Good morning, Beni-lee. I said giving her a stroke on her head. She then heard Danyel going to the toilet. That made her jump off the bed and go to see her.
Good morning Beni-lee, I heard Danyal say as I got out of bed. I went past Danyal's room to see Beni-lee laying on her back getting her belly tickled.
I then made my way downstairs to see that Granny Peggy had cooked a full English breakfast for me. Good morning, Joey. Grandpa George said. Morning. I replied taking a seat.
I then went and seat down to eat my breakfast. Good morning, Joey. Granny Peggy said as she entered from the kitchen. Morning, I replied. As I continued to eat my breakfast.
GOOD MORNING MAGIC BOY, Danyel shouted making me jump 2 foot in the air. Good morning Danyel I replied. Catching my breath.
After I had finished my breakfast. I then went to get ready to go to the magic stores in Fox Tale Street. Finishing getting ready. I went to say goodbye to Granny Peggy, Grandpa George and Danyel.
I got Beni-lee on her lead. And made the journey to Fox Tale Street. With chatting a taxi cab. I asked the driver to go and pick up Jack and Megan.
The driver picked Jack up first. That he told me about his holiday to Turkey. And he took part in an eating competition. That he came second place in.
The cab came to Megan's house. That Jack remained me of Megan going quiet when she saw him and Selly together. Making me tell him why she did.
OH MY GOD, SHE FANCIES ME. Jack replied. Giving a little giggle and going red. The taxi came to Megan's house. That made Jack go quiet.
As Megan got in the taxi. She said hello to me and turned to Jack and smiled and said hi. Making him panic and say hi. Trying not to look at her.
The taxi pulled off from Megan's and took us to the magic stores on Fox Street.
As the taxi arrived at Fox Street. I got Beni-lee and got out of the taxi. As I stepped into Fox Street. I saw a new stone that the front was designed like a bat. With a giant bat's head. That had two yellow eyes with two giant brown silky wings. Misses Wings. The store for your nocturnal flowers. Guavas. And durians for 25% off here. A little rounded lady. Dressed in long black shaggy robes said that was sud behind the store counter.
I have two bunches of MR tease daffodils, please. Asked Jack. Misses Wings went to say someone has a secret crush. Giving a little chuckle.
NO WAY NOT AGAIN, Jack replied. Paying for the MR tease daffodils and quickly exiting the store. With leaving Misses Wings. We went to get something to eat at Big Sausage Cafe.
Jack was making jokes about the name. Megan asked him if that and food all he thinks about. He replied with No, I think about Jacob. His Rabbit.
Finishing eating. Megan said that she was going to the toilet before we head to catch the train. After Megan returned from the toilet. We made the way to Dina Alley. To catch the train.
Arriving at Dina Alley. To see the train haven't arrived on the platform yet. We took a seat to wait. Fifteen minutes posted and there wasn't any sign of the train.
The station announcer came over the PA system to say the train has derailed because there was a foreign object on the tracks that caused the train to derail.
The announcer went to say that the Twitcher Luxury Express will arrive soon to take you to Hanuits. Where Rich Lambs school is located.
We then heard the train arriving at the station. Seeing nothing but steam at first. And as steam evaporated. A shiny golden train appeared.
ALL ABOARD, the driver called. That we found an empty carriage. And settled ourselves down. The driver came over the P A system to welcome us on the Twitcher Luxury Express. And it will be taking us to Rich Lambs. He went to say that we could order snacks and drinks from our carriage. By using the takeover minds spell. Making Jack's eyes light up.
As the train left the station. Megan ordered chips sausage and gravy for herself. Jack ordered two fried eggs. Four MR Jacks Choc Spectacular. That was hot melted chocolate over warm cake. That he gobbled down. I got spaghetti bolognese and sticky toffee pudding.
After we finished eating. We saw that it was getting dark outside. That made the train lighting come on. Lighting the carriage up.
We should get dressed in our robs soon. We will be arriving at Rich Lambs soon. Said, Megan. Oh my god, yes okay. Jack replied rolling his eyes.
After we got our robs on. The knock came on the carriage's door. That I answered to see Nicola standing there. Hi, is it okay if I come and sit with you, Nicola asked. That led to me replying saying yes.
Nicola went and sat down next to Beni-lee. That Beni-lee acted like Nicola wasn't there. As the Twitcher Luxury Express.was pulling in the station. The driver came over the PA system to say that the train had arrived on the platform. And he hopes that we have a safe year ahead. And he hopes that we will travel again with them soon.
We then got our stuff together and I put Beni-lee on her lead. And made the way to the two lions on each side of Rich Lambs' entrance.
As we went past the lions. They gave a raw. That made Jack jump and say oh my bloody god. We then made the way into the hallway that I told Jack, Megan and Nicola to find a seat for welcome speech while I go to take Beni-lee to our room.
I then arrived back in the hall for the welcome speech. She keeps giving me evil looks, Jack said looking at Selly. Just ignore her, Megan said. Giving her a smug look.
We waited for MR Jayman's welcome speech to begin. As we waited. All of the candles that hunged in mid-air below out. Making the hall pitch black.
We then heard a lady's whisper saying, Zooiem has produced an army. Of evil. And nobody will be able to stop it. That MR Jayman appeared from thin air. And flicking his wand silencing the voice.
MR Jayman started by saying. Welcome, to another year at Rich Lambs. This is going to be your home for the year. You'll eat, sleep, and face challenges beyond your imaginations.
MR Jayman went to say that a new year is ahead. There have been some changes to Ritch Lambs to keep you all safe. Beginning with no student should Rome the school alone. And if students want to go out. They have to tell Rich Lambs' teacher. If a student gets caught breaking these rules. They will be punished.
MR Jayman went to say that the Yamie. The quiet forest is forbidden to first-year students. And if a student gets caught in there will be expelled immediately.
He went to welcome back Miss Ritchbum. That teacher's wands And Spells. And MR Markles. That teacher's witchcraft. And MR Longfeet. That teacher's mind control. And MR Blackmadics. That teacher's wizard 5 by 5. And Miss Burncoo. That teacher's ministry of magical cooking. And Professor Testicle. The Professor of producing. Finishing with Spell Radio Dj's George and Kelly.
MR Jayman finished his speech by saying. If a student needs help. All that they have to do is ask. Then MR Jaymam stepped back and disappeared in a blue flame.
School prefects Tom and George. Began to guide the first-year students to their dormitories. That we stayed to laugh at the first-year students going in the wrong toilets again.
After finishing watching the students get lost. We went to State House dormitory. To see it had been refurbished. With a 7 foot deep hot tub. A sauna. That Beni-lee thought it was her toilet.
Seeing the time was coming to 9 PM. I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had over fifty wees and two poos. that smelled. I then returned to our dormitory to see Nicola talking with Jack and Megan.
Hello, Joey. Nicola said. As she stood speaking with Jack and Megan. Hi, I replied. With kissing her. That made Beni-lee moan.
What are you doing tomorrow after class, Nicola asked. That I replied with. I meant to be trying to sort something to protect us against Zooiem. If you want to join us. That Nicola said she would like to.
Both girls said that they're going to bed. That they came to kiss me. And Megan went and kiss Jack. They went and give Beni-lee a stroke. And left with saying goodnight.
I got my pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee a drink. And got in bed. Goodnight Jack, good Joey. Jack replied. Goodnight Beni-lee we said. To her lying down and falling asleep.
We got woken by Megan knocking on our door asking us was awake yet. Oh my god. No wonder she hasn't had a boyfriend. She would be a nightmare.
I got up to let her in. GOOD MORNING, MAGIC MUSIC IS OUR FIRST LESSON OF THE DAY. She announced. As she bounced in.
It's, 7 o'clock in the bloody morning. Jack said as he put his pillow over his face. Megan left telling us she will see us in the canteen for breakfast in ten minutes.
I then got up and give Beni-lee her breakfast. And got dressed and went to meet Megan. Finally, you are here. Megan said. rolling her eyes.
Getting our breakfast. That Jack got a bowl of magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them, And magic fried eggs. That the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds.
Megan got magic toffee pops. That toffee pours out when you eat them. Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the magic music laboratory.
With arriving in the laboratory. We took a bongo seat. That I had to remind Jack not to play it. I noticed that the 6-foot self-playing Violin had disappeared. All that was there were the two giant speakers and the mirrored ball. That hangs in mid-air by magic.
Welcome to the first magic music lesson of the year. Professor Musicala announce. Looking over his penny glasses. Oh my god. I've been busy taking care of Jacob and forget to do studying. Whipped Jack.
Professor Musicala went to say today we were going to learn how to stop a dark presence with audio. First, we need two volunteers to come and join me at the front. Jack and Megan raised their hands.
Yes. MR Slices and Miss Style please come up. Jack and Megan joined the professor. He asked them to take out their wands and flick them to the left and right and say lookastop.
Before they could a whimper come from the speakers saying that it's time for someone to die. That made professor Musicala call off magic music and tell us to go to our Dormitory.
Arriving at State House Dormitory. To see all the students panicking. Jack asked if it's a bad time for him to get a sauna. How, does your mind function. Megan asked. What, do you mean. I'm only getting a sauna. Jack replied.
Greedy pig, Megan muttered under her breath. The Dormitory suddenly went dark. Oh, my god. We are going to die for sure this time. Jack said in a squeaky voice.
We then heard a lady's whimper saying. Zooiem is here. A red beam of light with smoke appeared in the middle of the Dormitory.
I reached for my wand. And called recordtwist. To create a twister out of my wond. That Zooiem cursed Loossilence. That is the unspeakable curse.
The whole Dormitory lit up in a bright white glow. Creating a rotten fish odour. Oh, my bloody god. Jack said. As he grabbed Megan's hand. That he quickly released.
Megan cast the mind takeover charm. That made an enormous explosion. Cursing Zooiem to disappear. Do you think he's gone, Jack asked. No, idea. I replied.
We slowly and quietly made it out of the destroyed Dormitory. To go to our room. Arriving in our room to see Beni-lee had broken in the self-filling fridge. And gobbled down five packets of Jack's dirty chocolate beans. The ones that chocolate sauce pours out when you bite into them.
That made tears in Jack's eyes. That Beni-lee went and cuddled Jacob. Jack's rabbit. Trying to look as cute as she could. Making Megan say aww.
Jack reminded us that it was nearly time for tea. And he was going to eat three times as much food. Because he missed his dinner.
Switching the little radio on to hear George And Kelly saying the canteen was closed for tea. And they were taking room orders.
That jack wrote a list as long as his both arms. Our food arrived That nearly filled the room. A knock came on our door. That I answered to Nicola rushing in.
The giant's village in the Yamie Forest has been set on fire. And the giants are trying to save their village. Making Jack say we should go to help. That we agreed.
We made the way to the Yamie. To see Two Hundred-foot flames surrounding the giant village. Trapping them. What, are we going to do. Asked Jack.
I, don't know. I replied. Scratching my head. We felt the ground vibrate. Here they come, Megan said. OH, MY GOD. Jack shouted.
What happened here, I asked the leader of the giant community. Zooiem's army come and destroyed everything we owned. Leaving us with the clothes on our backs.
The bloody. , STOP. Megan shouted. Before Jack could finish his sentence. The next moment the bushes and trees started to blow. Like there was a hurricane.
One of the lady giants beckoned us to in her destroyed house. That was built out of a tree. We made the way inside the tree. To see a big living area with a kitchen and a little on-suite bathroom.
Wow, I bloody love magic. Jack said as he entered. I thought that it looked small. Jack said. Making Megan roll her eyes at him.
The lady giant offered us something to eat. That Jack nearly bit off the lady giant's hand off saying yes. He plonked himself down on a giant chair. Is this your chair, Jack asked the lady giant. That she replied saying no, it was the babies.
Seeing the time was coming to 9 pm. I said we should try to get back to school. That Jack reminded us that there was something dangerous out there. Yes, but if we don't be in our Dormitory by 9 pm. We'll be expelled.
We made the way back to the State House Hold Dormitory. To see that all the students had gone to bed. That I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had over twenty wees and eight poos.
Arriving back to the State House Hold Dormitory. Megan said that Nicola came and asked if I wanted to do something after school tomorrow. That she replied she would love to.
Megan and Nicola said that they are going to bed. That Megan remained us that our first lesson was magic cooking tomorrow morning. Making Jack's eyes light up.
Both girls said that they are going to bed. That Nicola came to give me a kiss that Megan followed. They said goodnight to Jack. Megan kissed him. That he wasn't happy about.
Both girls left. That I and Jack got our pyjamas on. I then give Beni-lee a drink. And got in bed. That Beni-lee turned around in a circle before she plonked herself down and falling fast asleep.
Goodnight. Joey. Jack whispered. Goodnight Jack. I whispered.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan shouted with knocking on our door. Yes, the world is awake with your gob. Jack said. As he opened the door.
Thank god, I'm not a boy. They smell and they are lazy things. Megan said. Looking at Jack. She left telling us to get ready. And she will meet us in the canteen for breakfast.
I got up and give Beni-lee her breakfast. Then got myself dressed. Jack rolled out of bed into the bathroom. After Jack finally got dressed. We went for breakfast in the canteen.
Jack got magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them. Magic fried eggs. That the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds.
I got magic toffee pops. That toffee pours out when you eat them. After we finished eating. We made the way to magic cooking.
Arriving in the classroom to smell pastry baking. Making our stomachs rumble. Miss Burncoo appeared at the front of the class.
Welcome to magic cooking. I aspect you all had a nice break. And I hope this lesson doesn't end like last time. I didn't have the chance to give you work to take away the last lesson. So it's going to be extra today. That made the class moan.
Before that, we're going to learn how to cook magic dumplings. That haves warm gravy inside. Miss Burncoo asked us to take out our wands. And flick it up and then to the right. Saying, warm-dump-grav.
We then took out our wands and flick them up and then to the right. Saying, warm-dump-grav. To see four big dumplings. that had steam coming off.
Jack slowly cut them open to see and smell the warm gravy inside. Wow, look at them. Jack said. As he began to put them in his mouth.
Miss Burncoo went to say that was the end of the lesson. Please study how to make dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce pours out.
We then went to lunch. That myself and Megan just had a sandwich. Jack had spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. And dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce poured out when you bite them.
Finishing our lunch. Nicola came to see if I wanted to go to MR LETENO'S restaurant this afternoon. That I said yes. She said she will meet me at three o'clock. Okay, see you then. I replied.
We went to our room until it was time for me to meet Nicola.
Two fifteen struck. You better start getting ready to meet Nicola. Megan said. I went to the on-sweet to get myself dressed. I then asked Jack and Megan if they would take care of Beni-lee for me. That they would.
I then gave Beni-lee a stroke. That she turned her head into Jack's rabbit Jacob. I then went to meet Nicola. Hi, Joey. Nicola said. Kissing me.
Hi, do you still want to go to MR LETENO'S restaurant, I asked. Yes, that sounds nice. Nicola replied. We made the way to Wood Burn village in Hanuits. By Rich Lambs.
As we walked down the busy high street. That was full of prem-magic people going about their business. Prem-magic people is those without any magical powers. We come to a restaurant. Called. The Serve House Restaurant.
We entered the Serve House Restaurant. To meet the waiter inviting us in. Good evening Sir and Miss. Table for two I guess. That he gave a little grin.
He showed us to a table. That was placed in the corner of the restaurant. The waiter left us to choose what we want from the menu.
Wonder, why it's empty. Nicola said. Has she began to eat the buttered bread roll. I don't know, I replied. All that we hear was the low soft music.
Five minutes passed and there's wasn't any sign of the waiter. Wait, here. I said to Nicola. As I went to look for him. I took myself out of the back where the kitchen was. Pulling out my wand. I slowly pushed the swinging door and entered the kitchen.
As I stepped into the kitchen. I saw that the cooking stoves were turned off. Hello is, there anyone back here. I called. I heard that soft women's voice saying. Zooiem, as captured five prem-magic people. And Their lives will be saved if you complete four tasks.
The first task is. There are items hidden in the Rich Lambs' grounds that you got to find to save the lives of innocent people.
You have until this time tomorrow to complete the task. And if you fail you will find out what the consequences are. The Recovery Pebble is the first item.
See the time coming to 9 o'clock. I told the rest of Nicola that we should get back to school. To her agreeing. We made the way back to see Beni-lee laying on Jacob's back.
I began to tell Jack and Megan about the women's voice we heard. Telling us about the tasks that need completing to save innocent people lives. And there was a pebble called. The Recovery Pebble.
Oh my god. Jack, said. Pulling a worried face. I asked if Ben-lee has been for a walk. That told me that they took her for a two-hour walk.
Megan said we should find out information about this Recovery Pebble. With us agreeing. Megan and Nicola said they were off to bed. And they will see us tomorrow morning for Wizards 5 By Side.
Nicola came and kiss me. Followed by Megan. After Megan gave Beni-lee a stroke. The girls left saying goodnight. I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And I gave Beni-lee a drink. And got in bed.
Goodnight, Joey. Said, Jack. Goodnight, Jack. I replied. We fall asleep.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan shouted. As she nearly put a hole in the door knocking. Yes, we are. Jack replied. As he went to let her in.
It's Wizards 5 By Side today. Megan announce. Yes, we haven't got Alzheimer. Jack replied. Megan left telling us to get ready and she will meet us in the canteen for breakfast.
I got up and gave Beni-lee her breakfast. That she gobbled down in five seconds. I and Jack then got dressed and went to get breakfast in the canteen.
Seeing Megan sitting by herself eating her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them. We got our breakfast and joined Megan.
Finally, your here. Megan said. As continued eating her magic flakes. We made the way to the Gamsport Complex. Seeing it was full of students and teachers chanting their team.
MR Blackmadics. The 5 By Side teacher told us to perform a circle around him. He went to tell us the 5 By Side rules. Anything is aloud a part from harmful spells.
MR Blackmadics then told us to have a good game and went to stand on the sideline. We then heard the 5 By Side whistle to get the game started.
We would like to thank you for joining us today on Spell Radio. George And Kelly Spell Radio Dj's announced. How, was your summer break. George asked Kelly. You know George we live with each other. Kelly replied.
Here comes Fred Pichard with the wriggle-ball on the left-wing. That he passes to Howard Miracle. A Speech House student. That Jack slide tackles him. Braking the tibia bone in his leg.
It looks like the match is going to be called off Kelly. Yes, it does George. MR Blackmadics blows the whistle to end the match. That we went to get showed.
When we in the shower. Jack was saying that he was ready for his dinner. That he got interrupted by a soft woman's voice saying, the time to find the Recovery Pebble is nearly up. You have two hours left to find it to save innocent people's lives.
I went to tell Jack. That he said we got to let Megan know. We got dressed and went to meet Megan in the canteen. Hello, you two. Megan said.
We got some information. Jack said. Has he puts a magic sausage in his mouth. I told her about the woman's voice. That Megan said we have to go to the library to find more information on the Recovery Pebble.
arriving in liberty. We begin searching through thousands of old duty books. There were books on sedimentary stones. Metamorphic stones.And Diabase stones.
This is going to take us ages to find. Jack muttered. Cursing Megan to roll her eyes. I, THINK I'VE FOUND SOMETHING. Megan shouted. Making Madelyn the Librarian tell her to be quiet.
Megan carefully took the book from the shelf and placed it on the table. The book thought black leather cover that had a lock that looked like a set of vampire's teeth.
It had in bold gold letters on the front and a picture of a sideways oval. That was red with a light blue star in the middle.
It's that stone. Jack said. As he comes close. Oh, well spotted. Megan said. It read the mystery of the Recovery Pebble has been researched by the world's top scientists. And they discovered that when the pebble was with three other items they formed energy that created a huge explosion that formed an evil wizard.
Zooiem, Jack whispered. As we stood around the table looking at the book. Are, you finished yet. Madelyn asked. Yes, we're just leaving. I replied.
She was happy to see the back of us. Jack said. I know, wasn't she. Megan replied. Rising her eyebrows. Seeing the time was late. I said that we should get back to State Dormitory.
Arriving at the Dormitory to see Gerrell Walsh. A thin pale student with glasses. Was playing wizards Monopoly. We went to ask him if we could play.
Yes, take a seat. Gerrell said. Clearing the Monopoly board to start a new game. I'm, going to buy every food store on the board. Jack said as he sat down.
The dice rolled itself hitting an eight. That made the wizard's hat move to the broom cupboard. Writing appeared on the Monopoly board reading. You have been trapped in the broom cupboard. You have to get out before the evil wich gets back and finds you.
Oh my god, you're going to die. Jack said. You always say that and you're still alive. And how are going to die it's just a board game. Said, Megan.
I, wouldn't say that. Gerrell said. Why. Jack asked. Gerrell began to say that two students played disappeared.
Yeah, okay your just trying to frighten us. Megan said. Rolling her eyes. Bexley Yarrow and Effie Carter were the students that played wizards Monopoly and let's say the game took over their lives.
Bexley and Effie were intelligent students. That got the top grades that Rich Lambs has witnessed. Some people say the old headteacher ducked them and tortured the students through the game.
How Megan asked. Nobody knows. But there's been a lot of Prem-magic people saying that the game was a host to save Rich Lambs from getting shut down. But I think it's something else.
Seeing the time was coming to five o'clock. Jack wanted to get some tea. That he repeated over and over. Yes, Jack, we are going to get tea now. Megan replied.
Arriving in the canteen to see that they had magic chicken. That lays eggs whiles your eating it. and magic potatoes. That produced hot melted butter when eating them.
The three of us got a plate full. That went down like a treat. And for dessert, we got magic brownies. They have chocolate chips that pop when eating them.
Finishing eating. We went to our State House Hold dormitory. Jack got in the sauna. That he got out like a lobster. Seeing the time coming to eight o'clock. We got dressed and I took Beni-lee for a walk.
Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. To see Megan and Nicola in our room. Hi, Joey. Megan and Nicola said. I replied saying hi.
Megan said that it was the beginning of the Christmas holidays tomorrow. And we have two weeks break from school to find more information about the Recovery Pebble and Zooiem's dark force.
Both girls said that they were going to bed. That they came to me and kiss me and said goodnight. Megan went to kiss Jack.
The girls left. That we got our pyjamas on. And I gave Beni-lee a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight, Jack. I said. Goodnight, Joey. Jack replied.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called with knocking on our door. Yes, I'm here now. I replied as I answered the door. It's the start of the school's Christmas holidays today. That means we have to get breakfast on the Twitcher Luxury Express.
Megan left saying. I will be back in ten minutes. Got yourselves up and dress. After she left. I got up and give Beni-lee her breakfast. I then got dressed. Jack pulled himself out of his bed.
After we got ready. And went to meet Megan and Nicola to catch the Twitcher Luxury Express. Another Term is over. Megan said as we found an empty carriage.
Finding an empty carriage. That had Christmas decorations hanging from the ceiling. Wow, it's Christamsliy. Jack whispered as we sat down.
The driver came over the P A system to welcome us on the Twitcher Luxury Express. He went to say that the trolley with the drinks and snacks on will be around shortly. And it's got some festive merchandise.
The Twitcher Express pulled away from the platform. Leaving Rich Lambs behind. It's strange returning home. Megan said.
Four hours later the Twitcher Luxury Express pulled into Dina Alley station. Welcome to Dina Alley. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And I hope you travel with us again soon. The driver announces.
I got Beni-lee in my arms and carried her to catch a taxi. The five of them flagged a taxi. That Beni-lee lay down with Jack's rabbit Jacob.
The taxi came to Nicola's house. That she said we all should meet one day. That we agreed. Nicola came and kiss me. And said goodbye to Jack and Megan. She left with giving Beni-lee a stroke.
The taxi took us to Megan's house. Megan came and kissed me and went to kiss Jack. Oh, my god. She kissed me again. Jack said.
Megan got out of the taxi. That the taxi pulled from Megan's house. I'm going to eat non stop for the whole of the holidays. Jack said.
The taxi came to Jack's house. That he got up and give Beni-lee a stroke and said goodbye to me. He left saying we should do something without the girls one day. To me agreeing.
He left saying goodbye. The taxi took me home to Number 8 Sea Drive Line. I got Beni-lee in my arms and got out of the taxi. And made the way to our house.
OUR, MAGIC BOY HAS RETURNED. Danyel said. As she grabbed Beni-lee from my arms. I made myself inside to see Beni-lee laying on Granny Peggy's knee.
Welcome home, Joey. Granny Peggy said. I said that I was going to unpack before tea. I went to my room. When I started to unpack. I looked out of the window to see a cloud in the shape of Zooiem's head.
Kyle Cloete...