Good, morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke. She heard Danyel go to the bathroom. Making her jump from my bed to go to see her. Good morning girl. Danyel said.
I got out of bed and went downstairs. To see that Granny Peggy had compared two fried eggs on toast. Good morning. Grandpa George said. Has he read The Time News-Gazette.The Prem-magic people's newspaper.
There's is four free tickets for the Water Splashdown. When it opens up in June. Grandpa George said. Handling them to me. Finishing breakfast. I went to get dressed and collect my school equipment and BLOGY. And put Beni-lee on her lead. And went to say goodbye to Granny Peggy, Grandpa George and Danyel.
My little magic boy brother as growing into a young man. Danyel said. As her eyes filled up. She whispered. You've been a man since you went on your second date with Nicola. Shut up. I told her. Saying goodbye and leaving.
I went to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola and Jacob. Jack's rabbit and Twitchy. Megan's Yami-rodent in the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line. All right, Joey mate. Jack said. In a broking voice. Hello. I replied.
HI, JOEY. Megan said followed by Nicola. It's been three months since we had met. Jack said. We still haven't yet. Jack said. As he looked at Megan. Making roll her eyes and tell him that is all he talks about.
Seeing the time coming to midday. We flagged a taxi cab To take us to Fox Tale Street. Where the magic stores are located. The taxi took straight to Fox Tale Street.
We got out of the taxi. And made the way to the magic stores.
Arriving at Fox Tale Street. We saw Gendoff. The groundskeeper of Rich Lambs. Talking to a hooded figure. I wonder who that is. Nicola said. As we hid at the corner of Essential Brooms Broom Store.
The hooded figure left. That Gendoff entered The Magic Well Ale Inn. Come on let's go and try and find out who the assailant is. Megan said. That we agreed to.
Megan pulled the invisibility paint from her beg. And told us to cover ourselves with it. We followed Gendoff to a dark quiet alley. The hooded figure handed Gendoff a small wicker basket. Gendoff went back inside The Magic Well Ale Inn.
As the invisibility paint started to wear off. We entered The Magic Well Ale Inn. To see Gendoff sitting with the basket. Hi, Gendoff. I said. As wee took a seat next to the basket.
Hello, you four. He said. Looking at the basket. What's in the basket. Nicola asked. What, nothing. Gendoff answered. Before he took a sip from his dragon beer.
He then whispered. Okay, I will show you what's in there. But only I've got your word that you won't tell anybody. That we agreed. Gendoff slowly opened the basket to reveal an odd-looking creature. Oh, my god. What's the bloody hell is that. Jack said.
It's called a Zaoo. He whispered. Say hello to Steve. Gendoff said in a baby voice. Steve. I said. Yes. He got to have a name. Seeing the time coming to five o'clock. We flagged a taxi to take us to Dina Alley train station. To get the Twitcher Luxury Express.
Arriving at the platform. To see the golden Twitcher waiting there that had steam coming from it. We heard all aboard. That we went to find an empty carriage.
We then settled down. Ready for the journey ahead. Jack ordered some food. Using the takeover minds spell. We have just sat down. And your thinking about your stomach. Megan said.
Welcome on broad of the Twitcher Luxury Express. I am the driver that's going to take you to Rich Lambs this evening. The estimated journey time is one hour and twenty-six minutes. You can order snacks and drinks to your carriage by using the takeover minds spell. This evening's entertainment is a quiz. Hosted by Spell Radio Dj's. George And Kelly.
As the Twitcher started to leave Dina Alley station. Beni-lee went to lay with Jacob and Twitchy. Twenty minutes later. George came on the P A system to start the quiz.
George asked what is on each side of the entrance of Rich Lamps. Jack answered stone lions. Kelly asked what is the name of the ball game they play at Rich Lambs. Nicola answered Wizard 5 By Side. What, is the name of the forest on Rich Lambs grounds. The Yamie The Quiet Forest. I answered. Last question. What, is the name of the place that holds sports events. The Gamsport. I answered.
George and Kelly said that was the end of the quiz. And they will give us the answers after they have played the Time Wizards new track. Don't put a spell on me.
After the track was over. George comes back to announce who had won the quiz. In no particular order. The wich that is in third place is fourth-year Miss Rebecca Brown. A Wilo House Hold student.
That was fixed. Jack said. Rolling his eyes. The driver came over the p a system to say that we will be arriving at Rich Lambs shortly. We then got changed into our school's robes.
As the Twitcher was closer to Rich Lambs. We could see the 15th-century school building. Welcome to Rich Lambs. Your home for the next year. I hope you have a good and safe year ahead and I hope you travel with us again soon. The driver announces. We collected our staff and I put Beni-lee on her lead. And made ourselves to the two stoned lions on each side of the entrance of Rich Lambs.
Welcome home. Jack said. As made the way to the two stoned lions. As we entered the hallway. We asked Nicola to go to find us a seat in the canteen while we took Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy in our room before the welcome speech began.
Arriving back at the canteen. We sat down. Jack spotted his ex-girlfriend Selly Victor with a Strawberry blonde haired boy. Jack said he was welcome to her. Cursing Megan to smile.
I got some magic profiteroles. That expended on the plate. Jack got a magic brownie. That have chocolate chips that pop when eating it. Both girls got a witches' brew that was gravy and had mince, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and peppers in.
Finishing eating. We notice that all the candles were flickering viciously. And a beam of light appeared followed by an explosion. Making everyone look to see MR Jayman peering over his spectacles. I'm sorry. I've got to make a good entrance now. Giving a little chuckle.
Welcome to another year at Rich Lambs. This is going to be your home for the next year. You will eat, sleep, and face your hardest challenges beyond your imaginations.
This, year Rich Lambs is going to be hosting the grand Relay Broom championships. You will be competing with other schools to win a Relay cup.
MR Jayman went to say the Yamie The Quiet Forest is forbidden to all first-year students. Any first years that get caught will be expelled. He went to introduce the teachers. Jack fall asleep.
Jack, wake up now. Megan whispered. What, what. I'm awake. jack replied. Wiping the slobber from his chin. MR Jayman finished his speech telling us if a student needs help. All that they have to do is ask.
He then stood back and vanished in a blue flame. Prefects Tom And George. Took control to guide the first-year students to their right dormitories.
Making the way to our State House Hold Dormitory. To see a little heated swimming pool fitted in the ground. I said that I was going to take Beni-lee for a walk before bed. Jack asked me if I could take Jacob. His rabbit. Whiles, he goes into the pool. That I said I would.
Nicola said that she would come with me. Has we were walking Bani-lee and Jacob. We heard a woman's whisper saying. Bring the BLOGY to the Yamie forest at this time tomorrow. To complete this part of the task.
Arriving back at State House Hold Dormitory. We told Jack and Megan about the whisper we just heard. That lad to Megan saying we have to go after lessons tomorrow.
Seeing the time coming to nine o'clock. Both girls said that they are going to bed. Nicola came and kiss me. Followed by Megan. They went and give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left saying goodnight.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight, Joey. Jack said. Goodnight Jack mate. I replied.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Waking us. Yes. And probably the school is now. Jack said. As he went to let her in. Morning, magic music is our first lesson. So get yourselves dress and I will see you in the canteen for breakfast.
I got out of bed. And give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. We then got dressed. And went to meet Megan in the canteen. Morning. Nicola said. As she was eating her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them.
Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the laboratory. To see the two giant speakers on each side of the front of the laboratory. We sat down on a bongo seat. To wait for Professor Musicala to appear.
Imagine playing wizard 5 by side with that mirrored ball. Jack said. Pointing at the giant mirrored ball. That hangs in mid-air by magic. Welcome to Magic Music. Professor Musicala said. Appearing out of thin air.
Oh. my god. Jack said. Nearly falling off his bongo drum chair. Today we are going to take our lesson outside. The Professor announces. Peering over his spectacles.
He took us to a little garden. That had an archway made of speaker cones. The Professor told us that the archway is the gateway to a world filled with electric audio. Created by Richard Thornton.
Professor Musicala asked if a student would like to volunteer to join him at the front of the laboratory. That Fred Pichard. The bully. And myself raise our hands. Yes, MR Parker and MR Pichard please join me at the front.
Oh, my god. This isn't going to end well. Jack whispered. Tell, me about it. Megan replied. Professor Musicala told us that we will come across some strange stuff whiles you on the other side of the archway.
We slowly walked through the archway of speakers. To see if giant turntable. You're used to them. With living with old people. Fred said. Giving a little smirk.
As we walked around. We saw an old man lent over. Are, you okay. I asked. That lad to the old man turning to face us with a pair of black glossy eyes.
Fred let out a yell. And ran back through the archway. I heard Professor Musicala cast the recordtwist spell. Creating a twister come out of his wand.
We ran back through the archway. Professor Musicala announces it was the end of the lesson. And please study how to teach your mind to receive audio.
We left the laboratory. And went to collect the BLOGY to take it to the Yamie forest.
Arriving at the Yamie. To see an anonymous man. With white skin. Dark sunken eyes, pointy thin noes, with thin grey lips, With two spider teeth. With a lion's body. Do, you think that's the thing we are meant to meet. Jack asked. I think. I replied.
I slowly crept to the assailant. That it looked at me. With its dark sunken eyes. I then slowly took the BLOGY out of my backpack. And place it on the ground. And stepped back.
The assailant come forward and picked the BLOGY up in its spider teeth. And let out a deferring screech. Making us cover our ears. The assailant spoke in a soft echoey whisper. The fourth task is completed. The next task that you have to complete is. There is a secret item hidden on the grounds of Zaban Prison. Called the Invisible Light. Here's the next task to get us killed. Jack muttered.
We then come across the giant community. Hello, friends. The head giant said. What's brings you to the Yamie
We went for lunch. That I got spaghetti bolognese that the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. Jack had magic dumplings that have warm gravy inside. Megan had magic chicken. That lays eggs whiles your eating it. And Nicola had a witches' brew. That is gravy and mince, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and peppers.
Finishing We went to the Socialshack. Before our producing lesson began. Gerrell Walsh. A thin pale student with glasses. Was reading a book by Olga Moore.
What, is that book about. Jack asked Gerrell. It's about a young girl that discovered a four head horse. And she took care of it for years. And one day she found out that it was a ghost.
Seeing the time coming to one o'clock. We went to Magic Cooking. I wonder what we will be cooking today. Jack said. Wishing to be a mega boy's magic hotdog. That the onions let off the bad odour when you're eating it.
Arriving in the magic cooking classroom. To see the big pot cooking witches' brew. We went to sit down. I'm starving. Jack said. You've just eaten Jack. Megan said.
Welcome to magic cooking. Miss Burncoo said. Today we are going to learn how to cook magic brownies that have chocolate chips that pop when eating them.
First, we have to make sure that we have the right recipe. Starting with exploding chips. Please put your salary glasses on. We don't want anyone to have popping chocolate chips in their eyes. The paperwork would take hours to write.
Miss Burncoo took out a silver foil package. She opened it to reveal twenty popping chips. Wow, is that it. Fred Pichard said. Giving a little chuckle.
Miss Burncoo told us to tip water over them and stand back. I then slowly tipped water on them. That made them fizz and spit out. That was really harmful. Fred said. Giving a little grin.
The chocolate chips exploded in his face. Making him scream. He's isn't so cocky now. Jack whispered. Making me laugh. Miss Burncoo announce that was the end of the lesson. Please study exploding chips.
We left the classroom. And went to our room. To see Beni-lee was dying for a walk. That she had eight poos and twenty wees. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee.
Megan reminded us that we still have to find the Invisible Light in Zaban Prison. It will have to wait until the holidays. Megan said. It's wizard sports afternoon tomorrow. So get enough sleep tonight.
Nicola and Megan said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. YES. Jack called. As he got out of bed to let her in our room. You are still in bed on a day like this. Megan said. As she bounced in.
Oh, my god. Jack said. Pulling the duvet over his head. You need to get up and dressed and in the canteen for breakfast. You've got a busy afternoon ahead.
Megan left telling us to don't be late. We have to get repaired for the wizard sports afternoon. We give Beni-lee and Jacob their breakfast. And got dressed. And met with Megan and Nicola in the canteen.
Morning, you two. Nicola said. Has she ate her magic fried eggs. That the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds. Finishing breakfast. We went to the Gamsport complex.
As we arrived in the Gamsport. We saw a giant projection of the households badgers on the black ceiling. We heard MR Jayman's deep voice echo around the Gamsport complex.
Welcome to this 1099th wizard sports gathering. Today you will see the most spectacular things that you will ever see in your life. These challenges are designed to test your fitness, your strength, and your friendships.
MR Jayman went to that our commentators are Spell Radio Dj's George And Kelly. That made George And Kelly take over. Saying thanks for tuning in to Spell Radio on this 1099th sports gathering.
This is my co-host, Kelly. Keeping me in line. Say hello. Kelly said hello. Kelly went to say. That the first challenge was the six hundred broomstick relay.
Kelly, tell the listeners what happened to us over the holidays. WE GOT MARRIED. Yes, we did. And now you've got more of the excuse to boss me about. Let's more on George. Yes, let's.
The students that are participating in the six hundred broomstick relay is. Joey Parker, Gerrell Walsh. And Fred Pichard. The race will begin on the sound of Gendoff. The grounds keeper's cannon.
Gendoff's cannon fired. And the race began. Gerrell Walsh has an early head start. But it looks like Fred Pichard is coming up behind him. Followed by Joey Parker.
It looks like Fred Pichard. Is closing in behind Walsh. You, can see where's this is going can't you Kelly. Yes, I can George. Here is Pichard on the left of Walsh. Oh, no. Pichard has knocked Walsh off his broom. Yes, the broomstick relay has been cancelled.
Next is the one hundred metre swimming race. The students that are participating is Megan Style and Nicola Roberts. Both girls are at the starting line. Waiting for the sound of Gendoff's cannon.
We heard a woman's saying. The Invisible Light is still waiting to be found inside Zaban Prison. Cursing the challenge to get called off. MR Jayman told everyone to go to their Dormitory.
Arriving at State House Hold's Dormitory. I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had four poos and twenty wees. Arriving back. Both girls said they are going to bed.
Nicola came and kissed me. Followed by Megan. They left saying goodnight. Me and Jack our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed.
Goodnight, Joey. Jack said. Goodnight Jack. I replied.
ARE' YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Oh, my god. Jack said. Has he went to let her in. Morning. Producing is the first lesson. Megan announces. Oh my god. I have to listen to Professor Testicle talking about what happens when people are in love. Well, you will know what to do when we have our children. Megan said. Our, children. Jack replied.
Megan left telling us that she will see us in the canteen for breakfast in five minutes. I then gave Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got dressed. We then met with Megan and Nicola for breakfast.
Good, morning. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them. Finishing breakfast. We went to producing.
Arriving in the classroom. To see an item. Covered by black fabric. We took a seat to wait for Professor Testicle to appear. Jack was trying to guess what was under the black fabric. That he was coming only out with rude body parts. Megan told him to stop being so rude.
Welcome to producing. Professor Testicle said. Appearing at the front of the classroom. Today we are to learn how Yami-rodents reproduce. Here, you go. You're going to find out how Twitchy cratered. Jack said.
Professor Testicle began by saying that the male leaves its scent behind to attract the female Yami-rodent. And then if the female submits. Ten months later they have little Yami-rodents. That's bloody amazing. Jack said.
Professor Testicle announces it was the end of class. Please study producing of Yami-rodents. Great an excuse to look at rude stuff. Jack said. Boys. Megan said. Rolling her eyes.
We went to Social-shack before lunch. Arriving at the Social-shack. To see Bexley Yarrow playing Wizard Monopoly. Jack asked if we could join him to play Wizard Monopoly. Yes, sure. Bexley said.
We sat down and started to play. Jack rolled the dice to roll out the seven. That Jack's broomstick counter moved to the witcher's broom cupboard. You have been caught and locked in jail. You can be released by the player that has the get out of jail free card. Who's, has the get out of jail free card. Jack asked. I have. Megan replied. Well, release me. What, good will come to me if I do. Megan replied. I will share my dirty chocolate beans that chocolate sauce pours out.
Your, okay. I will settle with a kiss. OH MY GOD. A KISS. Jack shouted. Yes, and what's so wrong with that. Megan asked. Folding her arms. People will see. Jack replied. Well, let them. Megan replied.
Jack lent over and give Megan a little peck on her cheek. The whole of the Social-shack cheered. Oh, my god. Jack said. Going red. They're just jealous. Megan said.
So give me the get out of jail free card. Jack said. There it is. Handling over the get out of jail free card. Finishing playing Wizard Monopoly. We went to our room. To see that Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy had got in the self-filling fridge. And ate all Jack's melt in your mouth chocolate crips.
Oh, my god. Why, is it always mine food that always gets eaten. Jack said. Seeing the time coming to eight o'clock. I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had six poos and twenty-five wees. Jack calls her a pea machine.
Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. Megan said that wands and spells the first lesson tomorrow. And it is the school's summer holidays. After Wands and spells. And we still got to go to Zaban Prison to try to find the Invisible Light.
Megan and Nicola said they're going to bed. That Nicola came to kiss me. Megan went and kissed Jack. Both girls went to give Bani-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Goodnight Joey. Jack said. Goodnight, Jack mate. I replied.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, coming. Jack said. As he got out of bed to let her in our room. Good morning. Wands and spells the first lesson. And then it's the beginning of the school holidays. Megan said. As she plonks herself on Jack's bed.
Yes, we're not stupid. Jack said. You, don't think. Megan muttered. Anyway, get dressed. And I will see you in the canteen for breakfast. She said. She left saying don't belong.
I then got up. And give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. We got dressed. And went to meet Megan and Nicola in the canteen. Good morning. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them.
After finishing breakfast we went to wands and spells. Arriving in class. We took a seat to wait for Miss Ritchbum to appear. This is our final lesson of the term. Jack said.
Welcome to Wands and spells. Miss Ritchbum said. Today we are going to learn how to protect ourselves from the evilest presences. Miss Ritchbum asked if a student wanted to volunteer to join her at the front of the classroom. Megan put her hand up. Yes, miss Style. Please join me at the front.
Miss Ritchbum revealed a chest. That had broken mirrors on the front. And it was rattling. Like something was trying to get out. Miss Ritchbum asked Megan to take her wand out. And when he opens the chest. Say MARTI-MENTO.
Miss Ritchbum opened the chest. To reveal a Yamichrist. A follower of Zooiem. I ponied my wand at the Yamichrist. And called MARTI-MENTO. That made the Yamichrist whimper.
Yes, very good. Ritchbum said. As she becomes the Yamichrist back into the chest. Miss Ritchbum announce that was the end of the lesson. And, can we please study how to protect yourselves from the evilest presences.
We left Wands and spells. And went to pack our staff to go home. Arriving at the train station. We found an empty carriage on the Twitcher. That took us to Dina Alley station.
We then got Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. And got off the train. To catch a taxi cab. As we're in the taxi. Jack said that we should meet up to go out somewhere over the holidays. That everyone agreed. Not forgetting we have to find the Invisible Light in Zaban Prison. Megan said.
The taxi came to Nicola's house. That she came to kiss me. She saying goodbye to Jack, Megan, Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. The taxi took us to Megan's house. That she came to kiss me. And then went to kiss Jack. She then gave Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And then left the taxi with Twitchy.
The taxi took us to Jack's house. That he went to give Beni-lee a stoke. And left with Jacob. Saying that he will see me soon. The taxi took me home to Number 8 Sea Drive Line.
I then got Beni-lee. And got out of the taxi. As we were walking to my house. I heard Danyel shout. OUR MAGIC BOY IS HOME. That made Beni-lee jump from my arms and run to her.
I then went inside to see Granny Peggy and Grandpa George. Welcome home, Joey. They said. I said that I was going to unpack before tea.
Good morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke. She heard Danyel go to the toilet. That she jumped from my bed to see her. Good morning Beni. Danyel said.
I then got out of bed. And went downstairs. Good morning Joey son. Grandpa George said. Before he took a sip of his coffee. Good, morning Grandpa. I replied. Sitting at the breakfast table.
Good morning Joey. Granny Peggy said. As she entered from the kitchen holding my breakfast. I asked Danyel if she could take care of Beni-lee whiles I'm out. Of course. She replied.
I went to get dressed. And went to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola. Hi, what shell we do. I asked. Let's go to Zaban prison to try to find the Invisible Light. Megan said. That everyone agreed.
We caught the taxi that took us to the city of Hanuits. Arriving at Hanuits. We saw the giant medieval building of Zaban prison. Have, you bought the invisibility paint. Jack asked Megan. Yes of course. Megan replied. Pulling it out of her bag.
We then covered ourselves in it. We then got on a huge Pelagianism to get across to Zaban prison. We then climbed off the Pelagianism's back. And slowly walked to the prison gates. That was Melted from when I cast the fireball spell on them the last time.
We slowly crept inside Zaban. To see the cell Zooiem name on. We saw a light flickering. That must be the Invisible Light. Nicola whispered. I slowly crept to the Invisible Light. And placed it in Megan's beg. We made the way out.
As we were learning. We heard a woman's whisper saying. The fifth task as been completed. The next task will be revealed soon. We got on a Pelagianism's back. To take us back to Hanuits.
We then caught a taxi to take us to Sea Drive Line. I said that I would take the Invisible Light home until we return to school in a couple of weeks. That everyone agreed with.
I asked everyone if they wanted to do something in the next couple of days. That they said we should go the space planet. That everyone agreed too.
I then said that I was going home for my tea. Nicola came and kissed me. Followed by Megan. See you soon Joey. Jack said. I went home and hide the Invisible Light in my room.
Good morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke. She heard Danyel going to the toilet. Making her jump from my bed to go to see her. I got out of bed. And went downstairs.
Good morning Joey. Grandpa George said. As he read the daily gazette. I then sat at the kitchen table. Granny Peggy came in holding two plates with full English breakfast on.
Good morning. Danyel said. As she sat at the table. I then asked her if she wanted to come to the Space Planet. That she will stay at home to take care of Beni-lee.
I then got ready. And went to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola in the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line. Good morning. I said. That they replied with good, morning.
We made the way to the Space Planet. Arriving at the Space Planet. To see a building shaped like a planet. We went to pay to enter. Jack was complaining that it was too dear.
We entered a dark room. That had a projection of the solar system covering it. Wow, this is bloody amazing. Jack said. WELCOME TO THE FIRST UNIVERSE. A robot voice said. As we entered a room with a big planet that had lava firing from it.
Feel the heat from that. Nearly burning our eyebrows off with the heat from it. Seeing the time was coming to midday. We got lunch at the cafe called. The Space Caf.
Finishing eating. We went to have a look around the merchandise store. Jack saw an item that was a male body part. We should buy this for MR Sort Willie. The tuck shop keeper in Rich Lambs.
Seeing the time coming to five o'clock. We said that we should head home. That everyone agreed with. We made the way back to the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
Jack, Megan and Nicola said that their heading home. That I told them I would see them soon. I then went home. To see Beni-lee asleep on Granny Peggy's knee.
I then went to my room to see a piece of paper on my bed. I slowly opened it to read. Rich Lambs school has been taking over by evil forces.
You must complete all of the tasks by the end of the next school term. If you fail. Rich Lambs get taken over by Zooiem and his Yamichrists followers.
Kyle Cloete...