Morning Beni-lee, morning Coco, morning Ella, morning Tommy and Ben. I said. I got out of bed. To let Beni-lee feed her four puppies. I made myself down to the kitchen to get breakfast.
Morning Joey. Grandpa George said. As he took a sip of his morning coffee. I sat down at the dining room table. Morning Joey. Granny Peggy announced. As she popped out from the kitchen holding nine plates of breakfast.
She placed four plates on the table. And the other five places on the floor. Aww, look at them. Danyel said. As she got down on the floor to sit by them. Seeing the time coming to eight o'clock. I got dressed. And packed my school stuff up. I went to say goodbye to Granny Peggy, Grandpa George and Danyel. I went to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola at the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
All right, mate. Jack said. As both girls ignored me and headed straight towards the puppies. Are, you really for a new term ahead. Megan asked. That everyone said yes. We still have to reserve the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. That is hidden deep inside Rich Lambs. Megan announced. We then flagged a taxi to take us to Fox Tale Street. That the magic stores are located.
Arriving by Fox street. We made the short walk to Fox Talk Street. When we arrived in Fox Tale Street. We become to search for mint choc chip frogs. That makes a cracking sound when eating them. I bet Magical Snacks sells them. Megan said. Suggesting that we go there.
We entered into Magical Snacks. To see chocolate slugs. That sliver down your throat. I'm going to buy two. And let them mate. Jack said. While he got out two shells to pay for them.
Finishing in Magical Snacks. We went to Essential Brooms Broom Store. To purchase a new broom. Arriving in the Essential Brooms Broom Store. We saw a broom that was made with dark pine wood.
Can, I have that one, please. I asked the storekeeper. Yes, certainly young man. The storekeeper replied. The storekeeper muttered under his breath. I wonder. After purchasing my broomstick. We went to The Magic Well Ale Inn.
Arriving in the Magic Well. We ordered some lunch. Before the journey to Rich Lambs. There's Professor Eric Simpson. That's teachers Magical Pets. That's why he's got about ten puppy labradors around him.
Do, you think he will let me stroke them. Jack said. Probably. Go over and ask him. Megan said. Jack made himself over to Professor Eric Simpson. And asked if he could stroke them. That Professor Eric Simpson. replied with yes, certainly you can.
seeing the time coming to three o'clock. We catch a taxi to take us to Dina Alley train station. Arriving on the platform. To see the golden Twitcher Luxury Express waiting with steam coming from it.
ALL THE ABOARD. We heard. That went to find an empty carriage. And settled down. Ready for the journey ahead.
Welcome onboard the Twitcher Luxury Express this afternoon. I am the driver that's going to take you to Rich Lambs today. The estimated journey time is one hour and twenty-six minutes.
Don't forget you can listen to Spell Radio and order snacks with the takeover minds spell. As the Twitcher Luxury Express pulled out of Dina Alley. The first-year student's families were there to wave them off.
Here's a brand new term about to begin. Nicola said. I wonder if there will be any new fit teachers this term. Jack said. As he ordered a load of food using the takeover minds spell. YOUR NOT LOOKING AT ANY TEACHERS. Megan shouted.
I think it's going to be a strange year. Jack said. Why, Jack. Megan asked. I can feel it in my bones. Jack replied. We then put Spell Radio on. And ordered magic dumplings that have warm gravy inside.
Do, you remember when we first met. Jack said. Yes, you were still a pain in the bum back them. Megan muttered. We heard George And Kelly on the little speaker in our carriage.
Welcome to a new term at Rich Lambs. This year is the Wizards Ruby world cup. That will see one hundred other schools completing for a special prize. That will you will love. More information will be announced in MR Jayman's welcome speech.
There's going to be a new lesson called Magical Pets. That MR Jayman is going to tell you about. And also Kelly and I will be again joining Professor Musicala in Magic Music.
We then saw the old building of Rich Lambs. We better get changes in our school robes. Megan said. Welcome to Rich Lambs. Your home for the next year. I hope you have a good and safe year ahead and I hope you travel with us again soon. The train driver announced. We then got our stuff together and I put Beni-lee lead on her. And we made the way to the two stone lions on each side of Rich Lambs' entrance.
Welcome home. Jack said. As we entered the hallway. Seeing the old paintings hanging on the walls. We took Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy to our room. And then went to the canteen to wait for the welcome speech to begin.
Noticing the candles started to viciously flicker. That was followed by a beam of light. And a big explosion. That MR Jayman appeared peering over his spectacles. Welcome to a new year at Rich Lambs. MR Jayman announced.
This is going to be your home for the next year. You will eat, sleep, and face your hardest challenges beyond your imagination. MR Jaymam announced that there is going to be a new lesson called. Magical Pets. That is going to be taken by Professor Eric Simpson. That a young chap appeared with neck length her. Dressed in a shirt and brown jeans. And had owls standing on each of his shoulders.
MR Jayman went on to say. There's going to be a special event taking place called. Wizards Rugby world cup. That you will have a chance to win a special prize. Please let it be something to eat. Jack whispered.
MR Jayman announced that was the end of the welcome speech by saying. he hoped that everyone has a good and safe year ahead. And then he stepped back and disappeared in a blue flame.
Prefects Tom and George. Took control to guide the first-year students to their right dormitories. That the first-year students were getting mixed up and going in the wrong bathrooms. That made the girls scream.
Arriving in the State House Hold Dormitory. I said that I was going to take Beni-lee for a walk before bed. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. Megen announced that our first lesson tomorrow was Magic Music.
Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and her puppies and Jacob lay with each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
I've been studying the Old English Cafe's menu. Jack said. You are under believable. Megan muttered under her breath. She left saying that she will meet us in the canteen for breakfast.
I got out of bed. And give Beni-lee and her puppies breakfast. We got dressed. And went to meet both girls in the canteen. Morning you two. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes that crumble on the spoon when you're eating them.
Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the magic music laboratory. Arriving in the laboratory. We took a bongo seat to wait for Professor Musicala to appear. What do you think we are going to be learning about today. Megan said. Noticing a giant mixing desk at the front of the laboratory.
Welcome to magic music. Professor Musicala announced. As he appeared at the front of the laboratory. Today we're going to be learning about how DJ witches and wizards use the music to control the crowd.
He began to say that It’s every DJ’s dream, right. Banging out all your favourite tunes that you just know nobody in the room is going to know or have, but you’ve got ’em, and they rock. The place goes, wild, those phones are Shazam’ing, there’s a queue of people wanting track titles, no silly requests are coming in ‘cos everyone’s dancing, and you’re the MAN or woman, naturally.
So why is it that sometimes we can feel like jukeboxes, like we’re treading an impossible tightrope, struggling to find tunes that anyone likes, never mind getting the chance to slip in the odd tune they don’t know to satisfy our creative tastes? Well, this article isn’t about finding the good gigs, or jukebox vs creative DJ, or how to satisfy difficult crowds – but what it IS about is a strategy for getting to play at least some of the music you love, at least some of the time. It’s not all going to work for everyone at every gig, but hopefully, there’s something here you can take away.
He went on to say. I’ve seen it loads of times. A DJ comes on, head down, straight into what he or she loves no consideration for the crowd, who came before, the flow of the night nothing. And they wonder why their “amazing” music clears the floor. But then there’s the other way, which I’ve also seen, from underground as well as commercial DJs: You have a box of tunes that express you, for sure, but you also have tunes you are pretty sure will please the dancefloor. The thing smart DJs like these do is spend the first part of their set pleasing the crowd, then when they’ve won their confidence, feel their way with twisting things around to their way of thinking, gently and considerately.
That is where magic comes into it. There was a Professor many years ago. That loved music. And he created a spell called. The Danceofon. Professor Musicala asked us to take out our wands. And point it at someone. And say. Dance-fun.
I then pointed my wand at Fred Pichard. The bully. And called out Dance-fun. That made him do the Y.M.C.A dance. That made the whole class laugh. You will be sorry Parker. Fred said. As he continued to do the Y.M.C.A.
We heard a woman's whisper saying. The case of Miss Gwynn Warren. Have to be collected by the end of this week. The case of Miss Gwynn Warren. is hidden deep inside Rich Lambs.
Professor Musicala called an end to the magic music lesson and told us to go to our Dormitories. Arriving at State House Hold Dormitory. To see MR Jayman with MR Longfeet. That teachers mind control.
I wonder what they are here for. Jack whispered. Making MR Jayman look at Jack and give a little grin. As MR Jayman and MR Longfeet were leaving. MR Jaymam looked at me and whispered. Remember help will always be given at Rich Lambs. All you have to do is ask. No matter what it is.
Seeing it was coming to midday. We went to the canteen for lunch. What was that MR Jayman whispered in your ear. Jack asked. He just said Remember help will always be given at Rich Lambs. All you have to do is ask. No matter what it is. I wonder who we ask if we ever wanted help. Jack said. As he ate his baken flavour yoghurt.
We have Magic Cooking next. Megan said. Another chance to eat more food. Jack said. Finishing lunch. We made the way to the Magic Cooking. As we entered the classroom. We spelt the giant cooking pot cooking spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate.
We took a seat to wait for Miss Burncoo to appear.
Welcome to Magic Cooking. Miss Burncoo announced. As she appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to learn how to cook a magic bin lid. That had sausage and egg and beans in.
She then took out her wond. And pointed it at the plate in front of her and said. Saus-eg-bea-lid. That made a magic bin lid. That had sausage and egg and beans in. Look at the. Jack said. As he began to eat it.
You greedy pig. Megan said. Giving him a look to kill. How, can you eat as much as you. And you aren't a size of a house. I guess I'm special. As specify annoying as you. Megan muttered.
What, did you just say. Jack asked. I said As specify annoying as you. YOU WANT TO TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF. YOU EAT MORE THAN A NORMAL TEENAGER SHOULD. AND YOU THINK THAT IS FINE. Megan shouted. Making Miss Burncoo look.
You can see she's becoming a teenager. Jack said. YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. Megan said. As she bounced out of the magic cooking classroom. Miss Burncoo announced that was the end of the magic cooking lesson. And could, we please study how to cook magic potatoes that produced hot melted butter when eating them.
Leaving Magic Cooking. we went to the Socialshack. To see Megan was talking to Olivia Lambert. A State House student. Have, we stopped being moody. Jack asked Megan. That she replied with. Your just a little boy. That everyone feels sorry for. And give the nickname of Jack the baby.
JACK THE BABY. I WILL SHOW THEM WHO'S A BABY. He shouted. Making everyone in the Socialshack look at him. Oh, my god Jack shh. Megan said. Giving bright red.
Leaving the Socialshack. It's Vegetable Producing is our last lesson of the day. And it looks like there's a storm coming. Megan said. As we looked up into the sky to see big black clouds. And flashes of lighting.
Do, you think that Vegetable Producing will still be on. Jack said. As we were heading down to the Vegetable Producing allotment. Arriving in the Vegetable Producing allotment. We stood aside at a long table.
Welcome to Vegetable Producing. Professor Seed announced. As she appeared at the top of the long table. Today we're going to learn about the Caulifl-Cabbage.
A Caulifl-Cabbage is a vegetable that will keep you full up for days. It won't keep me full for days. Jack whispered.
Professor Seed went on to say the Caulifl-Cabbage haves gotta seed that expands in your stomach that keeps you full. If you eat one. You will feel like you have just eaten a three curse meal.
I'm in heaven. Jack said. Letting out a big burp. Your just a pig. Megan whispered. Shaking her head. I need some of those seeds. Jack said. As he was eyeing up Professor Seed's bag.
Don't even think about it, Jack. Megan whispered. We then heard a woman's whisper saying. The case of Miss Gwynn Warren. Is hidden deep in the tunnels of Rich Lambs. You got to find it by Sunday night. And take it to the Yamie The Quiet Forest.
Professor Seed announced that was the end of Vegetable Producing. And return to our dormitories. Arriving in our Dormitory. I said that I was going to take Beni-lee for a walk before bed. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. Megen announced that our first lesson tomorrow was Producing.
Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and her puppies and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Jack replied. As he got out of his bed to let her in. GOOD MORNING. IT'S PRODUCING THE FIRST LESSON Of THE DAY. SO YOU NEED TO GET YOURSELVES DRESSED AND GET BREAKFAST. She left saying she would meet us in the canteen for breakfast.
I then gave Beni-lee and her puppies breakfast. And got dressed. And went to meet both girls. Morning lads. Nicola said. As she ate his magic fried eggs the yoke changed colour every 5 seconds.
Finishing breakfast. We went to the Producing classroom. arriving in the classroom. We found a seat to wait for Professor Testicle to appear. I wonder what are we going to be learning about today. Jack said.
Welcome to Producing. Professor Testicle announced. As he appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to be learning about how witches and wizards produce. Sick. Fred and Mick Thomas said. As they high five each other.
Professor Testicle started to say that the many who believe in evolution would tell you that billions of years ago, life began on the edge of an ancient tidal pool or deep in the ocean. They feel that in some such location, chemicals spontaneously assembled into bubble-like structures, formed complex molecules, and began replicating. They believe that all life on earth originated by accident from one or more of these simple original cells.
Other equally respected scientists who also support evolution disagree. They speculate that the first cells or at least their major components arrived on earth from outer space. Why Because, despite their best efforts, scientists have been unable to prove that life can spring from nonliving molecules. In 2008, Professor of Biology Alexandre Meinesz highlighted the dilemma. He stated that over the last 50 years, no empirical evidence supports the hypotheses of the spontaneous appearance of life on Earth from nothing but a molecular soup, and no significant advance in scientific knowledge leads in this direction.
Professor said that is all he's allowed to teach us about at our age. But if you asked me a question that is more graphic full. I might get away with answering them. That Jack asked where do babies come out of their mother's body. That nearly made him sick when Professor Testicle answered his question.
Oh my god. I'm not going to get that thought out of my mind now. Jack said. Nearly crying. Seeing the time coming to midday. ProfessorTesticle announced that was the end of Producing. Please could, we study how witches and wizards produce.
Leaving the Producing classroom. We went to the canteen for lunch. It's Wands And Spells after lunch. And we still have to Wizards Ruby world cup. And we still have to reserve the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. That is hidden deep inside Rich Lambs. Have to be collected by the end of this week. And take it to the Yamie The Quiet Forest. Megan announced. As she ate her spaghetti bolognese the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate.
Finishing lunch. We made the way to the Wands And Spells classroom. I wonder what spells we're going to learn today. Jack said. As we sat down to wait for Miss Ritchbum to appear.
Welcome to Wands And Spells. Miss Ritchbum announce. As she appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to be learning about the truth spell. This spell was banned by the Enchanted Of Mystery. But what Professor Edison. The Head Professor Of Enchanted Of Mystery. Doesn't know. Can't shack me.
She then took his wond out of her robes. And ponied it at her parrot. And said. LA-trutho. That the parrot started to tell us who Miss Ritchbum has a secret crush on. That she quickly silence.
Bloody bird. You take her anywhere. She said. Miss Ritchbum started to say that parrot, a term applied to a large group of gaudy, raucous birds of the family Psittacidae. Parrot also is used about any member of a larger bird group, order Psittaciformes, which includes cockatoos (family Cacatuidae) as well. Parrots have been kept as cage birds since ancient times, and they have always been popular because they are amusing, intelligent, and often affectionate. Several are astonishingly imitative of many sounds, including human speech.
She went on to say that The family Psittacidae numbers three hundred and thirty-three. species. The subfamily Psittacinae, the “true” parrots, is by far the largest subfamily, with members found in warm regions worldwide. These birds have a blunt tongue and eat seeds, buds, and some fruits and insects. Many members of the subfamily are known simply as parrots, but various subgroups have more specific names such as macaw, parakeet, conure, and lovebird.
She then told us that For decades the night parrot, or night parakeet Geopsittacus occidentalis, of Australia was thought to be extinct until a dead one was found in nineteen-ninety. It feeds at night on spinifex grass seeds and dozes under a tussock by day. Its nest is a twig platform in a bush and is entered by way of a tunnel. Equally unusual is the ground parrot, or ground parakeet Pezoporus wallicus. Rare local populations exist in the wastelands of coastal southern Australia and western Tasmania. It runs in the grass, flushes like a quail, and makes a sudden deceptive pitch, and it was formerly hunted with dogs. It eats seeds and insects; its nest is a leaf-lined depression under a bush.
The parrot shouted a swear word across the classroom. Making Miss Ritchbum lock him in his cage. Who haves a name like Ritchbum. The parrot said. As she was putting him in his cage.
See the time coming to three o'clock. Miss Ritchbum announced that it was the end of the lesson. And could, we please study. How parrots echo human speech. Leaving Wands And Spells. Megen asked if we wanted to go to the Yamie. The Quiet Forest. That everyone said they wanted to go.
We then went to collect Beni-lee and her puppies from our room. And made the way to the Yamie. The Quiet Forest. I've been dying to go back to Yamie since last year. Jack said.
Arriving in the Yamie. We were met by the giants. Hello, friends. What, brings you to the Yamie today. The head of the giants asked. We're looking for the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. That is meant to be hidden deep inside Rich Lambs. We have to collect it by this Sunday night. And bring it here to the Quiet Forest. I replied.
The head giant told us that the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. Is meant to be hidden where the wishing well in the school. That the old headteacher of Ritch Lambs used to torture the students. This place hasn't meant to be visited for over two hundred years.
Ob, my god. imagine the dust. Jack said. How, do we find the place. Megan asked. This place can be only be found by using the map spell. Once the paper starts to show the route to the place. You will find the case of Miss Gwynn Warren.
We have to start searching for it after the Wizards Ruby world cup on Saturday, Megan said. Seeing the time coming to five o'clock. We went to get some tea in the canteen.
Do, you think that I'm going to win the Wizards Ruby world cup. Jack said. As he ate his spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. Finishing our tea. We went to our room.
Who fantasies getting in the hot tub. Jack said. As he stripped off in his budgie smugglers. NO, WAY JACK. PLEASE PUT SOME NORMAL SUITS ON. Megan shouted. These are all I've got. Jack said. Jumping in the hot tub.
Why have I, just seen bubbles by you, Jack. Making everyone jump out of the hot tub. Seeing the time coming to nine o'clock. I said that I was going to take Beni-lee for a walk before bed. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. Megen announced that our first lesson tomorrow was Witchcraft.
Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and her puppies and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, I'm here now. I replied. As I got out of bed to let her in. MORNING. IT'S WITCHCRAFT THE FIRST LESSON Of THE DAY. SO YOU NEED TO GET YOURSELVES DRESSED. AND GET SOME BREAKFAST. She left saying that she will meet us in the canteen for breakfast.
I then give Beni-lee and her five puppies breakfast. And got dressed. We then went to meet Megan and Nicola in the canteen. Morning lads. Nicola said. As she ate her magic toffee pops. That toffee pours out when you eat them.
Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the witchcraft den. Arriving in the den. To see it was covered in cobwebs. You think MR Marles would do a bit of dusting. Jack said. As we took a wooden stool. To wait for MR Markles to appear.
Welcome to Witchcraft. MR Markles announced. As he appeared at the front of the cobweb-covered den. Today we're going to be learning about how witchcraft came about.
MR Markles started to say that Witchcraft involves the practice of ‘magical’ skills and abilities. It’s a general term, and its meaning depends on the culture and society in which it exists, making it somewhat difficult to define.
He then said that The most common meaning historically refers to the use of supernatural means to harm the innocent. Many traditional cultures have adopted this view worldwide, such as the Indigenous cultures of Asia, Latin America, Africa, the African diaspora, and Indigenous Nations in the Americas.
In many of these cultures, witches stand in opposition to the Indigenous religions. However, anthropologists who write about healers in these Indigenous communities opt for the traditional terminology, or broader terms like ‘shaman’ as opposed to witches.
From the late fifteenth to the late eighteenth century, thousands of people (mostly women) were executed for Witchcraft. Let’s explore why so many innocent people were killed during this period.
He then told us that In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, people believed in the ubiquity of witches, fearing the threat they posed to the divine order.
The book of Exodus appeared to validate the existence of witches, implying their inherent evil, stating ‘Do not allow a sorceress to live. The Roman Catholic Church endorsed books like Malleus Maleficarum, which illustrated the apparent horrors of Witchcraft.
He went on to say This combined with grave misconceptions of how the world worked to generate a pervading fear. In times of uncertainty and upheaval, for example, during wars and famines, accusations of Witchcraft would increase. This mass hysteria meant that Witchcraft became a crime in England in fifteen forty-two, and witches became prosecuted by the state.
Jack wake up now. Megan whispered. As his head hit the desk in front of him. WHAT I'M AWAKE. Jack said. As he wiped the slobber from his mouth. That was very interesting. MR Markles said. That made everyone look at each other.
MR Markles announced that was the end of Witchcraft. And could, we please study. The history of Witchcraft. Perfect work to send someone asleep. Jack whispered. As we left the Witchcraft den.
How bloody, boring was that. Jack said. We have Mind Control next lesson before lunch. Megan said. Asking it we have studied. how to take control of the mind. That Jack said he was too busy to do any research.
We went to the Mind Control classroom. And found a seat to wait for MR Longfeet to appear. I wonder what we're going to be learning about today. Jack said.
Welcome to Mind Control. MR Longfeet announced. As he appeared at the front of the classroom. I aspect we have studied how to take control of the mind. MR Long Feet announced.
Today we're going to be learning how to take over the mind of someone and have them doing funny stuff. MR Longfeet asked if two volunteers like to join him at the front. That I and Fred Pichard put our hands up. YES MR PARKER AND PICHARD. PLEASE COME UP.
We both joined MR Longfeet at the front of the classroom. He asked us to take out our wonds. And say mindio-monkey. We both pointed our wonds at each other. And shouted mindio-monkey. That I cast the spell first. Cursing him to jump around and make sounds like a monkey.
It's Monkey Pichard. Jack said. Laughing. As the spell was wearing off. Fred jumped on his feet. And try to cast the control the mind of your enemy sell at me. That MR Longfeet jumped in the middle before he could cast the spell.
HOW DARE YOU CAST A SPELL-LIKE THAT ON A CLASSMATE. MR Longfeet shouted. Cursing the brains in the glass jars of water to shiver. MR Longfeet sent Fred to MR Jayman's office.
Students like him have no place in this class. MR Longfeet said. Calling him a dummy. Maybe don't tell anybody that I've just called him that. MR Longfeet said. Giving a little chuckle.
Seeing the time coming to midday. MR Longfeet announced that was the end of Mind Control. And could we please study how to, take control of someone's mind. To make do funny stuff.
Leaving Mind Control. We went to the canteen for lunch. We have Time Travel. And that new lesson. Magical Pets. This afternoon. Not forgetting about the Wizards Ruby world cup. And we still have to reserve the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. That is hidden deep inside Rich Lambs. Have to be collected by the end of this week. find it by Sunday night. And take it to the Yamie The Quiet Forest Megan announced. As she ate her witches' brew that was gravy and had mince, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and peppers in.
Finishing lunch. We made the way to the Time Travel classroom. Arriving in the classroom. We felt like we had gone back to the cowboys and Indians times. We then found a seat to wait for Professor Sylvia Hopkins to appear.
Welcome to Time Travel. Professor Sylvia Hopkins announced. As he appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to be learning how to transport ourselves to a different location in second.
Professor Sylvia Hopkins took out his wond. He then asked us to think of the location that we want to get transported to. He then called out. TRAS-LOCAT. That I was transported to the last Christmas day we spent with my mum and dad.
Seeing Danyel helping me open my president. And trying to pin the tail on the reindeer. I then saw a man with no hair. Looking in the living room window. I then got transported back to the Time Travel classroom.
I didn't tell the others about what I saw. Because they might have thought I was going mad. Where, did you go. Jack asked. I went to the last Christmas day with my mum and dad.
Professor Sylvia Hopkins told us that was a time capsule. That can be used to get someone away from danger. And it can take someone back to a happy time of their lives.
Professor Sylvia Hopkins went on to say. Wizards and witches have been cursed to turn mad for what they had seen when they went to the location that they were transported to.
Professor Sylvia Hopkins announced that was the end of Time Travel. And could, we study. How to transport ourselves to a different location in second. It's Magical Pets next lesson. Megan said. As we left the Time Travel classroom.
What, happened when you went back in time. Jack asked. I will tell you later. I replied. We then made the way to the Magical Pets classroom. As we arrived in the classroom. We saw dog beds for us to sit on.
We then sat down to wait for Professor Eric Simpson to appear. As we looked around the classroom. We saw pictures of dogs and cats and rabbits. That was moving. Like they were alive in the pictures.
Welcome to Magical Pets. Professor Eric Simpson announced. As he appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to be leaving how to teach our pets how to use magic. How the bloody hell am I going to teach Jacob to do magic. Jack whispered.
Professor Eric Simpson places a lizard on the table in front of him. This is Stormfly. He said. And then took out his wond. And he then pointed it at Stormfly. And said. Flying-lizard. That made Stormfly grow a set of wings. And start to fly around the classroom.
Oh my god. That lizard just peed on me. Jack said. Making everyone more away from him. This is fantastic. I stink of lizard pea. And I got to stay in it until the end of the lesson.
Professor Eric Simpson gives a little smile. As he continued teaching. He's just laughed at me. Jack said. Fabulous. Oh well. Aleece, it didn't poo on you. Megan said. Laughing.
Seeing the time coming to three o'clock. Professor Eric Simpson announced that was the end of Magical Pets. And could, we please study how to get a snake to protect you from evil.
We have to sort this out after the Wizards Ruby world cup. Megan said. Seeing the time coming five o'clock. We want to the canteen to get some tea. I got spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. And a baken flavour yoghurt. For pudding.
After finishing eating we went to see MR Sort Willie. To get some snacks for tonight. Yo MR Sort Willie. How are the dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce pours out.
That made Megan nearly fall on the floor with embarrassment. EVERY TIME YOU SAY SOMETHING EMBARRASSING. Megan said. As she pushed Jack out of the tuck shop.
Arriving in our room. I said that I was going to take Beni-lee for a walk before bed. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. Megen announced it was the Wizards Rugby world cup tomorrow.
Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and her puppies and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes. I'm here now. I said. As I got out of bed to let her in. GOOD MORNING. IT'S THE WIZARDS RUGBY TODAY. SO YOU NEED TO GET YOURSELVES DRESSED. She left telling us she will meet us in the canteen for breakfast.
I give Beni-lee breakfast. And got ready. And then we went to meet both girls in the canteen for breakfast. Morning Joey. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you're eating them.
Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the Gamsport. Arriving inside the Gamsport To see it was full of students. Chanting their households. Megan and Nicola said they were going to find a seat. Ready to watch the game. I and Jack went to pitch to get the information about the Wizards Ruby world cup.
WELCOME TO THE ONE THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED WIZARDS CUP. MR Jayman's deep voice echoed around the stadium. Today's match brings thousands of schools together. That is. Rich Lambs is very proud to be asked to hold this special event today.
MR Jayman announced that the match will begin with the sound of Gendoff The groundskeeper's cannon. We then heard the explosion of the groundskeeper's cannon. That started the match.
I saw Fred Pichard running with the ball. He then passed it to Mick Thomas. That then loses the ball to the other team. I bet he hated that. Jack said. As he ran past me.
I then saw Jack tackle Fed. He then falls to the ground like he's shocked. Help me. He cries. As he rolls around on the ground. He's not so hard now. Jack said. As he ran past.
The match continued again. That had a different feeling. Do, you feel that. Jack said. As he passed with the ball. As we looked up in the sky. Black clouds were covering the sky.
We then heard the woman's whisper saying. reserve the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. That is hidden deep inside Rich Lambs. By Sunday. Or people will die. Does, this mean we're not going to get the prize for taking part in this Wizards Ruby world cup. Jack said.
We then met with both girls. And began to search for the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. I think it will be hidden in the quiet part of the school. Megan said. Creating a map with the explore your secrets spell.
Seeing drawings of the whole school grounds appear. We saw that looked like an old wishing well. That's must be the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. Nicola said. Pointing to a square shape box moving around on the map. We began to follow the route.
The map took us to a store wall. Great, another dead end. Jack said. We could try to melt a hole in it. To see if there's anything on the other side. I said. Yes, we can do it using the cassiossa spell. Cursing a fireball to fire out of my wond.
THAT'S IT JOEY MATE. Jack shouted over the deafening sound of the thick store wall crumbling away. After the stone wall stopped crumbling. We tried to see what was behind the stone wall. That then was filled with thick dust.
I then cast the inlelihgt spell. Cursing the end of my wond to light up. We then slowly made our way through the dust. As we were slowly walking through the dust. We came to an old wishing well.
That is it. Megan said. Slowly making her way over to the old wishing well. Don't go by that well by yourself. Megan said to Jack. Don't, you watch horror movies. Jack asked.
We then heard a young child's whisper coming from down the well saying. The case of Miss Gwynn Warren is at the bottom of the well. It will take only one prison to receive it.
How the bloody hell are we going to collect the case from down there. Jack said. Noticing a robe appearing hanging down the side of the well. Jack and I volunteered to go down the wishing well.
Can, you take care of Jacob if I don't get back out. Jack said to Megan. You better get back out. We still have to make little Jack Slices. Megan replied. Making Jack say oh, my god kids.
Both girls wished us good luck. As we climbed down the well. OH, MY GOD. THERE ARE SPIDERS DOWN HERE. Jack shouted.
As we reached the bottom of the dark damp well. We saw a tunnel leading somewhere. Were, do you think that leads to. Jack asked. I don't know. It's not showing up on the map. I whispered.
We began to slowly make the way into the tunnel. That only light lighting it up was from our wands. Whatever happens, run as fast as you can. I said. Where, are we meant to run to. Jack said. Look for somewhere to hide. I replied.
I then remembered that I had the invisibility paint in my backpack. Jack and I covered ourselves with the invisibility paint. We then come to that look like a living room. That had a case placed on the floor.
Do, you think that is the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. Jack asked. We slowly went to the case. And reached my head out to take it from the perch it was stood on. And slowly lifted it off the perch.
We then heard a lady's voice saying. This way sweetheart. We followed where the lady's voice was coming from. That led me back to Megan and Nicola. JOEY. Nicola said. As she comes to kiss me.
You've got the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. Megan said. As she spotted that I had hold of the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. YOU HAVE GOT IT. She said. As she took it from me.
We then heard a woman's whisper saying. Take the case of Miss Gwynn Warren to the Yamie The Quiet Forest. To complete this part of the task. How, do we know that these tasks are working. Jacob said. As we headed for Yamie The Quiet Forest.
Arriving in the Yamie. We saw a Zaoo a creature. Careful Joey. Nicola said. As I took the case of Miss Gwynn Warren to the Zaoo creature. The Zaoo grabbed the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. And disappeared into the Yamie The Quiet Forest.
As we were making the way back to our room. We heard the woman's whisper saying. This part of the task has been completed. The next task will be revealed soon. The next task. We have just completed this one. Jack said.
Arriving at our room. I cooked spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. for our tea. Finishing eating. I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had two poos and ten wees.
Arriving back to our room. Megan announced that it was the beginning of the summer holidays tomorrow. That she said the next task will get announced sometimes in the holidays.
Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and her puppies and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, I'm here now. I replied. As I got out of bed to let her in. MORNING LADS. IT'S THE START OF THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS TODAY. THIS MEANS WE WILL HAVE TO HAVE BREAKFAST ON THE TRAIN. Megan announced. She then left. Telling us that she will meet us at the school's entrance to go to catch the Twitcher Luxury Express.
I gave Beni-lee and her puppies breakfast. And got dressed. We went to meet both girls at the front entrance. Morning Joey. Nicola said. As she comes up to kiss me. We then went to the platform to catch the Twitcher Luxury Express.
Seeing the train waiting on the platform. We went to find an empty carriage for the journey home. I wonder if Rich Lambs will always be here. Jack said. As he ate his dirty chocolate beans that chocolate sauce poured out when you bite them.
As the Twitcher Luxury Express left the platform. We saw a cloud in the sky that was shaped like a diamond. Look at that. Jack said. Pressing his nose against the window.
As the Twitcher Luxury Express got close to the train station. The diamond-shaped cloud disappeared. I wonder what that cloud was. Jack said. It's probably something to do with Zooiem. Megan replied.
As the Twitcher Luxury Express was arriving at Dina Alley station. The train driver came over the P A system to say. Welcome to Dina Alley train station. I hope you had a good journey with us. And I hope to see you travelling again soon. We then got Beni-lee and her puppies, Jacob and Twitchy. And got off the train. To catch a taxi cab.
Do, you want to meet next week and go to the Space Planet. Jack asked. That everyone agreed to. The taxi cab came to Nicola's house. That she came to kiss me. She left saying goodbye to Jack, Megan, Beni-lee, and her puppies, Jacob and Twitchy. The taxi took us to Megan's house. That she came to kiss me. And then went to kiss Jack. She then gave Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And then left the taxi with Twitchy.
The taxi took us to Jack's house. That he went to give Beni-lee a stoke. And left with Jacob. Saying that he will see me next week. The taxi took me home to number 8 Sea Drive Line.
I then got Beni-lee. And got out of the taxi. As we were walking to my house. I heard Danyel shout. OUR MAGIC BOY IS HOME. That made the four dogs jump from the basket and run to her.
I then went inside to see Granny Peggy and Grandpa George. Welcome home, Joey. They said. I said that I was going to unpack. See the time coming to midday. Granny Peggy cooked fish and smiley face chips with peas.
Finishing dinner. I went to my bedroom to watch magic videos the rest of the day.
Good morning Beni-lee. I said. As she fed her four puppies. I then went downstairs. Morning Joey. Grandpa George said. As he took a stip of his morning coffee. I then took a chair at the breakfast table.
Morning Joey. Granny Peggy said. As she entered from the kitchen holding nine plates of food. I couldn't leave them out. She said. As she placed four plates of breakfast on the floor.
I'm going to Space Planet with Jack, Megan and Nicola. And I need someone to take care of the dogs for me. That Danyel jumped up to say she would. I then got dressed. And then went to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola. In the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
Morning mate. Jack said. Morning Joey. Both girls said. Coming to kiss me. Are, you ready for Space Planet. Jack said. As he stood there in a jumper that had a rocket on the front.
We flagged a taxi to take us to Space Planet. Arriving at Space Planet. We went to cue up. I wonder if they have any of them space flying saucers sweets. Jack said. Ad we entered inside.
Wow, look there have been chimps that have been to space. Jack said. He's looking at his brothers and sisters. Megan whispered. Giving a little giggle. We then came to a room. That was in darkness.
As we entered the room. We saw that only be could be described as a giant space rocket. WOW, LOOK AT THAT. Jack shouted. Seeing the time coming to midday. We went to have lunch at Space Caf.
Finishing lunch. We went to the second level. That had aliens on it. WOW, LOOK. THAT ONE IS A BOY. Jack said. Pointing between its legs. Trust you, Jack. Megan said. Shaking her head.
I wonder if the old aliens have. JACK. STOP. Megan shouted. Old skin. I was going to say. Jack said. Giving a little giggle. We then come to a space kart. imagine racing one of them. Jack said.
Seeing the time coming to five o'clock. We started to make the way home to the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line. Arriving at the playground. I asked the others if they wanted to have tea at my house. That they all said yes.
Arriving at my house. I asked Granny Peggy if it was okay if Jack, Megan and Nicola came for tea. That she said of course they could. As we sat down at the kitchen table. Granny Peggy pulled a latter out. That was addressed to an MR. J. PARKER.
I wonder what it could be. Jack said. As we went to my bedroom to open it. I hope it's not bad news. Nicola said. Looking worried. It will be about next term. Megan said.
As I began to open the latter. We saw a photograph of Rich Lambs. I then turned the photograph over to see another picture of Rich Lambs on fire. Oh, my god. Do, you think Rich Lambs has burnt down. Jack said. I don't know. But do, you remember when we were on the Twitcher. And we saw that diamond-shaped cloud in the sky. Megan said. I can't remember what happened five minutes ago. Jack said.
Do, you think that has got something to do with this photograph. Nicola asked. Most probably. I replied. Have, you ever heard of the internet. Jack asked. You can search for anything that you want to find information about on there.
I only go to the library to watch videos of dogs pooing in naughty places. One dog pooed in its owner's bed once, It was so funny. No wonder you never had any friends when you were growing up. Megan said.
As we were searching. We found a website that had a news story about a secret magic school. That was burnt down by a group of people that claimed to follow the dark wizard that used to be the headteacher of Ritch Lambs school. And he got shacked for using dark magic on the students to get them to admit to things the likes of cheating.
There's a rumour that he has cursed the school. With the roetter curse. I clicked on the website link that read. Secrets of Rich Lambs. It then started to play a video of Rich Lambs.
It started to show the entrance of Rich Lambs. This followed by showing the students names that Zooiem meant to have used dark magic on. Elgin Hutchinson. A Student Ghost. That died many years ago.
We then saw a recent update. That read. The prehistoric building that meant to be used as a school. As been burnt down to the ground. It was impossible to save. And the whole of Rich Lambs grounds was destroyed.
Oh, my god what, are we going to do now. Jack said. We should settle down and have kids. Megan said. KIDS, OH, MY GOD. Jack shouted. What about the roetter curse. Jack said. I think it's has been destroyed when Rich Lambs got burnt down. I said.
Seeing the time coming to six o'clock. I said that I was going home for tea. That the others all said same. We made the way to the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
It has been a crazy fourteen years. Megan said. We then said we were going home. That both girls came to kiss me. See you soon mate. Jack said. I then went home to see Beni-lee had two more puppies.