Good morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her a stroke. She saw Nicola lying on the pillow next to me. And dive head first in her face. Licking her. Good morning Beni-lee. Nicola said. As she opened her eyes. Morning Beni-lee. She said. Stroking her belly.
We went downstairs to see three full cooked English breakfasts. Placed on the kitchen table. Thank you. Nicola said. As we sat down at the kitchen table. Good morning you two love birds. Danyel said. As she entered the kitchen.
Don't worry I never heard anything in the night. Danyel whispered. With Giving me a little wink. I don't know what you heard. It wasn't coming from my bedroom. I said. Okay. She said giving a little chuckle.
Finishing breakfast. We went to pack our school stuff. And went to say goodbye to Granny Peggy, And went to meet Jack and Megan in the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
Hello, you two. Megan said. Cleaning the chocolate from around Jack's mouth. Jacob. Jack's rabbit. And Twitchy. Megan's Yami-rodent. Had mated with each other. Making Twitchy pregnant.
Were going to be grandparents. Megan said. Jacob and Twitchy have done it before we have. Jack said. Oh, well. Were like virgin Mary. Megan said. Technically she wasn't a virgin. Jack said. JACK, TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW. Megan shouted.
Seeing the time coming to eleven o'clock. We flagged a taxi to take us close to Fox Tale Street. That the magic stores are located. Arriving at the street a couple of blocks from flagged a taxi to take us close to Fox Tale Street. We began to make the rest of the way on foot. Oh my god have we got to walk all this way. Jack said.
Arriving in flagged a taxi to take us close to Fox Tale Street. To see thousands of wizards and witches filling flagged a taxi to take us close to Fox Tale Street. Oh my god. What's happening here. Jack said. It's eighty per cent off everything today. A woman said. As she passed us holding six large bags full of stuff.
Oh, my god. eighty per cent off dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce poured out when you bite them. Jack shouted. Heading for Magical Snacks. Can, I have filthy dirty chocolate beans. please. Jack asked the storekeeper. Of course. That will be fifteen shells, please. The storekeeper said. Holding out her hand.
Leaving Magical Snacks. Megan said that she wanted to go to the Ministry Of Disappointing store. To purchase some invisibility paint. Arriving in the Ministry Of Disappointing store. To see a dark grey cloke hanging in a glass cabinet. We then noticed a little oblong golden plate. That had THE TRANSPARENCY CLOKE OF Lord Oscar Connolly.
Wow, the transparency cloke of Lord Oscar Connolly. Nicola whispered. We went and purchased six pots of invisibility paint. As the storekeeper was serving us. I asked him what was the story behind the transparency cloke. He told us to gather around him. And he will tell us the story of Lord Oscar Connolly.
As we gathered around. He began to tell us many years ago four witches went by the name of the Morgause Weaver. That discovered the way of creating the transparency cloke. To sneak into the Enchanted Of Mystery. But they got caught and got locked up in Zaban Prison.
Are, they still locked up in Zaban Prison. I asked. I believe they are. The storekeeper replied. We left the store. And went to the Magic Well Ale Inn. To get something to eat before getting the Twitcher Luxury Express to Rich Lambs.
Arriving at the Magic Well Ale Inn. I and Jack got mega boy's magic hotdog. That the onions let off the bad odour when you're eating them. Both girls got witches' brew that was gravy and had mince, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and peppers in.
Finishing eating. We made the way to Dina Alley train station to get the Twitcher Luxury Express. Arriving on the platform. To see the golden Twitcher waiting there with steam coming from it. We heard all aboard. We went to find an empty carriage. And settled down. Ready for the journey ahead.
Welcome onboard the Twitcher Luxury Express this afternoon. I am the driver that's going to take you to Rich Lambs today. The estimated journey time is one hour and twenty-six minutes.
Don't forget you can listen to Spell Radio and order snacks with the takeover minds spell. As the Twitcher Luxury Express pulled out of Dina Alley. The first-year student's families were there to wave them off.
As the Twitcher Luxury Express was pulling out from the station. It started to thunder and lightning. I wonder if the thunder and lightning will stop before we get to Rich Lambs. Nicola said. Looking out of the train window.
Here's a brand new term about to begin. Megan said. I wonder if there will be people getting killed this term. Jack said. As he ordered a load of food using the takeover minds spell.
Mum told me that I'm going to be a size of a mansion if I don't stop eating. Jack said. Oh well. I'll have to deal with that when it happens. You greedy pig. Megan minded.
Has this Twitcher Luxury Express was on its way to Rich Lambs. We saw a dust storm heading towards us. Oh my god. We're going to be buried alive. Jack said. And then the whole carriage went pitch black. And we heard a woman's voice outside our carriage whispering. Saying the touch of Lois Windsor is located at the heart of Rich Lambs.
That must be under the school. Megan said. Seeing the Twitcher Luxury Express was getting close to Rich Lambs. We got into our school robs. That was different this year. Because there's going to be something happening this term that MR Jayman is going to announce in his welcome speech.
Welcome to Rich Lambs. Your home for the next year. I hope you have a good and safe year ahead and I hope you travel with us again soon. We then got our stuff together and I put Beni-lee lead on her. And we made the way to the two stone lions on each side of Rich Lambs' entrance.
Welcome home. Jack said. As we entered the hallway. Seeing the old paintings hanging on the walls. We took Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy to our room. And then went to the canteen for the welcome speech to begin.
Finding an empty place at the State House's long table. We waited for MR Jayman to appear. I wonder if there's going to be any new teachers and lessons this term. Megan said.
Noticing the candles started to viciously flicker. That was followed by a beam of light. And a big explosion. That MR Jayman appeared peering over his spectacles. Welcome to a new year at Rich Lambs. MR Jayman announced.
This is going to be your home for the next year. You will eat, sleep, and face your hardest challenges beyond your imaginations. MR Jaymayman went to say that the school uniform will be a dark brown jumper with grey trousers and white knee height shocks. I'm going to look like a total wally. Jack said.
MR Jayman went to say. That our new uniform is a good example to our household. MR Jayman continued to say that the Yamie forest is off limited to every student. And there will be some punishes if a student gets caught in there will get expelled straight away.
MR Jayman announced that there was going to be a special event taking place called. The retail-black flower task. This task is located deep inside The Yamie The Quiet Forest. The student that collects the retail-black flower. Will receive a special prize.
MR Jayman announced that was the end of the welcome speech by saying. he hoped that everyone has a good and safe year ahead. And then he stepped back and disappeared in a blue flame.
Prefects Tom and George. Took control to guide the first-year students to their right dormitories. That the first-year students were getting mixed up and going in the wrong bathrooms. That made the girls scream.
Arriving in the State House Hold Dormitory. I said that I was going to take Beni-lee for a walk before bed. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. Arriving back in our room. Megen announced that our first lesson tomorrow was Witchcraft. And we have to find the locate the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. Megan announced.
I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had three long poos. And twenty wees. Arriving back in our room. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. Telling us that was Witchcraft our first lesson tomorrow.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, coming now. Jack replied. As he got out of his bed to let her in. Morning. It's Witchcraft our first lesson of the day. Have you studded crystal balls and fortune-telling. Megan asked. That Jack replied with he's been trying to beat his record of eating two-haunted mega boy's magic hotdog. That the onions let off the bad odour when you're eating them. In under two minutes.
Get yourselves ready and I will meet you in the canteen for breakfast. Megan said Taking no notice of what jack had just said. She left to let us get ready. That I then gave Beni-lee breakfast. And got ready. And met both girls in the canteen.
Good morning you two. Nicola said. As she ate a bowl of magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you're eating them. Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the witchcraft den.
Arriving in the den. To see it was covered in cobwebs. We then took a wooden stool. To wait for MR Markles to appear. I'm sure that I just saw a giant spider. Jack whispered.
Welcome to witchcraft. MR Markles announced. As he appeared at the front of the witchcraft den. Today we're going to learn about pentagrams. MR Markles began by saying. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is theorized to have begun using both upright and inverted five-pointed stars in Temple architecture, dating from the Nauvoo Illinois Temple dedicated on 30 April 1846 Other temples decorated with five-pointed stars in both orientations include the Salt Lake Temple and the Logan Utah Temple. These usages come from the symbolism found in Revelation chapter 12: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
MR Markles went to say. Because of a perceived association with Satanism and occultism, many United States schools in the late 1990s sought to prevent students from displaying the pentagram on clothing or jewellery. In public schools, such actions by administrators were determined in 2000 to violate students' First Amendment right to free exercise of religion.
The encircled pentagram (referred to as a pentacle by the plaintiffs) was added to the list of 38 approved religious symbols to be placed on the tombstones of fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetery on 24 April 2007. The decision was made following ten applications from families of fallen soldiers who practised Wicca. The government paid the families US$225,000 to settle their pending lawsuits.
Oh, my god. he never shut up for half an hour. Jack said. As he wiped the saliva from his chin. MR Markles said how interesting was that. That made the whole den look at each other with shock.
See the time coming to midday. MR Markles announced that was the end of the lesson. And we study pentagrams. Leaving the witchcraft den. We went to the canteen for lunch.
It's Magic Music next lesson. Megan announced. Finishing lunch. We went to the Magic Music laboratory. To see the two giant speakers at the front of each side of the laboratory. We found a bongo seat. To wait for Professor Musicala to appear.
Don't forget that we still have to locate the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. And we have the retail-black flower task coming up. Megan reminded us.
Welcome to Magic Music. Professor Musicala announced. As he appeared at the front of the laboratory. Today we're going to do something different. The Professor asked has anyone heard of DJ mixing. That most of the students said that they have.
Professor Musicala told us that a DJ mix set is usually performed live in front of an audience in a nightclub, party, or rave setting. Mixsets can also be performed live on the radio or recorded in a studio. Methods of mixing vary slightly depending on the music genres being played. House and trance DJs tend to aim for smooth blended mixes while hip-hop DJs may use turntablism, scratching and other cutting techniques. Some DJs, particularly those mixing Goa trance may prefer to mix during a break in which instead of beats, washes of synthesized sounds are combined. Further refinement to the mixing quality can be provided with harmonic mixing which avoids dissonant tones during a mix.
He then said In live situations, the progression of the DJ set is a dynamic process. The DJ chooses tracks partly in response to the activity on the dance floor. If the dance floor becomes less active, the DJ will make a judgement as to what track will increase dance floor activity. This may involve shifting the tempo or changing the general mood of the set. Track choices are also due, in part, to where the DJ wishes to take his or her audience. In this way, the resulting mix set is brought about through a symbiotic relationship between the audience and DJ Studio DJs have the luxury of spending more time on their mix, which often leads to productions that could never be realized in real-time.
He continued to say that. Traditional DJ mixing with vinyl required the DJ to sync tracks tempo and modify the volume and equalisation of each track to create a smooth blend. DJs can use a mixer's crossfader to switch between tracks or use the volume control for each source with the crossfader permanently positioned in the middle. Mixing is usually done through the use of headphones and a monitor speaker or foldback as basic aids. At this basic level, the DJ is required to develop a specific auditory skill where each track's tempo had to be distinguished while listening to more than one piece of music. The use of compact discs and players such as the CDJ by DJs brought technological advances for the DJ performing a mix including a readout of the bpm and a visual representation of the beat. Modern computer technology has allowed automatic beatmatching and led to debate regarding its use, which is sometimes described as cheating. DJ software provides automatic beatmatching and key detection which simplifies harmonic mixing. In live situations, the progression of the DJ set is a dynamic process. The DJ chooses tracks partly in response to the activity on the dance floor. If the dance floor becomes less active, the DJ will make a judgement as to what track will increase dance floor activity. This may involve shifting the tempo or changing the general mood of the set. Track choices are also due, in part, to where the DJ wishes to take his or her audience. In this way, the resulting mix set is brought about through a symbiotic relationship between the audience and DJ Studio DJs have the luxury of spending more time on their mix, which often leads to productions that could never be realized in real-time.
He then cast a spell that made a set of turntables appear. Professor Musicala asked if a student like to volunteer to go and join him at the front. That Jack and I raised our hands.
Yes, MR Parker and MR Slices please come up to join me at the front. Professor Musicala said. With making the way to were the turntables the front between the two giant speakers.
Professor Musicala asked Jack to go on the turntables first. That made Jack feel like he was a superstar Dj. Seeing the time coming to four o'clock. Professor Musicala announced that the end of the lesson. And could, we study how a Dj sync their tracks together.
Leaving the Magic Music laboratory. We went to the tuckshop to get some snacks for in our room. Arriving at the tuckshop. To see MR Sort Willie. The tuck shopkeeper.
Jack asked him as he got some new snacks. That he showed him these chocolate slugs. That sliver down your throat. I'll have twenty, please. Jack said. We then went to our room. That I took Beni-lee for a walk. That she had five curly poos and twenty wees.
Arriving back to our room. Megan announced that it was magic cooking is our first lesson tomorrow. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, I'm coming now. I replied. As I got out of bed to let her in. MORNING, IT'S MAGIC COOKING IS OUR FIRST LESSON TODAY. SO GET YOURSELVES UP AND DRESS. She said.
She left telling us that she would see us in the canteen for breakfast. I got out of bed. And gave Bani-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got dressed. We went to meet both girls in the canteen.
Morning, you two. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you're eating them. Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the magic cooking classroom.
Arriving in the classroom. To smell the giant pot cooking a witches' brew. We then found a seat to wait for Miss Burncoo to appear. I hope you have studied how to cook magic dragon beer meet pies. Megan asked.
Welcome to magic cooking. Miss Burncoo announced. As she appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to learn how to cook spaghetti bolognese that the spaghetti wriggled around on the plate.
Miss Burncoo asked us to take out our wands. And point it at the plate. That appeared in front of us. And say. La-bolo. I then pointed my wand at the plate. And said La-bolo. That made spaghetti bolognese that the spaghetti wriggled appear on the plate.
It reminds me of warms. Megan said. Nice tasting warms. Jack said. As he was sucking up the wriggling spaghetti in his mouth. You remind me of a monkey, Jack. Megan said.
As we were watching Jack eating the spaghetti bolognese. That he had around his mouth. We heard a woman's whisper saying. The touch of Lois Windsor. Has been placed in the cabin of SEAMUS said the soft woman's voice. Cursing Miss Burncoo to call off the magic cooking lesson.
Seeing the time coming midday. We went to the canteen for lunch. We have to find the cabin of SEAMUS after Vegetable Producing this afternoon Megan said. Finishing lunch. We went to the vegetable allotment.
Arriving at the vegetable allotment. To see hundreds of plants. We stood aside at a long table. That had hundreds of plant pots on. How hot, is it in here. Jack said. As he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
Welcome to Vegetable Producing. Professor Seed announced. As she appeared at the top of the long table. Today we're going to learn about Dwarf Easnettas. Professor Seed went to say that the Dwarf Easnettas can be used to shrink objects. Can, it shrink humans. Can, it shrink certain body parts. Jack asked. Yes, of course, it can. Professor Seed replied. What about Professor Oscar Cook. Could, he shrink his noes. Jack asked. It doesn't work miracles. Professional Seed said laughing.
Professor Seed took out a creature. That was round and fluffy. And the size of a tennis ball. This is a Bloggie. The Professor said. Lifting it in her hands. Could, I have a hold. Professor. Paul Skinner. A Student That's Keeps himself to himself. Asked. Yes certainly. Professor Seed replied.
As Paul Skinner had hold of the Bloggie. It did a little wee on Paul's school robes. That made Fred and Mick Thomas. Fred Pichard's Friend laugh. Bloody idiot. Jack said.
Seeing the time coming to three o'clock. Professor Seed announced that the next lesson is going to be held in a haunted hacker garden. Leaving the vegetable allotment. Megan asked if we wanted to go to the Yamie The Quiet Forest. That everyone agreed to go.
I then went to get Beni-lee from our room. And started to make the way to the Yamie. I wonder what is the retail-black flower task is about. Jack said. I'm more interested in finding the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. To complete this part of the task. Megan said.
She's a right pain in the backside. Jack whispered. I heard that. She shouted. As she bounced past Jack. Oh, well. It looks like she's won't be talking to me for a while. Jack said.
Arriving in the Yamie. We were met by the head of the giant community. Hello, friends of the giants. Why, do we have the privilege of your company this evening. The head giant asked. As he sat on his frithy foot high stone chair.
We're looking for the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. I believe it is located at the heart of Rich Lambs. I said. Do, you know where we can find it. I asked.
The cabin of Seamus is located in the dark and quiet part of Rich Lambs. Where, do we find that. I asked. All that you have to do is follow the ghostly cries. And they will guide you to the cabin of Seamus. Where the touch of Lois is held.
Thank you for telling us. I said. Seeing the time coming to six o'clock. We made the way to our room. To see Beni-lee had broking into the self-filling fridge. And ate Jack's dirty chocolate beans. That chocolate sauce poured out when you bite them.
Why, is it always my sweets that's she eats. Jack said. Looking at Beni-lee. I then took her for a walk. That she had six runny poos. And twenty wees. Arriving back to our room. Megan announced that it was Producing the first lesson tomorrow. And don't forget we still have the retail-black flower task to do.
Seeing the coming to nine o'clock. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy.
I wonder what we're going to be learning about in Producing tomorrow. Jack said. I hope it's something interesting. About how aliens reproduce. We got our pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink. And got in bed. Goodnight Joey. Jack said. Goodnight Jack mate. I replied.
Are, you awake. Megan called. I'm coming now. I said. As I got out of bed to let her in. GOOD MORNING. IT'S PRODUCING OUR FIRST LESSON OF THE DAY. SO YOU NEED TO GET YOURSELVES READY AND GET DOWN IN THE CANTEEN FOR THE BREAKFAST. Megan said. As she left.
I then give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And get ready. And went to meet them both girls in the canteen. Morning. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes that crumble on the spoon when you're eating them.
Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the Producing classroom. Arriving in the classroom to see a piece of cloth. Covering a long item. I will give you two guesses about what's under there. Jack said.
Welcome to Producing. Professor Testicle announced. As he appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to learn how magic people produce. Professor Testicle went to say that when two people are in love with each other. They produce.
Now when wizards and witches fall in love. They perform a relationship with each other. They aren't the only couple in the wizarding world to get married at such a young age. It may be because the wizarding population is so small, so people tend to meet all the wizards of their generation.
Wizards and witches don't produce large families. That means the community of the witches and wizards is dying out. We have to get busy then. Jack said. Looking at Megan.
Seeing time coming to midday. Professor Testicle announced. That was the end of Producing. And could, we please study how witches and wizards multiple. Leaving Producing. We went to the canteen for lunch.
It's Wands And Spells next lesson. Nicola said. Yes, and then it's the retail-black flower task. Not forgetting that we still have to locate the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. Located at the heart of Rich Lambs.
Finishing eating our witches' brew that was gravy and had mince, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and peppers in. We made the way to the Wands And Spells. I wonder what spells we will learn today. Nicola said. I hope it's a spell that creates dirty chocolate beans that chocolate sauce pours out. Jack said.
Arriving in the Wands And Spells classroom. We took a seat. To wait for Miss Ritchbum to appear.
Welcome to Wands And Spells. Miss Ritchbum announced. As she appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to be learning how to cast the Coatter spell. This spell can cursor devastation to a whole country in a flash.
If it gets into the wrong hands. It will curse great devastation to a whole country. Miss Ritchbum asked us to take out our womds. And we then saw a mini vision of the world.
As we looked closely. We saw what was like bacteria moving. That can't be humans. Jack said. As he looked closer. It is. Miss Ritchbum said. She then got her wand. And said. La-tsunami. That made a tsunami.
Seeing a tsunami ripping through the cities. Miss Ritchbum said that she thinks it's time to clean everything back up. She then ponied her wand at the world. And said. Re-tsunami. That made everything go back to normal.
Seeing the time coming to two o'clock. Miss Ritchbum announced that was the end of the lesson. And could, we study. How to stop tsunamis. We then left Wands And Spells.
Shell we try looking for the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. Nicola said. That everyone agreed to. We will start searching for it after tea. Megan said.
We went to the canteen to get our tea. That I got magic hash browns. That crumble when you are eating them. Finishing our tea. We went to get Beni-lee from our room. And began to search for the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor.
Have, you seen the cabin of Seamus. Just outside the Yamie The Quiet Forest. It looks scary. Jack said. Yes, it's meant to be the most haunted building in England. Megan said. Cursing Jack to worry.
It's okay, you can hide me, Jack. Megan said. Giving a little chuckle. Oh, my god. Jack said. It's Witchcraft and Mind Control tomorrow. And we still have the retail-black flower task coming up. Megan said.
Arriving outside the Yamie The Quiet Forest. To see the old cabin. Oh, my god. Jack said. We then slowly crept over to the cabin's window and looked in. As we peeked in. We saw the touch of Lois Windsor. There's it is. Nicola said.
Seeing the touch of Lois Windsor was in a glass cabinet. We slowly entered the dark and damp cabin of Seamus. How, can we get it out of the cabinet. Jack asked honestly Jack. Haven't, you worked it out. Megan said. We have to break the glass to yet to the touch of Lois Windsor.
And how, are we going to break the glass. Jack asked. We have to find something that will be strong enough to break through the glass. As we stood there. A woman#s whisper said. The way to break the glass is patience. The glass will crack in twenty-four hours from this second.
Patience. That's all we have done is bloody wait. Jack said. We have twenty-four hours to wait. So we have to come back tomorrow. I said. That everyone agreed. We went to our room.
Don't forget that we have Mind Control and Witchcraft tomorrow. Megan said. And we have the retail-black flower task coming up. Megan said. Oh my god. I haven't studied crystal balls and fortune-telling. That MR Markles asked us.
Seeing the time coming to nine o'clock. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. I wonder what will be learning about in Mind Control and Witchcraft tomorrow. Jack asked. I don't know mate. I replied.
Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, I'm coming now. I replied. As I got out of bed to let her in. MORNING, IT'S WITCHCRAFT THE FIRST LESSON OF THE DAY. SO GET YOURSELVES OUT OF BED AND DRESSED. AND I WILL MEET YOU IN THE CANTEEN FOR BREAKFAST. Megan said. As she left.
I give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got ready. We then went to meet the two girls in the canteen. Morning, you both. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes. that crumble on the spoon when you're eating them.
Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the witchcraft den. Arriving in the den. To see the cobweb-covered walls. And the giant pot. That had water bubbling in. We took a wooden stool. To wait for MR Markles to appear.
Welcome to witchcraft. MR Markles announced. As he appeared in the witchcraft den. Today we're going to learn about voodoo. MR Markles began to tell us that. Voodoo came to New Orleans in the early 1700s, through slaves brought from Africa’s western “slave coast.” Like so many things in New Orleans, Voodoo was then infused with the city’s dominant religion, Catholicism, and became a Voodoo-Catholicism hybrid sometimes referred to as New Orleans Voodoo. In New Orleans, for instance, Legba, the Voodoo deity who controls the gates to the spirit world, becomes St. Peter, who holds the keys to the gates of heaven.
The hybrid was evident in Marie Laveau, a devout Catholic who attended Mass at St. Louis Cathedral and was a close friend of the cathedral’s priest, Pere Antoine.
Today, Voodoo lives on in New Orleans through people who see it as part of their culture, through error-prone rumours, and through the long shadow of Laveau, the city’s best-known voodoo.
In front of Laveau’s brick-and-mortar tomb in St. Louis No. 1 cemetery on the outskirts of the French Quarter, fans layout stacks of nickels, paper flowers, and other offerings. Visiting cemeteries such as this one is one of the most popular things to do in the French Quarter and beyond.
MR Markles went on to say. When Laveau was alive and living on St. Ann Street, people used to knock on her door at all hours, looking for legal help, food, or advice about a straying husband. Her death in 1881 didn’t stop that. In Voodoo, an ancestor is as much alive as a living person.
We heard a big bang on our table.OH, MY GOD. I'VE JUST NEARLY GOT KNOCKED OUT. BECAUSE I FALL ASLEEP. Jack said. Cleaning the slobber from his mouth. Seeing the time coming to eleven o'clock. MR Markles announced that was the end of the lesson. And could, we study voodoo.
Leaving the witchcraft den. Megan announced that it was Mind Control next lesson. And it's Time Travel after lunch. And we have to go back to the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. Hopefully, the glass will be broken. And we will be able to get the touch of Lois Windsor.
We then made the way to the Mind Control classroom. Entering the classroom. To see loads of glass jars. That had brains in. We took a seat to wait for MR Longfeet to appear.
Welcome to Mind Control. MR Longfeet announced. As he appeared at the front of the classroom. Today we're going to learn how to control the mind of your enemy. MR Longfeet said.
MR Longfeet asked if two students would like to volunteer to go to join him at the front of the classroom. That I and Olivia Lamber put our hands up. Yes, MR Parker and Misses Lamber. Come and join me at the front.
The both of us made the way to the front of the classroom. How, are you both. MR Longfeet asked. Fine, thank you. We replied. Very good. Longfeet said He asked us to our wands out.
Now on the count of three. I want to say. AL-maindio. I then pointed my wond at Olivia. And said. AL-maindio. That course Olivia to go into a trance. Ask him to do something. Olivia, do a funny dance. That Olivia started to do the say oops upside your head dance.
Yes, you got some moves, Olivia. MR Longfeet said. Giving a little chuckle. Seeing the time coming to midday. MR Longfeet announced that was the end of Mind Control. And could, we please study how to take control of the mind.
We made the way to the canteen for lunch. Wizard 5 By Side this afternoon. Megan announced. And we still have the retail-black flower task coming up. And we have to return to the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. Megan said.
Finishing lunch. We made the way to the Gamsport complex.
arriving at the Gamsport. To see it was full of students. Chanting their households. Both girls went to find a seat. I and Jack went to meet with MR Blackmadics. Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to Wizard 5 By Side. This afternoon the weather is going to be bad. But that won't stop us from playing. MR Blackmadics said. As he tried to stop himself from getting blown over.
told us to perform a circle around him. While he went through the wizard 5 By Side rules. Anything is allowed accepted from harmful spells. MR Blackmadics then told us to have a good game and he went to stand at the side of the pitch.
We heard the wizard 5 By Side whistle to get the game started. We would like to thank you for joining us today on Spell Radio. George And Kelly announce. We are LIVE on Spell Radio. commentating on today's wizard 5 by side.
I wouldn't want to be playing wizard 5 by side in this weather would you George. No, Kelly. I certainly wouldn't. Today's match is State House vs Speech House. Oh, god. This won't end well. Won't it Kelly.
Here comes Jack Slices that passes the wriggle-ball to Gerrell Walsh. That gives it to Joey Parker. PARKER SHOOTS. AND IT'S GOES IN. TO MAKE IT STATE HOUSE ONE AND SPEECH HOUSE NILE.
Can, you hear the chants from the State household fans. Kelly. Yes, It's an electric atmosphere. Let's finish this match without any problems. Yes, let's hope Kelly. And don't forget George that it's the retail-black flower task tomorrow. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.
It's thirty seconds to play in this game. Let's see if we can have more points on the scoreboard. Here comes Jack Slices on his own with the wriggle-ball. HE SHOOTS. IT GOES IN. TO MAKE IT STATE HOUSE TWO AND SPEECH HOUSE NILE.
And that the sound of the wizard 5 By Side whistle to end the game. That was a good game, Kelly. Yes, it was George. Don't forget we're back tomorrow for the retail-black flower task.
Jack and I went to get a shower. And then we went to meet both girls. Good game lads. Megan said. We then went to our room. It's the retail-black flower task tomorrow. And we have to the cabin of Seamus. To collect the touch of Lois Windsor. Megan said.
We took Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy for a walk. Arriving back. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy.
We got our pyjamas on. And gave Beni-lee and Jacob a drink. And got in bed. Goodnight Joey. Jack said. Goodnight Jack mate. I replied.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, I'm coming now. I replied. As I got out of bed to let her in. Morning. we have a big day ahead of us. So you need to get yourselves ready and I will meet you in the canteen for breakfast. Megan said. As she left.
She can pea off. Jack said. Has he put his pillow over his head. I then give Beni-lee and Jacob their breakfast. And got ready. We then went to meet the two girls in the canteen.
Morning Joey. Nicola said. As she ate her baken flavour yoghurt. Finishing breakfast. We made the way to the cabin of Seamus. I wonder if the glass has broken. Jack said. Hopefully, it's been over twenty-four hours since we were here. Megan replied.
As we arrived at the old cabin of Seamus. We went to the old wooden blank door. And slowly opened it. As it opened. We saw that the glass in the cabinet was cracked. We made the way over to it to collect the touch of Lois Windsor.
Go on pick it up. Jack said. I then slowly made the way to the cabinet. I reached my hand out. As my fingers touched the touch of Lois Windsor. A woman's whisper said. Take the touch of Lois Windsor to the Yamie The Quiet Forest.
And then what. Jack said. There's must be something waiting to collect the touch there. Nicola said. We will come back after the retail-black flower task tomorrow. Megan said. That remained her that we had to go shopping to get new clothes.
We went last time. And you took agers in one store. Jack said. NO, WE DIDN'T. I ONLY WAS IN A STORE FOR OVER A HOUR. Megan said. With her hands on her hips. That made me laugh.
We went to get Beni-lee from our room. And then we made the way to Wood Burn Village. I wonder what clothes they've got in Woman Fashion. Megan said. It's going to be a long shopping trip. Jack mumbled.
Arriving at Wood Burn Village. To see loads of high street stores. Let's go in here. Megan said. Pulling Jack by his arm to Woman Fashion. Oh. my god. Really. Jack said. With a face like thunder.
Finishing in Woman Fashion. We went to Top Guys. Entering Top Guys. To see tuxedos. What about this. Jack said. Pointing to a white tuxedo. You will have that black in two seconds. Megan said.
I like this one. Jack said. Pointing to a cream colour tuxedo. That will be a black tuxedo by the end of the night. Megan said. Oh well. A lease we can leave this shore. And go to Happy Joe's. To get some food. Jack said.
Leaving Top Guys. We went to Happy Joe's. Arriving in. Happy Joe's. We ordered something to eat. Jack ordered. Two mega boy's magic hotdog. That the onions let off the bad odour when you're eating them. Two magic bin lids. That had sausage and egg and beans in.
Seeing the time coming to six o'clock. We started to make ourselves back to school. We still have to collect the touch of Lois Windsor after the retail-black flower task tomorrow. Megan said.
Arriving at our room. I said that I was going to take Beni-lee for a walk before bed. Arriving back from taking Beni-lee. That she had ten wees and four long poos.
Arriving back in our room. Seeing the time coming to nine o'clock. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. And fall asleep. Goodnight Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, here now. I replied. As I got out of bed to let her in. MORNING IT'S THE RETAIL BLACK FLOWER TASK TODAY. SO THAT MEANS YOU'VE GOT TO GET YOURSELVES READY. She left telling us that she will meet us in the canteen for breakfast.
I then give Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got ready. We went to meet both girls in the canteen. Morning, Joey. Nicola said. As she ate her magic flakes. That crumble on the spoon when you're eating them.
Finishing breakfast. We went to a giant room. That was dark. And had giant black flycatcher plants. We noticed that the giant black flycatcher plants were moving. Oh, my god. That plant just moved. Jack said. As he put his head up closed to the plant.
I wouldn't put my head close to that. Megan said. Honestly Megan. What is bad is going to happen. Jack said. Okay, don't say I didn't warn you. Megan said. Rolling her eyes.
Jack put his head next to the plant. That the plant closed its head. And trapping Jack's head. OH, MY BLOODY GOD. Jack shouted. Makings everyone look. Just you to get your head to shuck in a plant. Megan said. As she pulled his head out of the plant.
We saw allotments appear. Welcome to the retail-black flower task. MR Jayman said. As he appeared in the middle of the giant room. Today you're going to be faced with a task that will be the most challenging task you will ever do.
MR Jayman asked us to enter the allotment. As we entered. The door closed behind us. Locking us in. Oh, my god. we're going to die this time. Jack said. As we stood in the allotment. We saw plant pots appear. That had a yellow colour plant with black leaves on it.
I think it's dead. Jack said. MR Jayman told us we had to try to get the plant alive and singing in fifteen minutes. To complete the task. I then got my wond out. And cast the Receiveaudie spell. That creates your mind to receive audio.
How the bloody hell did you get that to dance. Jack said. It's all in the music. I replied. We then heard the woman's whisper saying. The touch of Lois is ready to collect.
MR Jayman called the retail-black flower task off. And told us to go to our Dormitory. We secretly made the way to the cabin of Seamus.
Arriving at the cabin. We slowly walked to the old wooden door and slowly opened it. We peeked in to see the touch of Lois was waiting to be collected. Go on Joey. Go and pick it up. Jack whispered.
I slowly made the way to the touch of Lois. And reached out to take it from the cabinet. As I slowly lifted the touch of Lois from the cabinet. A woman's whisper said. Take the touch to the grounds keeper's house without being seen.
We made the way to Gendoff's house. That was located at the entrance of Rich Lambs. Arriving at the location. We saw a line of little lights. That led to the touch. That had a beam of light over it.
We Then made our way to the touch. And I picked it up. To find out it was made out of solid gold. I then place the touch in my bag. And then we started to make ourselves away from the location.
As we were making the way. We heard Gendoff saying. What, are you doing hanging around here. Where just looking for a magic chicken that lays eggs whiles your eating it. Megan replied.
You won't find something like that around here. They only can be found in Rich Lambs' kitchens. Unless you have the way into the kitchen. You won't be able to get one. Gendoff said.
We then saw an odd-normal-looking creature sitting on the chair. What, is that. Jack said. That is a kitt-pup. A puppy and a kitten bread together. That's just weird. Jack said. As he gave it a stroke.
Seeing the time coming to half eight. We began to make the way to our room. We took Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy for a walk. Arriving back. Both girls said they are going to bed. Megan came to kiss me. Followed by Nicola. Both girls went to give Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And left with Twitchy. Telling it was the beginning of the Christmas holidays tomorrow.
I and Jack got our pyjamas on. And give Beni-lee and Jacob a drink of water. And got in bed. Beni-lee and Jacob lay next to each other. and fall asleep. Goodnight, Joey. Goodnight, Jack.
ARE, YOU AWAKE. Megan called. Yes, I'm coming now. I said. As I got out of bed to let her in. Morning it's the beginning of the Christmas holidays today. So we going to get breakfast on the train.
Megan left telling us that she will see us at the entrance to go to catch the Twitcher Luxury Express in 5 minutes. we gave Beni-lee and Jacob breakfast. And got ready. And then we went to meet Megan and Nicola. Good morning Joey. Nicola said. Kissing me.
We made the way to the train platform. Finding an empty carriage. We settled down. For the journey home, As the Twitcher pulled out of the platform. We saw reindeer tracks outside of the window. It's farther Christmas. Jack said. Pressing his nose against the window.
We then heard bells ringing. IT'S HIM, HE MUST BE CHECKING IF WE'RE BEING GOOD. Jack shouted. That made the decorations shiver. It then started to snow heavily. That made it look Christmasly.
Welcome to Dina Alley train station. I hope you had a good journey with us. And I hope to see you travelling again soon. We then got Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. And got off the train. To catch a taxi cab.
Do, you want to meet next week and go to Santa's Wonderland. Megan suggested. That everyone agreed to go. I wonder what the next task is. Nicola said. It probably will be where we have to collect something. I Said.
The taxi cab came to Nicola's house. That she came to kiss me. She left saying goodbye to Jack, Megan, Beni-lee, Jacob and Twitchy. The taxi took us to Megan's house. That she came to kiss me. And then went to kiss Jack. She then gave Beni-lee and Jacob a stroke. And then left the taxi with Twitchy.
The taxi took us to Jack's house. That he went to give Beni-lee a stoke. And left with Jacob. Saying that he will see me next week. The taxi took me home to number 8 Sea Drive Line.
I then got Beni-lee. And got out of the taxi. As we were walking to my house. I heard Danyel shout. OUR MAGIC BOY IS HOME. That made Beni-lee jump from my arms and run to her.
I then went inside to see Granny Peggy and Grandpa George. Welcome home, Joey. They said. I said that I was going to unpack. Why as Beni-lee gotta fat belly. Danyel shouted from her bedroom. That I went to see her. I think someone is going to be a father. Danyel said. This means I'm going to be an auntie. Danyel said.
Has, she been with any dogs. Danyel asked. Not that I know of. I replied. Oh, well. You are going to be a dad. Danyel said. Laughing. See the time coming to midday. Granny Peggy cooked fish and smiley face chips with peas.
Finishing dinner. I went to my bedroom to watch magic videos the rest of the day.
Morning Beni-lee. I said. Giving her fat belly a stroke. She then heard Danyel go to the toilet. Cursing her to body-flop off my bed. To go to see her. I then got out of bed. And went downstairs for breakfast.
Good morning Joey. Grandpa George said. As he took a sip of coffee. Morning Grandpa. I replied as I sat at the kitchen table. Granny Peggy popped out of the kitchen holding three plates of cooked English breakfast.
Morning Joey. She said. As she places the plate in front of me. I'm going to Santa's Wonderland today with Jack, Megan and Nicola. And I need someone to take care of Beni-lee for me. That Danyel said she would love to.
I then got dressed. And went to meet Jack, Megan and Nicola at the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line. Morning mate. Jack said. That Megan and Nicola came and kissed me.
Are, you ready to see farther Christmas. Jack said. As he stood there in his Christmas jumper. We then made the way to Santa's Wonderland. Arriving at Santa's Wonderland. To feel the temperature drop to minus eight.
We entered Santa's Wonderland. To see the ground was covered by snow. We then saw raindeers. IT'S RUDOLPH. Jack said. We then heard Christmas music coming from a long street.
As we entered the long street. We saw old brick houses. That had frost around their windows. Wow, how Christmasly down here. Jack said. We then heard further Christmas's voice asking children what did they wanted for Christmas.
As we walked down the long street. We saw Father Christmas's grotto. That had snow coming from the roof. We entered Father Christmas's grotto. To see Father Christmas sitting on a chair.
SANTA, DO YOU REMEMBER ME JACK SLICES. Jack shouted. Yes, Jack. I remember you. Santa replied. This year can I please have. dirty chocolate beans that chocolate sauce pours out. That Father Christmas looked at him like he was speaking in a different language.
Finishing seeing Father Christmas. We went for lunch in the Christmas caffeine. I think Beni-lee might be pregnant. I said. Making everyone say aww. Fishing lunch. We went to the little Christmas store. That's called Festive Gifs.
Leaving Festive Gifs. We saw a group of people gathering around something. That we went over to have a look. As we got closed. We saw an old fashioned television. That had an old abandoned building.
That looks like it's in Hanuits. The village that Rich Lambs is. Nicola said. The television changed channels to a wishing well. We heard a woman's whisper saying. The next part of the task is we had to reserve the case of Miss Gwynn Warren. That is hidden in a wishing well. That is hidden deep inside Rich Lambs.
The man went on the PA system to announce that Santa's Wonderland was closing. And could, we please make the way to the nearest exit. Leaving Santa's Wonderland. We made the way to the little playground at the bottom of Sea Drive Line.
Can, we come to see Beni-lee. Both girls said. That I said they could. We went to my house. To see Beni-lee was laying on the crouch with loads of puppies around her. congratulations Joey you're a dad. Jack said. As we watched four puppies feeding off