Good, morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke on her head. She heard Danyel going to the bathroom. That made her jump off my bed and go to get her belly tickled.
Good morning Beni-lee. I heard Danyel say. As I got up out of bed. I made myself downstairs to get breakfast. Good morning Joey. Grandpa George said. Before he took a sip from his cup of tea.
Good morning Grandpa. I replied. Heading to the kitchen to get my breakfast. Returning from the kitchen with my coco pops. I noticed the newspaper that Grandpa George was reading had a picture of The Old English Cafe Horse Tale. The cafe near my house. It read. The Old English Cafe has been awarded the first place out of all the cafes in Great Britain.
I then saw an article about an incident that took place outside the little pub near my house. Cursing a man in his forties to be hospitalized. There were reports from members of public of a sighting of a cloud-shaped as a person's head.
Zooiem's name popped in my mind. It was similar that I seem a couple of nights back. I gave the newspaper back to Grandpa George. I went to get ready. And asked Danyel if she could take care of Beni-lee whiles I go to meet Jack. Megan and Nicola. That she said, of course, she would.
I then went to meet the others at the playground at the end of Sea Drive Line. Alright, Joey. Jack said. smiling. Hi Joey. Nicola said. With coming to give me a kiss on the cheek. Hi, happy new year. I replied.
What, have you been up to. I asked. Nicola said that her dad got her a crystal ball. And her brother got an electronic game. That he's hasn't put down a since he's got it. Megan said she had something to say. Making Jack look at her.
Megan said that she and Jack are dating. Making Jack go red. Congratulations. I said. The only good thing about it is. STOP, NOW. Megan shouted. before he could say anything else.
Nicola asked if anyone found information about finding the Recovery Pebble. That everyone replied with no. Jack and I are going to the library tomorrow to get some information. Megan said. That made Jack roll his eyes.
Seeing the time coming to eight o'clock. I said that I must be heading home. That they agreed. Saying goodbye and I will see them when we go to Fox Tale Street. Where the magic stores are located.
I went home. Arriving back to see Beni-lee asleep on Granny Peggy's lap. I went to my bedroom to get my school equipment ready and watch magic videos until I fall asleep.
Good, morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke. She heard Danyel go to the toilet. Making her jump-off my bed to see her. Good morning Beni-lee. Danyel said. I got out of bed. And went downstairs to have breakfast.
Good morning Joey. Granny Peggy said. Morning. I replied. I then got a bowl of coco pops. It's that time again. Granny Peggy said. Smiling at me. Yes, I know. I replied.
Finishing my breakfast. I got ready and collect my school stuff from my bedroom. And went to say goodbye to Granny Peggy. Grandpa George and Danyel. And put Beni-lee on her lead. And left to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola at the end of Sea Drive Line.
Hi, Joey. Jack, Megan and Nicola said. That I replied with hello. We made the way to Fox Tale Street. Where the magic stores are located. Arriving at Fox Tale Street. To see a pub called. The Magic Well Ale Inn. We entered to see Professor Musicala. That teacher's Magic Music. Hello, Professor. I said. Hi there. Are, you ready for a new year ahead. The Professor asked. As he took a sip of his dragon beer. Yes. I replied.
We got a dairy collection. That is made from chocolate. Toffee. Fugue. And explosion candy. Finishing our dairy collection. We went to Paws Essentially Pet Store. That Megan spotted an abnormal-looking creature. Called Yami-rodent. That had a fat belly with a little round head with 4 little legs on each side of its body. Megan asked the storekeeper could she buy it.
Purchasing the Yami-rodent. We left to go to Dina Alley to catch the Twitcher Luxury Express. Arriving at Dina Alley station to see the golden Twitcher Luxury Express waiting with steam coming from it.
All seven of us went and found an empty carriage and settled down. Jack asked Megan what was she going to name her Yami-rodent pet. She replied saying. Twitchy. Is his name.
How, do you know if a boy or a girl. Jack asked. That Megan replied saying. Honestly, Jack. I've told you when you got Jacob. Do, you remember. Oh my god. I was wondering why Beni-lee doesn't have one of them.
Welcome on board of the Twitcher Luxury Express. I am your driver today that's going to take you to Rich Lambs. And you can order drinks and snacks from your carriage. And you can now listen to Spell Radio in your carriage. The driver went to say that the estimated journey time was one hour and twenty-six minutes. So sit back and relax.
The Twitcher Luxury Express started to pull out of Dina Alley station. Here, we go. Nicola said. As the student's presents waved them off. Jack ordered twenty magic profiteroles. That expended on the plate. Megan ordered. Spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. Nicola and I ordered a witches brew. That is gravy that had mince, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and peppers in. Finishing eating. We heard the Twitcher Luxury Express brakes screeching on. We can't be there already. Nicola said. No, we're not. I replied. Getting up to check outside the carriage.
Four teachers rushed press our carriage. We followed them to a carriage that had written inside in red bold. A STUDENT HAS BEEN CAPTURED AND THE ONLY WAY TO GET THE STUDENT RELEASED IS BY FINDING THE RECOVERY PEBBLE AND RETURNING IT TO ZOOIEM.
Oh my god said, Jack. As the train started to move again. The train driver came over the PA system to announce. Hello, I'm sorry for the interruption. Hopefully, there won't be any more the rest of the journey. And there won't be any more hold-ups until we reach Roch Lambs. Thirty minutes later the Twitcher Luxury Express pulled in the station.
Welcome to Rich Lambs. Your home for the next year. I hope you have a good and safe year ahead and I hope you travel with us again soon. We then got our stuff together and I put Beni-lee on her lead her. And made the way to the two lions on each side of Rich Lambs' entrance.
Heading past the two stone lions to see Fred Pichard was hanging around the entrance. He looks like he's up to trouble. Nicola said. As we entered into the hallway to see the giant canteen doors. We went to put Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy in our room.
Arriving back at the canteen to see Selly Victor looking at Jack. Megan put her arm around him and give a little grin. That Selly turned away. Making Nicola and me smile. We then got ready for the welcome speech to begin.
Jack said he couldn't wait to go to our Dormitory to see what is in the self-filling fridge. The next moment the big bang took place. Making the first-year students jump. Seeing MR Jayman standing there peering over his spectacles.
Welcome to another new year at Ritch Lambs. This is going to be your home for the next year. You will eat, sleep, and face your hardest challenges beyond your imaginations. This year is going to be a little different. Because Rich Lambs have been taking over by an organization called Enchanted Of Mystery.
Professor Edison is the head of Enchanted Of Mystery. Has made some changes to Rich Lambs. Starting with all students must go to their Dormitory if they haven't got lessons. Teachers must have the whereabouts of every student.
MR Jayman mentioned that there's going to be a special ball event taking place in a couple of days that students and teachers can participate in this event with friends and love ones.
MR Jayman reminded us that Zooiem and his followers are still on the warpath. So be careful. MR Jayman told us if a student needs help. All that they have to do is asked. MR Jayman continued to introduce new students and teachers.
He then finished by saying that we had a busy day tomorrow. So make sure we get enough sleep tonight ready for what laid ahead of us over the next year. He then told us to run along to bed.
MR Jayman sept back and disappeared in a blue frame. Making Tom And George. The prefects. Begin to guide the first years to their Dormitory. Making us laugh. We made the way to State House Hold Dormitory, To see the hot tub had been made bigger. Making Jack happy.
Seeing the time coming to nine. I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had three poos. I arrived back to Megan and Nicola saying that they're going to bed. That Megan came to me and give me a kiss on the cheek. And went to give Jack a kiss. Nicola came and give me a kiss.
They went and give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left saying goodnight. We got our pyjamas on and we give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink. We got in bed and fall fast asleep.
ARE, YOU AWAKE YET. Megan called with knocking. Yes, we are now. Jack shouted. Whiles, he went to answer the door. Our first lesson is magic music. I aspect you up, dressed and in the canteen for breakfast in the next fifteen minutes. Megan instructed. She bounced out giving Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke.
I got up to give Beni-lee breakfast and get myself dressed. Jack dredged himself out of bed. Meowing saying that he's a teenager that should stay in bed until after ten o'clock. We went to join Megan in the canteen.
It's, nice for you to join me. Megan said. As she was eating her magic fried eggs. That the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds. I got a magic bagel. That rolls around the plate when you are eating it. Jack got two magic hash browns. That crumble when you are eating them.
Finishing eating. We made our way to magic music. Arriving in the laboratory to see the two giant speakers of each side of the front of the laboratory and the mirrored ball. That hangs in mid-air by magic.
We took a bongo seat. And waited for Professor Musicala to appear. Jack remained us the time he tried to play a tune on a bongo seat and it gave a big bang-out. Nearly giving us a heart attack.
Welcome, to magic music. Professor Musicala said. As he peered over the class. Today we're going to learn how to use vinyl to protect yourself and overs from evil. He asked the class to take out their wands. And flick it around in a circle to the right three times and to the left twice and say vin-spin. A spinning record will appear from the end of your wand.
Professor Musicala asked if a student wanted to volunteer to go and join him at the front. Making Fred Pichard. The Bully. Put his hand up. Yes MR Pichard please join me at the front. the Professor required.
Fred strutted to the front. Professor Musicala told Fred to take out his wond and flick it around in a circle to the right three times and to the left twice and say vin-spin. Stright after he opened a giant box. That stood between the two giant speakers.
He slowly began to open it. Revealing a Zooiem follower. That Professor Musicala went between them to cast the unspeakable curse. Cueing it to disappear. Professor Musicala announces that was the end of the lesson. And please study how to protect yourself using vinyl.
We left the laboratory and went to the Yamie The Quiet Forest. As we were walking down. Nicola remained us that it was the special ball tomorrow. Making Jay say he's not wearing a posh suit. Megan told him that he was.
Arriving down at the Yamie. To see the woman giant was lying on the ground. What's, up. Nicola asked. There's a virus that only us giants can catch. The giant leader replied. There's meant to be a pebble. Called the Recovery Pebble. And there's meant to be other items that contact to the Recovery Pebble to make it work.
Where, do we find it. I asked. The pebble lives somewhere hidden in Hanuits. Many witches and wizards have tried to discover it. But they all failed. What, do you mean by failed. I asked the giant.
Over three hundred years ago there was a Rich Lambs student that went missing. The grounds have been searched many times but nothing was found. Us giants believe the student is hidden with the peddle at the heart of Enchanted Of Mystery's headquarters. And that is the reason why the Enchanted Of Mystery has taken over Rich Lambs.
Would, the pebble be hidden where the giant wizard snakes and ladders board is. Nicola asked. Megan replied saying that it might. So it looks like we're going to spend another visit to the giant wizard snakes and ladders board. Jack said. Crossing his arms.
See the time coming to twelve o'clock. We went to the canteen to get lanch. They have my favourite. spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. Jack said. As he spooned out twenty-eight giant spoon fulls.
Finishing eating. We went to get Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy from our room to take them to Wood Burn village. That is in Hanuits. The village that Rich Lambs is located. As we walked through the high street. Megan and Nicola saw a store that sold men's suits. You, need a suit to wear for the ball tomorrow. Megan said.
She pulled us in the store that sold the men's suits. This is nice. Jack said pulling out a suit that looked like it was made from an old rug. No way you are wearing that. Megan said.
You are going to wear this. Megan said. Holding a black suit. I picked a navy blue tuxedo. Jack applied a lace your not going to look you're wearing an old rug. Seeing the time coming to five o'clock. We went back to school for tea.
Arriving in the canteen to see they had magic dumplings. That has warm gravy inside. We all got some. Finishing eating. We went to our room. I can't wait for tomorrow to be over. Jack said. Giving Jacob a carrot.
You're a tippable boy. Means said. Rolling her eyes. I and Nicola can't wait. Megan said. I then took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had four poos and about filthy wees. We arrived back to our room. To see the time coming to nine o'clock. Both girls said they're going to bed.
Nicola came to give me a kiss and give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. Followed by Megan. The girls left saying goodnight. I and Jack got our pyjamas on and give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water and got in bed. That Beni-lee went to lay with Jacob. And fall asleep.
Goodnight, Joey. Jack said. That I replied with goodnight jack mate. We fall fast asleep.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Nearly putting a hole in the door. Yes, we are. Jack replied. As went to let her in. Morning, we got a lot to do today. Starting with breakfast then I've booked you in for a manicure and a pedicure for one o'clock.
Oh, my god. She's taking over our lives for sure. Jack whispered. Megan left saying that she would see us in the canteen for breakfast. I and Jack got out of bad and give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast and get ourselves ready.
We then went to meet Megan and Nicola in the canteen. Good morning. Nicola said. As she et her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them. Finishing our breakfast. We went to get changed in our ball outfits. And went to the ball venue.
Arriving inside the venue to see long white curtains all around us and a giant mirrored ball hanging in mid-air from nothing. I then saw MR Sort Willie. The tuck shop keeper sitting with Gendoff The groundskeeper.
Miss Ritchbum. That teacher's wands and spells. Was sitting with MR Longfeet. The mind control teacher drinking dragon beer. Spell Radio Dj's George And Kelly. Was doing the disco.
Jack requested could they play Rock Your Wands. By The Time Wizards. That he danced like nobody was watching. COME, ON. Jack shouted while he ran around waving his hands above his head.
Kelly announced that it was time for the couple waltz. Oh, my god. Jack said. As we stepped on the dancefloor. Take my waist. Megan told Jack. Megan quickly grabbed Jack's arm and put it around her waist.
We began to waltz. Oh my god. Jack repeated as he waltzed around. Seeing Fred hovering in the shadows. I told Nicola I was going to the toilet. I followed Fred to the Speech household Dormitory.
Seeing Fred collecting an item. That looked like a sideways oval. that was red with a light blue diamond shape in the centre. It's the Recovery Pebble. I thought to myself. Fred took the Recovery Pebble in the bathroom. That I took the chance to get back to the ball.
Arriving back at the venue that the ball was. To see Jack was vomiting in a plant pot. What, up with him. I asked. Megan replied saying. He had a bet that he could drink more dragon beer then Gerrell Walsh. A thin pale student with glasses. I then told Megan and Nicola about Fred. Megan said that we have to look into it more tomorrow. We went to our room.
Help me, someone. Jack said. As he was vomiting in a bucket. Both girls said they are going to bed. That Megan came and give me a kiss and then give Beni-lee a stroke. Megan came and give me a kiss and give Beni-lee a stroke. Then give Jack a dirty look. Both girls went to bed.
I got my pyjamas on and give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water and got in bed. Beni-lee jumped on the bed and went round in a circle before she flopped down and fall asleep.
Are, you awake. It's after ten. Megan called. Knocking on our door. That I answered. MORNING, WE ARE GOING TO THE SPEECH DORMITORY AFTER BREAKFAST TO FIND OUT WHAT THAT ITEM WAS THAT YOU SEEN FRED HAD. Megan said. Bouncing in our room.
It's nine in the bloody morning. Jack said. As he pulled the duvet over his head. She left saying she will see us in the canteen for breakfast. I give Beni-lee breakfast and got ready.
Oh, my god. Jack said. As he dragged himself out of bed. Nearly kicking the bucket of his vomit over. Getting ready. We went to meet Megan in the canteen. Look at the state of you. Megan said. Looking at Jack.
Two hours of broken up sleep I've had. Jack said. Filling his plate. Finishing eating. Jack offed his magic fried eggs. That the yoke changes colour every 5 seconds. To Gendoff. The groundskeeper.
I asked Gendoff if he knows anything about this peddle. That Gendoff looked at me and whisper. How, do you know about the pebble. We researched Zooiem the old headteacher of Ritch Lambs. And it said that three items are the beating heart of Zooiem. That is protected by ten different cation curses.
A cation curse is a forcefield that was created to keep out the most darkness emergencies around. But there's a price to pay for anyone that users it. What, type of price. Jack asked.
A dark and unspeakable price. A type of price that is too powerful and confusing for less powerful wich and wizards to understand. There is only one wizard that could handle the power. Zooiem. Megan said try us. Joey has swan with a three-headed creature underwater. And four against a giant snack and two-terms ago he battled against Zooiem himself.
Okay, come to see me at my house at the edge of the Yamie The Quiet Fores this evening and I will tell you what you want to know. But make sure nobody follows you. Because if anyone finds out I've told you. The Enchanted Of Mystery will have me locked up in Zaban Prison.
We left Gendoff to get lunch. I had spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate. Jack got a mega boy's magic hotdog. That the onions let off the bad odour when you're eating it. Megan and Nicola got a screaming jacket potato. That the butter screams when you are eating it.
Finishing eating. We went to the State House Hold Dormitory until it was time to meet Gendoff
Seeing the time coming to eight o'clock. We made ourselves to meet Gendoff. Hello, nobody has followed or seen you coming here have they. Gendoff asked. No. We replied. Very well. Gendoff said. As he put the kettle of tea on the Glenwood stove.
Gendoff began to say. I think you know the unspeakable Zooiem did. He was shacked and himself locked up in Zaban prison. may years ago for abducting and torturing students using dark magic. The teachers tried to stand up to him. But he was too powerful.
He died due to a rare disease called. Deathbell Parasite. That curses great devastation to all that caught it. Cussing hallucinations. Body limbs to deform. Until that person's death at the end.
As anyone escaped from there. Megan asked. Gendoff replied saying. There are nine-husband foot high waves surrounding it with man-eating creatures. The chance of survival is zero. Unless they have a device that enables to fly. You are not getting out.
Zooiem has got winds. That why he managed to escape. He managed to slip past the guards. They searched for him everywhere. But he never found. Some people believe that he died and overs believe that he lives on in hiding.
Professor Edison the head Professor of Enchanted of Mystery has kept this a secret from the Prem-magic people for years. This is why you've never heard this off me. I could get locked in the next cell to him for telling you that. Gendoff muttered. While he took the kettle off the Glenwood stove.
Do, you want a cup of tea. Gendoff asked. No thank you. I replied. Jack said that he's hasn't eaten since lunch and his belly is rumbling. That's only half an hour. Megan said. Rolling her eyes.
We left showing our appreciation. We learnt that Zooiem meant to die due to a rare disease called. Deathbell Parasite. That curses great devastation to all that caught it. Cussing hallucinations. Body limbs to deform. Until that person's death at the end. And There are nine-husband foot high waves surrounding it with man-eating creatures. the chance of survival is zero. Unless they have a device that enables to fly. You are not getting out. And that Zooiem has got winds. That why he managed to escape.from Zaban Prison. And Professor Edison the head Professor of Enchanted of Mystery has kept this a secret from the Prem-magic people for years.
Arriving at our room to see it was coming to nine o'clock. We took Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy for a walk. Returning back to our room. That both girls said they're going to bed. That Nicola came and give me a kiss. Whiles Megan gives Jack a kiss.
Megan come to me and gave me a kiss. The both of them went over and gave Beni-lee a stroke and left saying goodnight. I and Jack got our pyjamas on and gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink. And got in bed.
Goodnight, Joey. Jack said. Goodnight Jack. I replied.
Are, you awake. Megan called. Coming. I replied. Whiles, I went to let her in. Magic cooking is the first lesson today. Megan announce. Making Jack's eyes light up. She left saying that she will meet us for breakfast in five minutes.
I got Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got ready. Come on Jack. You're going to miss breakfast I said. Cursing him to jump up and get ready. We went to join Megan in the canteen.
Finally, you are here. Megan said. While she was eating magic toffee pops. That toffee pours out when you eat them. I got magic flakes that crumble on the spoon when you are eating them. And Jack got a magic pancake. That the lemon pours out when you eat it.
Finishing our breakfast. We went to magic cooking. Seeing the big cooking pot that had something cooking that smelt beautiful. We sat down to wait for Miss Burncoo to appear. Come to learn how to cook for when the rest of your Prem-magic family dies. Fred said. Giving a little smirk.
Miss Burncoo. The teacher of the ministry of magical cooking. appeared at the front of the class. Good morning. Today we are going to learn how to cook screaming jacket potatoes. That the butter screams when you are eating them.
Miss Burncoo asked us to take out our wands. And flick it up and down then around in a circle. Saying screaming la-jacket-potato. A plate appeared in front of me. I then began to perform the screaming jacket potato spell. That created a steaming hot screaming jacket potato.
My life has just got better. Jack whispered. The big pot in the front of the classroom spat out a carrot. Bloody stupid pot. Miss Burncoo said. While she tried to stop the pot spitting.
Bloody, pot. I don't know. This is what I get for spoiling it. Miss Burncoo asked if we had studied how to make dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce pours out. That the whole class said yes miss. Apart from Jack. He said that his rabbit ate it.
Very well. Stay behind after class. Miss Burncoo said. We went for lunch. Jack won't be happy being late for lunch. Megan said. Oh, my god. I've missed two minutes of eating. Jack said. As he sat down with his spaghetti bolognese. That the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate.
Finishing dinner. We made the way to the witchcraft den. That had cobwebs all over the walls, and a giant pot. That had water bubbling in it. It's dark in here. Jack said. Nearly tripping over the wooden stool.
Noticing an odd-looking creature in a rounded cage. Megan said it was a Recaill. The Recaill was yellow with brown marking with two tusks, two flippers a tale. That look like a hart with fevers on each side.
Wow, that's bloody amazing. Jack said. Not noticing MR Markles stood there. Welcome, to witchcraft. Here you will be shown how to perform Enchanted Of Mystery's witchcraft. Starting with how to contact the spirit world.
MR Markles asked for two volunteers. Megan and Fred raised their hands. Yes, Miss Style and MR Pichard come and join me at the front. MR Markles requested. As Megan and Fred walked to the front. There was a strange atmosphere in the room.
Take out your wands. MR Markles asked. That the both of us slowly pulled our wands out. MR Markles got the Recaill out of the cage. The Recaill. A creature from deep east Afghanistan.
Funny little creatures that can be reborn straight after death. Wow, that's amazing. Jack said. Asking if he could stroke it. Definitely. MR Markles replied. So what, does a Recaill got to do with witchcraft. Jack asked.
Oh lord is that the time. MR Markles said. Ending the lesson. We went to our Dormitory. Witchcraft, Was a load of. JACK. Megan shouting him up before he could say anything else. Jack asked did we think that we try to go to see where Zaban Prison is. Coursing Megan to tell him that it was surrounded by nine-husband foot high waves and man-eating creatures.
We haven't got a chance to. Unless Megan then parse. Yes, I said. Unless we can fly. That made laugh. See the time coming to eight o'clock. Jack said that we never had tea. That he wasn't happy about.
We had to make something. Megan said. Make something. Jack replied. Oh well, Rich Lambs school is going to get burnt down tonight. Stop being too over the top. Megan said. Finishing eating. With Rich Lambs still standing.
I took Beni-lee for a walk. Returning back to our room. Megan said she was going to bed. That she came over and give me a kiss and give Beni-lee a stroke. She then went and give Jack a kiss. And then left giving Jacob a stroke.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on and give Beni-lee a drink of water and got in bed. Goodnight Jack. I said. Goodnight Joey. Jack replied.
Are, you awake. Megan called. Yes. I'm coming now. I replied as I went to open the door. How, can you still be in bed on a day like this. Megan asked. Easy. Jack replied. Well, get up. We have a big task ahead.
Megan left saying she would see us in the canteen for breakfast. I got up and give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast and then got ready. We went to meet Megan and Nicola in the canteen.
Good morning. Nicola said. Eating her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you are eating them. Finishing eating. We went to our room to collect Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. We then made the way to Zaban Prison in Hanuits.
Arriving at Hanuits. We asked two people that looked odd normal. Hi do, you know where we can find Zaban prison. Yes, it's on the island in the middle of the Auna sea. Pointing to a giant medieval building.
The man vanished in the shadows. Oh, my god. Jack said. As looked over at Zaban prison. How, do we get over to it without getting seen. Jack said. Haven't, you worked it out. Megan replied. We can use the invisibility paint that you got at Ministry Of Disappointing.
I haven't bought it with us. I said. That led to Megan pulling it out of her silk bag. Megan read the instructions before we put it on. The instructions read. That the prison that used this product. Is responsible for any side effects. Terms and conditions apply.
It's, risky. Nicola said. Whiles Jack started to cover himself in the invisibility paint. Laughing because he covered his private parts first. Once we were invisible. We saw huge Pelagianisms to get across to Zaban prison.
We climbed on a Pelagianism's back. That the Pelagianism few us across to Zaban prison. We slowly got off the Pelagianism. And walked up the prison gats. And pulled out my wond and cast the fireball spell. Melting the gate bars.
We slowly entered inside the dark damp prison. To see cells with prisoners names on them. Victa Stone. Nicholas Peth. R.K Zooiem. Balls eye. Jack said. As we moved closer to the cell. Hearing the wind and the water running down blowing through the dark walls.
As we entered the cell. We saw the Recovery Pebble on a wooden stand. I went to it and put it in Magen's beg. We then heard a man say. Who's goes there. Making us run out to the Pelagianism and climbing on it's back. And telling it to take us bank to Hanuits. Arriving back at Hanuits. We made the way back to Rich Lambs.
We need to go back there one day. Jack said. That we agreed. See the time coming to nine. I took Beni-lee for a walk. Arriving back to our room. Megan announces that it was the beginning of the school holidays tomorrow.
We can go back to Zaban prison over the holidays. Jack said. That everyone agreed too. Both girls said they're going to bed. Nicola came and give me a kiss. That Nicola followed.
Megan went to Jack and give him a kiss. And went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left saying goodnight. Jack and I got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed.
Goodnight Joey. Jack said. Goodbye Joey. Jack replied.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes. Jack replied. As he got up to let her in. Morning. You need to get ready and get ourselves to the train platform to get the Twitcher Luxury Express. Megan said. I will be back in ten minutes. And you better be up and ready to leave. She ordered as she left. Bossy. DON'T, JACK. I said. Before he could say anything else.
We got up and give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got ready. We went to meet Megan and Nicola to catch the Twitcher Luxury Express. Seeing the golden train waiting. We found an empty carriage and settled down for the journey.
Arriving back in Dina Alley station. I got Beni-lee on her. And got off the train. We went to flag a taxi to take us home. We got to meet up over the holidays to try to find out what the other items are that we have to find. That led to everyone agreeing.
The taxi came to Nicola's house. That she went to give Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy a stroke. She left saying goodbye. The taxi came to Megan's house. She got up and give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. She then gives me and Jack a kiss. And got out of the taxi.
The taxi pulled away from Megan's house. To take us to Jack's house. Jack asked if I wanted to meet up one day without the girls. That I replied saying yes. Then he gave Beni-lee a stoke. And left saying goodbye.
The taxi took me and Beni-lee home to Number 8 Sea Drive Line. I got Beni-lee on her leed and got out of the taxi. As we got close to my front door. I heard. OUR MAGIC BOY AS RETURNED. Making Beni-lee wag her tail. Hearing Danyel.
Welcome home magic boy. Danyel said. As I entered our house. Welcome home, Joey. Granny Peggy and Grandpa George said. I said that I was going to unpack before tea. I went to my bedroom and started to unpack. To find the Recovery Pebble. That had the next item we had to find. That was a golden hart. I then hid the Recovery Pebble in my bedroom.
Kyle Cloete...