take their wands out.
As we were passing bombed-out cars. I noticed there was movement between the burnt cars. I then alerted the others. As we crept through the bombed village.
We heard a mans whispering. You thought you could take me on. You're too weak to take a powerful and intelligent as me. You will lose. It sounds like he's hasn't watched any movies, said Jack.
Arriving back at school. We went to the State House Hold Dormitory. to see Gerrell Walsh. A thin pale student with glasses. Was playing wizards Monopoly.
I thought it meant to be played with two people, said Jack. We took a seat to watch. Gerrell rolled the dice to get an 8. That the wizard hat token moves to jail stop. Seeing the token being locked behind bars.
Gerrell said that there's meant to be a giant wizards Monopoly board hidden somewhere in the school. And the old headteacher used to lock the students in its jail for weeks.
Seeing the time coming to 9 o'clock we went to our room and got ourselves ready for bed. The three girls tried on the clothes that they bought. The three of them said that they're going to bed.
Nicola came up and kissed me. And give Beni-lee a stroke. That led to Megan copying. Goodnight boys, they said as they left. Jack and I got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee a drink of water. I got in bed and fall fast asleep.
Getting woken up with the sun bouncing off the walls. Good morning Joey, Jack said. Morning Jack. I got out of bed. And give Beni-lee some breakfast.
We went to get dressed. And went to get breakfast in the canteen. Good morning you two, Megan said. Morning, we replied. We got our breakfast. Magic fried eggs. That the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds.
We sat down by Megan to eat our breakfast. Magic Music is our first lesson, Megan said. I wonder if George And Kelly. Spell Radio Dj's. be helping out again this year, I said. Finishing my magic friend eggs.
We made ourselves to the magic music classroom. We sat ourselves down on a bongo drum seat. That I reminded Jack not to try to play them. The last time he tried. The drum gave out a big bang.
Welcome to magic music, Professor Musicala said. Before introducing Spell Radio Dj's. George And Kelly. Today we are going to learn about how wizards and witches use the airwaves to spy on the non-magic community.
Imagine a young non-magic boy or girl has got the radio on. Listening to their favourite song. suddenly he gets attacked by a Zooiem follower. This is what you can do.
A radio wave transmits in a straight line. And when something is blocking its path. The likes of aluminium. They hit the aluminium and fireoff in the orbit direction.
First, we need a student to volunteer to come and join us at the Front. Professor Musicala asked. That led to I and Fred Pichard putting up our hands.
Yes, MR Parker and MR Pichard please make yourselves to the Front, Professor Musicala requested. You're going to be the first student to die by radio waves, Fred whipped as we stood at the front between the giant speakers.
Professor Musicala told us to take out our wands And George told me to flick my wand up and right with saying macfrequency. And told Fred to flick his wand up once calling out frequency-you. See what happens.
We then stood back and pointed our wands at each other. Fred called out frequency-you. And I calling macfrequency. That created a bolt of electric fly around the classroom. Braking the windows.
THAT'S THE END OF CLASS, Professor Musicala announce. Please study how to blocked wizards from listening through radio frequencies.
We then made ourselves to dinner. It's magic cooking this afternoon, Megan said. Making Jack's eyes light up. Has he eats his spaghetti bolognese. That's the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate.
Finishing our dinner. Jack let out a huge burp. You've got manners like a pig, Megan said. Rolling her eyes. Finishing eating. We made ourselves to magic cooking.
Arriving at the class. To see a giant pot cooking something that smelled beautiful. Miss Burncoo appeared at the front of the class. Welcome to magic music, today we're going to learn how to cook mind-blowing popping candy. That pop in your mouth whiles your eating it.
Miss Burncoo took out a small silk dark blue bag. And pulled out a silver packet. This is N.S dust, Miss Burncoo said. She strongly suggests that the student should put safety goggles on.
She said to watch very close while she opens the sliver packet. She opened it. That created a big explosion. That made the room shake.
OH, GOOD HAVENS. Miss Burncoo said. Whiles she got back up on her feet. She carried on to continue. To get interrupted by a whimper saying, I've got a student captured in the school. If any teacher or student tries to rescue them. They will die.
MR Jayman's voice came over all the classrooms. Telling all the students to return to their dormitories. And the teachers to meet him in the dungeons.
We began to make ourselves to our Dormitory. Do you think everything is okay, Jack asked. Yes, everything will be fine. Megan replied in an unsure voice.
As we were nearly at State House dormitory. We heard a lady's whisper saying. Zooiem will silence everyone inside these school's walls one at a time.
Oh my god, I hope the frize is ready for me. Jack said. As Selly Victor passed. Hi, Jack. Selly said. All right, Jack replied as we entered into State House dormitory.
I went to collect Beni-lee from our room. That she had been trying to get in the frize. BENI-LEE, I said. As she wags her tail. We then heard another big explosion outside our room. That I popped my head out of our door. To see a bombed-out dormitory.
I heard that whisper say. The crystal ball is here. We most find it to take over the world. I saw Paul Skinner. A student that keeps himself to himself. Seek behind the rubble.
What's he's doing, Jack whispered. Paul pulled his wand out. And cast out the fireball spell. We then heard a laugh and a man's voice saying, You thought that you would be able to silence the greatest wizard that roamed these walls.
Popping my head over the rubble to see Paul lying on the ground. I crept around the back of the man and cast the forcefield spell. That Megan cast the fireball spell. Creating a big electrical exploding.
The man then disappeared into red smoke. Do you think he has gone, jack asked. I don't know, replied Megan. We got up to get out.
Calling Beni-lee. We began to leave. To hear screaming. Who is that, asked Megan. We then saw Steve Roger. A claver student lying on the floor.
Do you think he's okay, Megan asked. I don't, Jack replied. I went over and picked Steve up. And we get ourselves out of the dormitory to see MR Jayman stood there.
You three join me in my office instantly, MR Jayman request. Whiles, he was looking at the bombed-out dormitory. Arriving at MR Jayman's office to see the stone tiger stood on the entrance. We entered his office.
Where back again, Jack said. Rolling his eyes. It was this time last year we met in my office, MR Jayman said. What, it is. We got sent a crystal ball, Jack said. Forcing me to come forward to tell MR Jayman I reserved a gif for Christmas. And it didn't have who sent it.
Christmas, You've had this since Christmas and you never told anyone. MR Jayman said in a shocked voice. Very well a lease you have lived.
Is, there anything else you wished to tell me, MR Jayman asked. No Sir that is all, I replied. Very well, run along. He said. peering over his spectacles at us.
As we left MR Jayman's office. MR Jayman said if a student needs help. All they have to do is ask. We then went to the State House Hold dormitory.
It's been a long day, Jack said. As he plonked himself down on a comfy chair. Boys, do something little and they think they have saved the world. Said Megan.
Jack went to get Jacob. His rabbit. That Beni-lee went to lay by. Aww, how cute, Megan said. Just think if we never have met each other 4 years ago. Jack said that Ritch Lambs wouldn't have been fun if we haven't met.
Seeing the time coming to 9 o'clock. Megan said she was going to bed. That she came to me to kiss me. And went to Jack and kiss him. SHE KISSED ME AGAIN, said Jack. Has he wipes the kiss away.
Megan went to Beni-lee and gave her a stroke. The next moment a knock came on the door. That Megan answered to see Nicola. Hello, is Joey there, Nicola asked. Yes, Megan replied. As she left.
She sounds a little upset, Nicola said about Megan. She's a girl, Jack said. Has he went to clean his teeth and get his pyjamas on. I think it's more than that, Nicola whipped to me.
Nicola said she's off to bed. That she come and kiss me. And give Beni-lee a stroke. That she shouted GOODNIGHT, JACK. Though the bathroom door.
Jack come out of the bathroom. That I went to get my pyjamas on. I then got my pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee a drink of water. And got in bed.
Do you think she's in love, Jack asked. I don't know, I replied. Trying not to give everything away that she likes him. Goodnight Joey, Jack said. Goodnight Jack, I replied. Finishing with saying goodnight to Beni-lee.
Good morning, are you awake, Megan called. Whiles knocking on the door. Oh my god, we are now. Jack said. It's the beginning of the holidays today.
A lease I won't get woken up by an insane prison every morning. Get yourselves up and ready. The train leaves in 35 minutes. So get up.
Oh, by the way, Jack you are showing yourself. Megan said as she left. Oh my god, Jack said. As he covered himself. I got up and give Beni-lee some breakfast. And went to get ready.
We then met with Megan and Nicola. And went to catch the train. Arriving at the platform to see the train waiting. We found an empty carriage.
Beni-lee slept for the whole journey. That she didn't wake up until the train driver announced that the train was arriving at Dina Alley.
I got Beni-lee in my arms. And got off the train. And flagged down a cab. We set ourselves down. Has anyone got any plans for tomorrow, Megan asked. No, Jack replied. I'm free. Nicola went to say. I replied with, I'm always free.
Are you up for going to the Water Splashdown park tomorrow, Jack asked. Yes, I. Nicola and Megan replied. The cab came to Megan's house.
She got up and came and give me and Jack a kiss. She then said goodbye to Nicola. And gave Beni-lee a stroke. And out the cab. As the cab pulled off. Jack said, no-more bossy.
The cab comes to Jack's house. That he got up and gave Beni-lee a stroke. And said goodbye to Nicola and me. And then he got out of the cab.
The cab pulled away from Jack's house. Do you think Jack and Megan will get together, Nicola asked. I don't know, I replied. Giving a little chuckle.
The cab came to Nicola's house. She got up and give Beni-lee a stroke. And came and kiss me. And get out of the cab. The cab pulled from Nicola's house.
I then sat there until the cab reached my house. I then got hold of Beni-lee. And got out of the cab. And made myself to our front door. IT'S OUR MAGIC BOY, I heard.
Danyel come running out and took Beni-lee from my arms. And ran into the house. I then went in to see Granny Peggy holding Beni-lee on her lap.
Hello, Joey. She said. Hello, Granny. I replied. I went to unpack my stuff. And then lied down until my tea was cooked. After I eating. I took Beni-lee for a walk. And went to watch magic videos in my room.
Good morning, Britain. It's just after 8 o'clock on Wednesday the 6th of July. It's going to be a beautiful sunny day. Hitting temperatures of 28 degrees across the UK. The man on the radio announced waking me up.
Good morning, Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke. She heard Danyel going to the bathroom. Making her jump off the bed. Morning Beni-lee, Danyel said as Beni-lee dived on her bed.
I got out of bed and went downstairs. Good morning, Joey. Granny Peggy said whiles placing a cooked English breakfast in front of me.
Morning magic boy, Danyel said. Whiles, she passed to get her breakfast. Morning, I need someone to take care of Beni-lee today because I am going to the Water Splashdown Park, I said. Yes, a curse I will, Danyel replied.
I got ready and went to meet Jack and the two girls. Hello, you three. I said. Hello, Joey. They replied. We then walked two blocks to the Water Splashdown Park.
Arriving at Water Splashdown. We got our swimmer on. Jack's swimming trunks were too tight for him. Making Megan go red when she looked at him.
Oh my god, let's go on that. Jack said. Pointing at a 20-foot water slide. We queued up for over an hour to go on. Finally, we reached the front of the queue. To Jack saying he thinks it's a bad idea to go on the slide.
It's too late now, Megan said. Pushing him forward. Jack sat down on the top of the slide. Before he could do anything. Megan pushed him.
The hole of Water Splashdown park heard Jack screaming. OH MY BLOODY GOD, HELP ME. He yelled as he went down the slide. I think he's had a heart attack.
We then got some dinner at MR Splasher's Diner. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries. Nicola ordered spaghetti bolognese. Megan ordered. A lasagna. And Jack ordered a beef burger and fries. A 12-inch ham and tomato pizza. And hot chocolate fugue cake for dessert.
After we finished eating. We got on the lazy river. Jack thought of splashing Selly. That made her splash him back. Nicola pointed at Megan to show me her looking at Jack and Selly.
Seeing the time coming to 3 o'clock. We went on a couple of more rides. Before we began to make ourselves home. How good was that, Said Jack.
Arriving back home. Jack said he was going to Turkey for two weeks. And he's not going to able to meet until the start of the school term.
Megan said that she is going to Spain with her mum and dad. Oh well, I thought. I still got Nicola for the company. With saying our goodbyes.
I made myself home to see Beni-lee had chocolate around her mouth. Granny Peggy, why has Beni-lee got chocolate around her mouth, I asked. I don't know, Granny Peggy replied. Giving a little giggle.
I then went to my bedroom to see the crystal ball was showing Zooiem. The dark wizard's face. Whispering, Zooiem is coming and he won't stop until the mission is completed.
Kyle Cloete...